
Son of Hades Legacy Of The Underworld

Damon Blackwood, a thief with a troubled past, raised in the shadows of London's underworld by his mother, who filled his childhood with stories of gods and heroes, Damon never imagined that these tales held a startling truth about his own lineage. As the son of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, Damon is thrust into a world where myth and reality collide. When a mysterious messenger delivers a parchment, summoning him to a tournament set by the gods in Athens, Damon leaves his familiar life behind. The tournament, a series of trials set by the Olympian gods, promises unimaginable power and knowledge to its victor. Soon to be discovered not only the Greek gods, but others from around the world will also be sending fourth their own champions into a tournament that will shape the course of the world as we know it. Follow Damon as he journeys to Greece, haunted by the memories of his past and the weight of his divine heritage.

Lavalord115 · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 17: Resurgence in the Depths

Chapter 17: Resurgence in the Depths

Damon awoke in the lower levels of Tartarus, his body throbbing with the dull ache of his recent defeat. The oppressive darkness of the abyss pressed down on him, its weight almost tangible. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the distant wails of tortured souls echoed around him, a constant reminder of his dire situation. The memory of Zagreus, his own half-brother, driving a blade into his chest played over and over in his mind, each replay more vivid and painful than the last.

With a groan, Damon struggled to sit up. His hands instinctively reached for his sword, but his fingers met only empty space at his side. Panic flared briefly in his chest as he realized his weapon was gone. He was alone, weaponless, and surrounded by the lost and the damned.

Despair threatened to overwhelm him, but Damon clenched his fists, forcing himself to focus. He couldn't afford to give in to hopelessness. Not now. Not after everything he had endured. He needed a plan, a way out of whatever this nightmare was.

Damon opened up his system's stat screen display, taking a look at his powers and abilities. He could see that all of his current powers remained, including his Shadow healing, Shadow Manipulation and Shadow mould. Damon could also see that his current soul count was at zero, seeming to remember that it had been much higher before his death.

"So... I really died," Damon said as he closed his display screen and looked around at his new home.

Damon was unsure of how long he sat there, trying to gather his thoughts, before a figure materialized before him, her presence a soothing balm in the oppressive darkness. It was Nyx, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

"Damon," she said, her voice soft but urgent. "You must escape from here. This is not your end. You have a destiny to fulfil, and it lies beyond these accursed depths."

"Nyx," Damon whispered, his voice hoarse. "I... I don't know if I can. I have no weapon, no way to fight back. How am I supposed to escape death?" Damon asked.

Nyx knelt beside him, her gaze intense. "You are stronger than you realize, Damon. Your body may be without a weapon, but your soul is not. You still have your powers and the will to fight. Use them. Gather your strength and rise from this place and face Zagreus once more."

Damon looked into her eyes, feeling a flicker of hope ignited within him. He couldn't give up. Not now. He had to return to the underworld, face Zagreus once more, and prove himself worthy.

"You're right," he said, his voice gaining strength. "I can't stay here. I need to get out."

Nyx nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Good. Now take this, Damon, and find your way back in order to show them what you are truly capable of." Nyx said, placing a hand on his shoulder with a small blue light that seemed to pass into his body.

With Nyx's words echoing in his mind, Damon forced himself to his feet. The ground beneath him was rough and uneven, littered with the bones of the fallen. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the journey ahead.

As he began to move, the shadows around him seemed to stir, and from the darkness emerged a horde of undead, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. These were the souls of those who had failed to escape Tartarus, now eager to drag Damon down with them.

"You're not taking me," Damon growled, his determination solidifying into resolve.

Drawing upon his powers, Damon felt a surge of strength course through his veins. His muscles tensed, and his senses sharpened. He launched himself at the nearest undead, his fists striking with the force of a battering ram. Each blow shattered bones and sent the creatures sprawling.

The undead swarmed him, their numbers seemingly endless. Damon fought with everything he had, using his enhanced strength and reflexes to dodge their attacks and strike back with lethal precision. His body moved with a fluid grace, his fists and feet becoming his weapons as he carved a path through the horde.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Damon felt a strange sense of exhilaration. He was alive, fighting, and proving to himself that he was not defeated. With every undead that fell, he felt his system absorbing their souls, their energy flowing into him and enhancing his abilities as the number of souls continued to increase.

As the last of the undead crumbled to dust, Damon stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving with exertion. He felt stronger, and more capable than before. The souls he had absorbed had bolstered his powers, giving him the edge he needed.

"I can do this," he muttered to himself, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. "I will escape, and I will face Zagreus again."

Damon checked his stats screen again. So far he had increased his strength and speed by two levels, seeming to have pushed himself beyond mere human capabilities.

Current Souls: 120

Available Upgrades:

Minor Strength Boost Level 3: 40 souls

Minor Speed Enhancement Level 3: 50 souls

Shadow Healing:

Shadow Manipulation: 

Shadow Mould:

Damon could see that the number of souls he needed to increase his abilities further had increased, unsure if he should exchange the souls at the moment. 

With renewed resolve, Damon decided to continue his journey through the depths of Tartarus. The path was treacherous, filled with traps and monstrous guardians, but he pressed on, driven by the promise of redemption and the need to prove himself.

Nyx's words echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of his purpose. He would not let her down. He would not let himself down. Damon knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready. He had faced the darkness and emerged stronger. Now, it was time to rise from the depths and reclaim his destiny.

