
Chapter 193: [Extra Nº 3]

"Bruno Astérie Begoni Castellan, don't make me repeat myself, come here now." Pruno shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing through the mansion in which they lived. A massive home for all their 12 children.

1: Angel, Created by Enychta, Divine of [Eyes], [Dreams], and [Stars].

2: Bruno, son of Enychta and Pruno. God of [Wolf], [Endless Darkness], and [Terror].

3: Victoria, daughter of Enychta and Luke. Goddess of [Serpents], [Madness], and [Beauty].

4: Minos a 6'4 tall young man with blond hair, tan brown skin, and pink eyes, son of Luke and Pruno twin brother of Anthize. God of [Strength], [Destruction], and [War].

5: Anthize (Bloom) a beautiful 5'9 young woman with large white hair, soft jade skin and green eyes, daughter of Luke and Pruno twin sister of Minos, Goddess of [Dawn], [Winter], and [Smells].

6: Katí a gorgeous 6'1 young woman with long black hair, baige skin, and black eyes, daughter of Enychta and Luke twin sister of Niki, Goddess of [Truth], [Queen], and [Virginity]

7: Niki a cute 5'4 woman with pastel green hair, pastel white skin, and blood red eyes, daughter of Enychta and Pruno twin sister of Katí, Goddess of [Childbirth], [Insects], [Lies].

8: Grames a handsome 7'1 young man with short red hair, light tanned skin, and golden eyes, son of Pruno, born from the earth by his Divine power, God of [Nature], [Wild], and [Forest]

9: Ligófos (little light) a cute little (5'3) man that looks like a little girl with long white hair, soft white skin, and golden eyes, son of Luke, born from his light and Divine power, God of [Heat], [Rainbow], and [Hope].

10: Moró Téras, a 7'7 tall, gentle young man with broad shoulders, no hair on his head, grey skin, and deep orange eyes, born from Enychta's Divnie power, God of [Endless Mist], [Diplomacy], and [Dilligence]- A complete opposite to Enychta's being. He loved him, so much he named him his Baby Monster.

11: Ostá, a 3'3 feet tall, pale skinned humanoid with black voids instead of eyes, long thin fingers that grasp and tear- And a sweet smile on his face that refelcts their sweet personality! Born from Pruno, Enychta and Luke, Ostá is the Divnie of [Void], [Justice], and [Patience].

12: And the youngest kid is a small bean, Bitumine, a red little goo that has a mind of its own! Born from Enychta's Eldritch and Monster divinities, Bitumine is the God of [Slimes], [Bloodshed], and [Luck].

They all live together in the same house, it was a little bit chaotic for the first 10 years, but after Katí was born they were used to more children running around, and now, 100 years after Bruno was born, they were all reunited in the living room of their mansion- Luke was braiding Niki's long green hair while Niki was doing the same to to Ligófos, who was also doing the same to Katí, who was just smiling and reading a black leather bound book with a red eye on the cover, the eye would move every time she touched the book's pages.

"I'm nervous, okay!?" Bruno shouted back at Pruno, who just sighed as he looked at the stair to the second floor, where Bruno's room was- Coming downstair, the young man grew to be an absolute handsome man- He was wearing only a thin shorts, he got used to being naked around everyone, but now that he is going to have his own adventure out there, he had to wear clothes! At least when in a society. "You're going to be fine, my handsome boy." Enychta chuckled from behind him, hugging the still smaller than him, Bruno. "You know your sister Victoria and your sibling Angel left to explore the Omniverse a few years ago- You're 110 years today, we understand if you don't wanna go."

This became a 'tradition' after Angel requested to explore the Omniverse and have their own adventures- Enychta was adamant that they at least learn how to defend themselves and how to survive out there, so he, Pruno, and Luke diligently taught them everything they would need to know to survive out there. LIke survival skills, from hunting, to scavaging and collecting, and to economics, science, math... Every single thing they would need.

And if they die out there, the trio of Conceptual Gods can rbing them back inside their dimension- And if they can't? They'll destroy whoever killed their baby.

"I do want to have my won adventure... It's just-"

"Your divine wolf is anxious about leaving, right? We're your 'pack', we're your family, it's okay to be nervous." Luke chuckled, Enychta nodded as Bitumine crawled on his leg and into his shoulders, the red slime wiggling in a language only their family could understand. 'wiggle wiggle wiggle.' It wiggled three times, right, left, left. "I know Bitu... I know." Burno smiled at his younger brother who said he would always be family, no matter what happened. "I think i'm ready." He smiled at his father, who chuclked as he brought his son to his lovers, the three of them touched his forehead as they put a mark in his soul, so to wan others not to mess with the child of an Conceptual God!

"We." They said at the same time. "Bless you you, my child, my love, my soul." Bruno's forehead glowed in a pure white light as a tattoo appeared on his forehead, a single white star. "With this mark." They said, before one by one, adding:

"I'll do everything to protect you." Enychta said, smirking at his son.

"I'll know where you are, no matter when or if." Pruno, rested his forehead against Bruno's broad chest.

"I'll be there with you." Luke smiled sfotly at his child, as his body began to glow in a white light.

"We will watch over you. Our child." They finished chanting, Bruno's body turning into particles of light that vanished from sight.

With a smile in their lips, they continued their lives- Teaching their children, who were excited to explre to Omniverses out there.

That nihgt, Enychta made sure to impregnate Luke and Pruno at the same time- He would miss Bruno, but now he had a few more children to take care of.