
Son of a fallen

In dxd with the mangekyou sharingan, ha can I even be stopped

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs


As i appeared outside my house I saw Grayfia, Sona and serafall inside as I went inside I was greeted with Grayfia staring at me

"she made the deal not me"

"that not the problem, Sona shall I tell him or will you"

"I-I-I-I will" she said as I looked at her to see a half done Chakra network and Chakra that flowed to her eyes

'a powerful contract that is able to copy to this extent, does that mean that she will get the sharingan or the MS' I thought as I looked at her as her eyes went from red to violet

"you see..... When...."

"huh" I sighed as I grabbed her shoulder and teleported her to my dead space

"there's no one here so tell what you wish to say" I said to her as she looked me in the eyes

"when I was a child, I made a deal with my parents that however beats me in chess I would marry" she said as she looked down in shame as I looked at her

"look I'm sorry I didn't tell you and to be honest I kinda forgot about it and I was reminded by my sister, when I woke up" she said as she sighed

"yeah to be honest, I was going to do that either or" I said as she lifted her head


"that little contract gave you my bloodline, something I hold dear to me Sona, you best believe I was going to bring you, into my clan"

"you do know that, that won't be accepted, I'm the heir, the higher up won't"

"I'll send Grayfia after them, she has enough blackmail material to rule over the devil faction if she felt like it, why she didn't I will never know"


"yeah grayfia was planning on taking over before she met me and I changed her mind literally"

"what do you mean"

"I brainwashed her and made her nice.... To me" I said with a smile as she took a step back

"so are you going to do the same to me, make me into your slave" she said scared

"no, Grayfia was a bitch of the highest degree and killing her would have made me a SSS-class criminal, so brainwash was the best thing... At the time" I said as I walked over to her

"and besides" I said as I placed my hand on her chin as she blushed

"your my fiance and holding secrets would suck, wouldn't they" I said as I went in for a kiss as she closed her eyes, as I kissed her and a few seconds later she began to kiss back as her arms wrapped around my neck as I moved my hands down and grabbed her ass as I lifted her as her legs wrapped around me as I held her up and broke off the kiss

'you know I just realized that devils operate on different rules'

"while I would like to continue, we'll need to at least get to know each other better, so would you like to go on a date" I asked her as she looked away with a strong blush as I smiled

"yes I would love that, but why would you tell me this aren't scared I will tell my sister" she asked as I placed her down

"ohh right, I forbid you for discussing anything personal with anyone" I said to her as she frowned before nodding

"ohhh stop that, I'm only going to give you five orders in this lifetime and they won't effect you life in any way" I said as she looked at me


"yes, now let's go" I said as I grabbed her shoulder

"before that, I want you to know that my sister may do so... Questionable things"


"sneaking in,dressing us up in weird clothing and taking pictures and there's also a chance of her trying to use you to get to me" she said as I stopped and looked at her

"I see, than I should brainwash her, it would make our lives easier"

"it would... Wait no no no" she said as she latched on to me

"fine I won't do a thing to her" I said before she got off me as I teleported us back as serafall jumped onto Sona

"were where you two and what where you doing"

"my dimension, as to what we where doing... You don't need to know, anyways I'm going to bed" I said as I began to go upstairs

"oh and sona"


"I would advise you start living here, your Chakra network, if forming and your eyes have also awakened, I don't want you killing yourself from lack of Chakra"

"what are you talking about"

"I'll explain it later for now, it's not an issue" I said as I headed upstairs but I heard the door bell ring as I sighed and went back down

"xenovia" I said as the girl herself was standing there with two large bags

"Raiden, I have arrived" she said as I sighed

"this complicats things a bit... Doesn't matter since some of this is Grayfias fault she'll handle this I'm going to bed" I said

"so soon"

"yes my eyes still hurt and I'm still not at full power" I said as I went upstairs to my room

'do we even have enough rooms... I don't care' I thought as I passed out on the bed

As I was enjoying dreamland someone had the ball to wake me up, so I got up to see who it was, but a random devil was in my room

"what" I asked simply as he shook a bit and handed me paper

"sign here please" he said with fear in his voice as I took the papers and saw the words, renovation and joint as I sighed and went to sleep

(the next day)

"WHHHHHAAAT" I was woken up by an extremely loud scream as I opened my eyes and sat up while creating two light blades as I looked around

"ohh what the fuck" I said as I recall the contract I signed at night

"I co-own this house with Issei" I said before laying back down as I felt bodied on both sides, as I moved my hands around feeling up the two naked women in my bed as my hands went lower as I heard moans coming from the two and like that I decided to stopped as xenovia woke up along with Sona

"did you"

