
Son of The Night

After death, he didn't stay dead, no, he was selected. After his death, all he saw was a screen: [Welcome to the RRS, Random Reincarnation System! I will reincarnate you into a random world with random powers. Why? Because I want to! Well, good luck!] Soon, a single and empty [ ] appeared in front of him, several names of several words started to scroll down at extremely fast speeds. Soon, a single word stopped: [Percy Jackson and The Olympians] -Author Notes- This book's protagonist is Pansexual. No gender, just ass. However, his love interests will be male. So this is a very gay book, if you feel uncomfortable about it, don't read it. This book is completed. 200+ Chapters, 261,428 words, views: 1.3M, collections: 2.3K

DaoOfGay · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 52: Symbol

"Come on, we're just gonna sit around a campfire and sing some songs, there will be others but we don't have to talk to others okay?" A tall, handsome sand blond young man with sky blue eyes smiled while explained to a taller, more muscular purple-eyed young man who had short black hair cut shorter on the sides, giving him a punkier look.

"I- Okay, I'll go, but don't expect me to gladly talk to others or answer questions, and as long as we have our campfire I'm fine." Giving up on trying to not be part of another even, Enychta accepted going with Luke, Pruno, Thalia, and Annabeth to this campfire gathering. There would be, as the name says, campfires lit on a camp a little way away from the cabins, everyone could have marshmallows and any beverage they wanted as long as it wasn't alcoholic, not until they were above 18. What? They NEED to be older than 21 to have alcohol? Well, not here on camp, not when there's a God of Wine here!

"Yay!" Exclaimed an excited Annabeth as she jumped on one place, Enychta sighed as he picked her up in his big, strong arms, he acted like the girl's real father and loved her like a daughter even though he will never admit it. Luke smiled as he grabbed Pruno's hand, making the pink-haired boy snap out of his thoughts and smile at him before giving him a little kiss. They were in the Hermes cabin, it was surprisingly empty because right now a game of Capture the Flag was about to start.

Thalia tried to get Enychta to play with her team, but Enychta turned her down saying he wanted to spend a little more time with his lovers, maybe next time he will play. Annabeth wasn't old enough to play with the others and the smaller campers were off to watch the game, she opted for coming with Pruno and Luke to convince Enychta to come to the Campfire Gathering.

Later that day, as the sun was setting, Thalia came back from the game and took a quick shower before telling the story of how her team won the game of Capture the Flag! It was a great story and everyone was impressed by how she used her lightning to strike down the tree and make it fall centimeters away from the opponent's flag, scaring the guards of the flag, creating a cloud of dust and a distraction that gave her enough time and cover to go there, steal the flag, and run back. She had to fight off a few children of Ares, but it was fun nonetheless. "Oh, the Campfire Gathering starts in a few minutes." She smiled as she looked at the setting sun... This reminded her of how they would camp outside of Camp Half-Blood, how Enychta would make a campfire and light it with his Dragon Breath, how they would all sleep together in a big, puppy pile.

"Hey, Eny, can we do Fluffy Pile today!?" Annabeth quickly asked, Enychta looked at the other three who all had the same knowing smile, which made him nod. Fluffy Pile, contrary to Fluf Dome he wouldn't cover them lie on top of them to protect them from the cold, but they would lie on top of him and use his fur and feathers as a blanket to cover themselves from the cold.

"Hm... Sure." His lips parted as a gentle smile appeared on his face, showing his pointy canines, which gave him a sexier look. It was strange how sharper teeth make you both scary and sexier for some people...

When they arrived at the Campfire Gathering, Enychta could see some campfires lit everywhere as some groups were together, most of the campfires were divided from cabins to cabins! Ares, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Apollo, Aphrodite, and a few other campfires that had a mix of Demigods all around. Some children of Apollo had guitars and Ukuleles and we're playing small songs here and there, the atmosphere was cozy and everyone was having fun until the Blinding Quartet arrived of course. As the name suggests, they were quickly noticed by their fans and the atmosphere quickly grew a little strange, but they decided to ignore it.

Enychta gathered some sticks and dried up leaves to make a small campfire while Luke and Pruno prepared a bunch of marsh mellows! They all had marsh mellows before, and of course, Enychta knew how to make smores. As the campfire was built, Enychta opened his mouth and blew fire to lit it, it was surprising to everyone but the four who traveled with him and knew he could do this, they all whispered and soon everyone was observing, watching to see if he would do something new or something exciting. However, a little ways away from them, someone was extremely jealous of all the attention Enychta was receiving, and against all logic, summoned a monster to attack them.

The one who summoned the monster was named John, a member of the cabin of Hermes and also the son of Phthonus, God of Envy and Jealousy. And guess what? His fatal flaw was jealousy! He quietly summoned a monster to camp, right before the Blinding Quartet... How can someone summon a monster? Well, everyone can do it, really, they just have to permit the monster and know the monster they want to summon, calling them mentally or audibly So no one would know it was him who did it, well, maybe Dionysus, but he didn't care about anything, so why would he care if some campers died?

When Enychta was busy making smores for his family, there was a sudden shake and the earth split open, revealing a Pit Scorpion, which quickly leaped towards the nearest Demigod it could see: Enychta. These little things are so fucking aggressive and poisonous that unless he receives immediate help, he will surely die. There was a shock when everyone saw the ground open up and a monster jump out, most of the youngsters backed away from the monster because they didn't have good memories of monsters. But what was more surprising was that no one of the Blinding Quarter moved nor did anything, which confused everyone, they were about to shout when a blur snapped the scorpion and it disappeared before it could touch Enyctha.

All they could hear was a crunching sound as Enychta devoured the Pit Scorpion as a snack together with the smores he was making. Maybe it was because he killed a monster in front of the whole camp, or because it was the perfect timing and time (because night), but a mark suddenly appeared on top of Enychta's head. A single white moon with two small stars beside the moon, most people first thought of Artemis before their minds darted to Selene when the thought of Artemis having a child was ridiculous, but then the perfect image of the moon was cut through by another floating image... A black-white snake while scales were black, the hide was white. The snake slithered towards the moon and pushed the stars that were near the moon away, before slithering around the moon, not only that, it also coughed/burped the third star before staying still.

Chiron, who was ways away, was quick to recognize both symbols. Not only him but also Dionysus, who began coughing in surprise... It's been a long time since there was a child from a Primordial God in Camp Half-Blood!