
Son of Hades Legacy Of The Underworld

Damon Blackwood, a thief with a troubled past, raised in the shadows of London's underworld by his mother, who filled his childhood with stories of gods and heroes, Damon never imagined that these tales held a startling truth about his own lineage. As the son of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, Damon is thrust into a world where myth and reality collide. When a mysterious messenger delivers a parchment, summoning him to a tournament set by the gods in Athens, Damon leaves his familiar life behind. The tournament, a series of trials set by the Olympian gods, promises unimaginable power and knowledge to its victor. Soon to be discovered not only the Greek gods, but others from around the world will also be sending fourth their own champions into a tournament that will shape the course of the world as we know it. Follow Damon as he journeys to Greece, haunted by the memories of his past and the weight of his divine heritage.

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41 Chs

Chapter 32: Olympian Heirs: A Friendly Skirmish!

Chapter 32: Olympian Heirs: A Friendly Skirmish!

The morning sun cast long shadows across Olympus as Damon made his way to the practice arena. His mind was filled with images from the previous day - the arrival of the Norse gods, their imposing demigod children, and the palpable tension that now permeated the air. He knew that the upcoming tournament would be unlike anything he had faced before.

As he entered the sprawling arena, Damon took a moment to absorb his surroundings. Ancient colonnades surrounded the sandy ground, their weathered stone a testament to countless battles and training sessions. The air hummed with divine energy, a constant reminder of the power that flowed through this place.

Damon unsheathed his sword, its familiar weight comforting in his hand. He began his warm-up routine, his movements fluid and precise. Damon had kept an eye on his system during his time here in Olympus, however, without any souls from slain enemies, he had been unable to upgrade any of his abilities for some time now.

As he trained, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. His eyes darted to the shadows between the columns, but he saw nothing, giving Damon an uneasy feeling.

"Damon!" a familiar voice boomed across the arena. Brick, son of Ares, approached with a broad grin on his face. "I thought I might find you here."

Damon paused his routine, wiping sweat from his brow. "Brick. Here for some training?"

Brick nodded, his muscular frame casting an impressive shadow. "After seeing those Norse demigods, I figured we could all use some extra practice." He hefted his war hammer, its head gleaming in the sunlight. "How about a friendly spar?"

Damon sheathed his sword, the metal sliding home with a satisfying hiss. He stretched his arms, feeling the pull of his muscles and considering the challenge before him. He had yet to see the true extent of Brick's power, and a part of him thrilled at the prospect.

"Sure, sounds good, Brick," Damon said, a challenging smile tugging at his lips to match his friend's. In his mind, he was already planning strategies, considering how to counter Brick's raw strength with his own agility.

As they squared off, the scrape of their feet on the sandy ground seemed to echo in the sudden quiet, Damon noticed Naia watching from the side-lines. Her sea-green eyes were full of interest, a mix of concern and excitement playing across her features.

"Are you boys really going to fight after what happened yesterday?" She asked, her voice carrying a hint of apprehension.

"Of course we are," Brick said, taking a ready position and not taking his eyes off of Damon. "How else will we improve?"

Naia stood with a few other demigods from the Greek side, including Alastor, son of Hermes, and Callista, daughter of Artemis. Even though they had not been chosen as champions, they had been allowed to stay and watch the tournament, their presence a reminder of what was at stake.

Alastor leaned forward, his quick eyes darting between the two combatants. "My money's on Damon," he whispered to Callista. "He's got that trick with the shadows. Not to mention his crazy fire."

Callista shook her head, her hunter's instincts assessing the situation. "Don't underestimate Brick. There's raw power there, and more cunning than he lets on."

"Let's do this Damon!" Brick shouted as he charged toward Damon, his war hammer whistling through the air.

Damon and Brick began with a series of light exchanges, the clang of metal on metal ringing out across the arena. They tested each other's reflexes and technique, with Brick throwing large and powerful punches and kicks that Damon had to work to avoid.

As their sparring intensified, the demigods watching started to cheer, their eyes wide with anticipation. The air crackled with energy, both divine and mortal as the arena slowly filled up with others watching.