"had to make sure it wasn't dream, nice butt by the way" I said as she blushed as xenovia grabbed my face and went in for a kiss before I kissed back as the kiss got deeper I could see sona frowning a bit as I broke off from xenovia and went for sona who accepted as I grabbed them both

"I hope you're both ready"

"master while it does pain me to say, it would take to long for you to finish and the three of you have school in an hour" grayfia said as sona went into a panic as she got off me and ran out the room as xenovia also got up as I sat there

"you have no timing"

"well I do wish for there first times to be something they remember and don't have any regrets about" she said as she leaned in closer as we kissed, before I broke it off and got up

"where are my clothes"

"I took them off you last night" she said as I decided to ignore it as I looked around to see that I was in a massive building with a lot of floors, and I was at the top and a few rooms over was Issei's room

"they placed me on the same floor as the pervert" I said as I sighed and looked at Grayfia

"I will create a sound pruff barrier around your room" she said as I hugged her as she blushed

"now to the shower, want to join"

"of course" she said as we want to take a shower that took longer then it need to be after that I went to introduce myself to Issei parents, along with sona and xenovia since Grayfia already introduced herself

"oh so you must be grayfia fiance, Raiden"

"yes mama, and this is Sona and Xenovia they are also engaged to me"

'well one but I don't want to explain why I'm cheating'

"ohh isn't that lovely" she said as I nodded with a smile as we sat at the dinner table to have breakfast as Issei parents spoke about how incredibly the house was and things like that

"ohhh and Raiden is Grayfia your maid or..."

"she not my maid but has given herself the title of my maid" I said as I finished up as I got up

"damn it, I'm running later" sona said as she ran out the house as I followed her before teleporting her into her office

"really now Sona you have me and I can take you anywhere you wish without being spotted" I said to her as she sighed and went to sit down before I teleported back to the house gave Gray a kiss and then waited for Xenovia as she walked out with the gremory group

"you waited for me"

"yes there's still a few minutes left and I wanted to go get my snacks" I said as koneko raised her head

"what do you want"

"muffins and cookies" she said as I nodded and turned to Xenovia

"you coming" I said as I offered a hand as she happily took it as we teleported away

"don't be late" Rias said as we disappear as I took xenovia out for a little bit as we talked about her life or some of it before I teleported use back to school as we went on with our day and after school, I had to go see Sona for some reason

"so what's up" I asked her as I jumped into the couch

"my parents found out about our engagement and you conditions as they wish to meet you"

"so what are they coming to earth or"

"we will be leaving for summer soon, I would like it if you came to stay over at the sitri house with me" she said as I heard a growl from the back as I turned to the back to see the only guy looking at me pissed

"is he okay" I asked Sona as she sighed

"a few hours ago he confessed his love for me and when I told him I was already engaged"

"you try to steal my girl bro" I asked as I got up from my seat

"president doesn't belong to you, if you didn't come along"

"you probably would have still failed, Sona can only marry people who beat her in chess, and I doubt you could, so do yourself a favor and stop chasing someone else girl, you are not the main character and I will kill you if need be" I said to him as he grind he teeth

"anyways Sona I'll visit but lady gremory asked first and so I'll probably stay there for a few days before I get to your place"

"actually that would work, it would give me a chance to tell my parents about you"


"in the short time I've known you I've gotten enough information about you... Most was from Grayfia" she said as I looked at her, then at her body

"I see, well other than that, you'll need to call me once the network is completed" I said as she nodded as I got up and went to class and slept in all of them

"Raiden" xenovia called out as I woke up

"president has called us to her office, it seems she want to tell us something" she said as I stood up and followed her to the OCR, where she informed us that we would be going with her to the underworld

"huh can't we just teleport there, it would be quick then taking some train" I asked from the back ground as I held the cookies out of Koneko's reach and Gasper was in a genjustu as I placed him in his game and made him OP

"yes but that would be illegal" she said as I raised an eyebrow

"for you, Grayfia and I can freely travel from earth to the underworld... Well Grayfia can, I haven't been there so I can't at the moment"

"while that maybe true it would be best for you all to take the normal root" Azazel said as he was sitting on Rias's chair

"how long have you been here"

"since the meeting started, he teleported in and sat down" I said as koneko was angry and went for a punch but I blocked her with one hand

"truly you all need to work on your observations skill if you wish to get stronger and not die" Azazel said as I began waving and blocking koneko's attacks

"your to prodictable, try add an unknown element to you style every now and then" I said as I lightly punched her on the top of the head before give her the cookies

"anyways on this trip I will be helping all of you train and evolve your gears while I will also be researching the unknown factor that is, Raiden" he said as I nodded before I teleported home

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yeah wasn't feeling this one, maybe that's why I took long