As Damon navigated the labyrinthine corridors of Tartarus, he encountered various other creatures and obstacles designed to break the spirit of even the most resilient souls. Massive, serpentine monsters slithered from the shadows, their eyes glowing with a predatory hunger. Damon evaded their strikes with newfound agility, striking back with punches that shattered their scaly hides. Each victory fed his system, granting him more souls that he could use to increase his power.

One particularly intense battle left Damon standing over the remains of a particularly large and menacing beast. Breathing heavily, he wiped the sweat from his brow, impressed that he had been able to take the thing down with his bare hands alone. Damon prepared to move on when a new, unfamiliar sensation began to course through him. It was as if the souls he had absorbed were converging within him, their power coalescing into something new and potent.

"New power obtained..." The system said.

"Exchanging all souls for new ability." The system said again.

"Wait what? All souls?" Damon asked in shock, not sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

A sudden, intense heat blossomed in his chest, spreading through his limbs. Damon looked down at his hands, seeing them glow with a strange, otherworldly light. Blue flames flickered to life around his fingers, their heat almost unbearable yet oddly comforting.

"What... what is this?" Damon whispered, awestruck.

"New power unlocked: Control over Hellfire." The system explained.

Instinctively, Damon raised his hands, and the blue flames roared to life, encircling his arms and casting a brilliant glow that pushed back the darkness. He felt an immense surge of power, a connection to the very essence of Tartarus itself. The blue hellfire was his to command.

A group of monstrous creatures emerged from the shadows, drawn by the light of his flames. Damon felt no fear as they approached. Instead, he welcomed the challenge.

"Let's see what this new power can do," he said, his voice steady and filled with anticipation.

With a flick of his wrist, Damon sent a torrent of blue hellfire surging towards the monsters. The flames engulfed them, their bodies disintegrating under the intense heat. The blue fire burned hotter than any flame Damon had ever encountered, reducing the creatures to ash in seconds.

Damon watched in awe as the flames danced around him, their destructive power at his command. He felt invincible, a force of nature that nothing in Tartarus could stand against.

"I never knew I had this kind of power," he murmured, a smile creeping across his lips. "This changes everything."

With his newfound ability, Damon continued his journey through Tartarus, the blue hellfire lighting his path and obliterating any foes that dared to challenge him. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, each victory bringing him closer to his goal.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of fighting and surviving, Damon emerged into a vast chamber. The air was thick with heat, and the ground beneath him glowed with molten lava. At the far end of the chamber, a colossal figure loomed, its skin charred and cracked, flames flickering within its wounds.

There, chained and holding up the weight of the world, stood Atlas, a huge titan god that towered above Damon larger than anything he had seen. The titan's massive, muscled form strained against the burden, every sinew and tendon visible as he bore his eternal punishment. His eyes, filled with an ancient weariness, locked onto Damon.

Atlas laughed, a sound like the rumbling of distant thunder. "Another dead demigod trying to escape his fate," the titan said, his voice resonating through the chamber. "Do you really think you can succeed where so many others have failed?"

Damon stood his ground, the blue flames still flickering around his hands. "Who are you?" Damon asked, still looking at the titan in awe.

Atlas regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "I am the great titan, Atlas! He who holds up the world in which you call home. Son of Hades..." The titan said, glaring at Damon.

Damon was shocked, to say the least, still, no matter how powerful this titan was, it was still chained and bound being unable to move. Knowing that he need not fear the huge titan.

"You have spirit, I'll give you that. But spirit alone won't save you from the depths of Tartarus." Atlas said, being able to sense no fear coming from Damon.

Damon met the Titan's gaze, unflinching. "Maybe not. But I have more than just spirit."

"The blue hellfire of Tartarus itself..." Atlas said, surprised.

"How interesting that a demigod would inherit such power," Atlas then said, seeming amused.

Damon stood firm, his resolve unshaken. "I will escape Tartarus, and I will defeat Zagreus. Nothing will stop me."

Atlas chuckled again, a deep, rumbling sound. "We shall see, son of Hades. We shall see."

Damon, feeling a mix of determination and curiosity, took a step closer. "Is there a way out of here?"

Atlas's eyes gleamed with a hint of intrigue. "Perhaps. But it won't be easy. There is a task you must complete, a quest that will test your newfound powers and your resolve."

"What kind of quest?" Damon asked, his interest piqued.

Atlas grinned, the chains rattling with his movements. "In the deepest reaches of Tartarus, there is a creature, a guardian of ancient secrets. Defeat this guardian, and retrieve the Obsidian Key it protects. Bring it to me, and I will help you find your way back to Hades."

Damon's mind raced with possibilities. The task sounded daunting, but with his hellfire powers, he felt a surge of confidence. "I'll do it," he said, his voice steady. "I'll retrieve the key and return."

Atlas's grin widened. "Very well, son of Hades. Succeed, and you will have my assistance. Fail, and you will join the countless others who have perished in these depths."

Damon nodded, his resolve hardening. "I won't fail."

As Damon turned to leave, Atlas called out one last time. "And remember, son of Hades - in Tartarus, nothing is as it seems. Trust in your power, but do not let it consume you."

With those ominous words ringing in his ears, Damon set off deeper into the depths of Tartarus. The blue hellfire flickered around his hands, a beacon in the darkness, guiding him towards his goal. The challenges ahead were formidable, but he was determined to overcome them, unlock the secrets of his power, and find his way back to the underworld to face Zagreus once more.