Damon moved like a fluid shadow, his sword a silver blur as it clashed in a dance of skill and power with Brick's war hammer. Brick's brute strength was impressive, each blow sending vibrations up Damon's arms, but Damon matched it with agility and precision. 

Each strike was met with a parry, and each thrust countered with a dodge. Damon proved he was faster than Brick, yet the son of Ares was doing his best to keep up, showing he was quicker than his bulk suggested.

'He's improved,' Damon thought, narrowly avoiding a sweeping blow. 'I can't underestimate him.'

"You really are strong, Damon..." Brick said, his voice filled with approval and a touch of surprise. Sweat glistened on his brow as he readied himself for another assault. "But let's see if you can keep up with this."

Brick launched a series of powerful attacks, his war hammer moving with surprising speed for someone of his size. The air whooshed with each swing, and Damon could feel the power behind each blow even as he evaded them.

Damon had to adapt quickly, using his agility to evade the crushing blows. He ducked under one swing, the hammer passing so close he felt the wind of its passage ruffle his hair. The arena became a blur of motion, each demigod pushing their limits a little further now.

As they fought, Damon had yet to use his shadow abilities or his hellfire powers. He was sticking to raw combat, testing his strength and speed against a son of the god of war. It was a battle of power, their weapons clashing with forces that would have shattered mortal steel.

"Look at them go!" Naia exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "I've never seen Damon move like that before."

Alastor nodded, his usual mischievous grin replaced by a look of awe. "And Brick... I didn't think anyone that big could move so fast."

Damon could feel Brick overpowering him as he pushed with his godly might. The son of Ares was living up to his heritage, each blow carrying the fury of battle. Damon's arms trembled with the effort of blocking, and he knew he couldn't keep this up much longer.

'Time to change tactics,' Damon thought, feeling the familiar pull of the shadows around him.

Having no choice, Damon summoned the shadows from their feet to ensnare Brick. The darkness seemed to come alive, wrapping around Brick's ankles and pulling him off balance. In that moment of distraction, Damon landed a clean strike to Brick's chest, knocking him back.

The watching demigods gasped, the sudden use of power catching them off guard.

"Nice move," Brick grunted, stepping back to reassess. He looked down at the scuff on his training armour where Damon's blow had landed, an appreciative gleam in his eye. "Didn't see that coming."

Damon smiled, catching his breath. The use of his powers, even in this small way, had left him feeling energized yet cautious. "Thanks. You've got some serious power yourself."

Brick smiled, not wanting their match to end just yet. He gripped his war hammer tight with excitement, and Damon could almost feel the battle rage growing stronger in his friend. There was a wildness in Brick's eyes now, a hunger for more that both thrilled and worried Damon.

As they prepared to continue their spar, Damon couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than just training. It was a preview of the challenges to come, a taste of the power and skill they'd face in the tournament. And somewhere in the back of his mind, a voice that sounded suspiciously like his father whispered, 'Remember, my son. In the world of gods and monsters, there's always more at stake than meets the eye.'

Before Damon could respond, another voice chimed in. "Room for a few more?" Naia, daughter of Poseidon, approached, her sea-green eyes sparkling with excitement. Behind her, Pallas, daughter of Athena, twirled her spear with practised ease.

"The more, the merrier," Damon said, a smile tugging at his lips. He felt a surge of warmth at the sight of his fellow demigods. Despite the competitive nature of the tournament, there was a sense of camaraderie among them, despite having known them for only a short time.

The four demigods squared off, the tension in the air palpable. Damon faced Pallas, while Brick and Naia took their stances opposite each other. For a moment, everything was still, the calm before the storm.

"Ready, Damon?" Brick asked, cracking his knuckles around the handle of his hammer. Damon nodded, a determined smile on his face. "Ready. Let's give them a good match."

"Don't go easy on us," Naia said, her voice light but with an underlying seriousness.

Then, as if on some unspoken signal, they burst into action.

Damon's sword met Pallas's spear in a clash of celestial bronze, sparks flying from the impact. Pallas's grey eyes were intense with concentration as she pressed her attack, her movements calculated and precise.

"Your form has improved, Damon," she commented, dodging a swift counterattack. "But let's see how you handle this!"

She feinted left before spinning her spear in a complex pattern, forcing Damon to rely on instinct to block. He countered with a shadow-enhanced slash, causing Pallas to leap back in surprise.

"Interesting," she muttered, reassessing her approach. "You've been practising with your abilities."

Damon grinned, the shadows at his feet rippling in response to his emotions.

Meanwhile, Brick and Naia were engaged in their own intense battle. Brick's war hammer came down with earth-shattering force, but Naia was always one step ahead, her movements as fluid as the sea she commanded.

"Stand still, will you?" Brick grunted, swinging his hammer in a wide arc.

Naia laughed, ducking under the blow. "Now where's the fun in that?" She thrust her trident forward, forcing Brick to stumble back. "Come on, big guy. Show me what you've got!"

The spectators were enthralled, their cheers and gasps adding to the electric atmosphere. The air crackled with energy as the demigods pushed their limits, each striving to outdo the other.

As the battle raged on, Damon felt a familiar chill run down his spine. He glanced towards the shadows again, certain he saw a pair of mismatched eyes watching him. Helena, daughter of Hel, stood partially concealed by a column, her gaze unnerving in its intensity.

In that moment of distraction, Pallas seized her chance. With a swift move, she disarmed Damon, his sword clattering to the ground.

"Never lose focus in battle, Damon," Pallas advised her spear at his throat. "It could cost you everything."

Damon raised his hands in surrender, smiling ruefully. "Lesson learned. Well fought, Pallas." He said with a sheepish smile, causing Pallas to wonder why he had become distracted in the first place.

Across the arena, Brick had managed to disarm Naia, though not without taking a few solid hits himself. Both were breathing heavily, covered in sweat and sand.

"Yield?" Brick asked, his hammer poised for another strike.

Naia grinned, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of battle. "Yield. That was incredible, Brick! You're so strong." Naia said, relaxing her guard.

As the four regrouped, exchanging compliments and discussing the match, other demigods began to approach, eager to join in the training session.

"That was amazing!" Alastor exclaimed, bounding over with infectious energy. "The way you manipulated the shadows, Damon, very naughty indeed."

Callista nodded in agreement, her usual stoic expression softened by admiration. "And Naia, your control over your movement is impeccable. You must teach me some of those evasive manoeuvres."

As they chatted, Damon felt a whisper in his ear, so faint he almost missed it.

"Can you feel that, Damon?" It was Hades' voice, though his father was nowhere to be seen. "The power that surrounds you... and the dangers that lurk in the shadows."

A shiver ran down Damon's spine, and he instinctively looked towards where he had seen Helena. She was gone, but the uneasy feeling remained.

"Damon, are you alright?" Naia asked, noticing his distraction. Her sea-green eyes were filled with concern.

"Y-yeah," Damon said, shaking off the uneasy feeling. "Just... thinking about the tournament. There's so much we don't know about our opponents."

Pallas could also read the look on Damon's face, knowing that there was more than he was letting on.

Brick clapped him on the shoulder, nearly knocking him over with the force. "That's what makes it exciting! We'll face it together, right? Now, who's up for some food? I'm starving after all that!"

As they headed off, laughing and recounting the best moments of their spar, Damon cast one last glance towards the shadows. The tournament loomed ahead, filled with unknown challenges and hidden dangers. But looking at his friends - Brick's boisterous laughter, Naia's warm smile, Pallas's sharp mind - Damon felt a surge of confidence.

Whatever the tournament might bring, they would face it together. And yet, as they left the arena, Damon couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much bigger than a simple competition among gods and their children.

The whisper of his father's voice echoed in his mind, a reminder of the power - and the danger - that flowed through his veins. 

Little did they know, high above in the halls of Olympus, the gods were watching their children with keen interest, each deity seeing the potential for greatness - and the possibility of failure - in their offspring. The stage would soon be set, and the players assembled. The Tournament of the Gods would soon begin, and nothing would ever be the same again.