
Son of a fallen

In dxd with the mangekyou sharingan, ha can I even be stopped

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs


[your MS has four available slot, pick carefully] a blue screen appeared in front of me, as I opened my eyes

'I see, than I choose Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Kamui, Kotoamatsukami'

[granted, limits have been placed on Kotoamatsukami..... You may only use it on one person every 24 hours, even ability will have different costs]

'okay I can live with that' I thought as I decided to wake up

"huh what should I do now" I said as the blue screen popped up

[you have been enrolled in the academy, you can go or not, the rest is on you] it said as I sighed

"not today" I said as I walked out of the church as a giant light spear was heading towards me with increased speed but I was able to see it coming as I activated my Susanoo ribcage as a hand also formed as it grabbed the spear as I crushed the spear

"an interesting power you've got there kid" a man with black hair a bit of gold said as he landed in front of me

"you must be Azazel"

"you where able to tell but your not one of mine and you are way to strong to go unknown, so I'll ask... Who are you" he said as I saw his energy flare

'in the show Azazel was the one how help the group, to get to where they where'

"I will tell you but not here, Kamui" I said as he was teleported into my dimension as my eyes bleed

"yeah that sucks" I said as I warped to my dimension but as soon as I got there I wrapped myself with my wings as a borage of light weapons heading straight for me as I shielded myself but it wasn't enough as the all blow up on impact

"he really wants to kill me huh" I said as I clapped my hands together

"SUSANOO" I shouted as the upper skeleton of my susanoo formed, then the muscles formed half but I was under heavy strain and pain as I dropped to the ground as my eyes bleed as I vomited more blood and the susanoo flickered in and out

"HAAAAAAAA" I shouted as I stood up as the skeleton held up as it blocked the spears and blasts he sent at me

"ENOUGH" I shouted as a sword formed as I swang it down creating a massive gust of force that was able to destroy all his weapons as I immediately took the chance to look into his eyes

"Tsukuyomi" I said and with in a second we where face to face, but he was bound to a chair

"what is this" he said as he looked around the distorted world

"this is my genjustu world, I control everything here, including you"

"so what is this it huh, are you about to kill me"

"no I simply wished to talk to you private, which is why I sent you to my dead space, but you decided to attack me and I do understand why"

"so what did you want to talk about"

"firstly" I said as I snapped my finger as the world shattered as we where back in the dead space as blood dripped down my face

'huh just pain and no blindness.... I don't mind, but God damn it' I thought as Azazel landed so I decided to sit down

"you okay kid"

"yes its just an incredible strain, it will pass" I said as I closed my eyes as I tried to turn them off but nothing

'huh it seems that my eyes are constantly on, is it because I'm not an uchiha.... No I can still close my eyes and it's not constantly eating away at my power, I guess it was also enhanced or it's because I'm still settling doesn't matter' I thought as I opened them again

"huh another eye gear"

"these eyes are not the creator of your father, anyways you asked who or what I am" I said as he nodded

"to be honest I myself do not know, one minute I'm floating in complete darkness, the next I'm falling extremely fast"

"so you have no recollection-"

"of anything yes, well other then some information on myself and powers and some of this world's history, question have you had the peace meeting yet" I asked as he simply looked at me shocked

"hmm no then, well it was after Kokabiel so it makes sense" I said as I cleaned the blood

"how did you know about that we haven't even announced it yet"

"I have some information on the future until a certain point in time, well after that it's every man for himself, but im not sure how I know"

"and you telling me this why"

"you are the most useful and can provide resources that I may need"

"I see so you want to use me and how do you know all this"

"correct and in return I will allow you to study my Mangekyō Sharingan" I said pointing at my eyes

"hmm that does sound interesting, how am I supposed to trust you, you maybe a spy out to kill me"

"I would not need a plan to kill you, all I would need is a finger" I said as he looked at me for a second before he burst into an uncontrollable laughter as he rolled around for a few seconds before he wiped away a tear

"good one kid but-" he stopped he saw that he was in a world devoid of color

'zero knowledge on genjustu meaning'

"as I said, it would only take a finger" I said as he turned to me

"not funny kid" he said annoyed as I pointed behind him as he looked to see himself frozen

"the second I finished my sentence was the second you lost, you are currently in a genjustu, this genjustu is one of my own creation, it's called mirror world, and right now I could remove you head from you body and you would not be able to stop me" I said as I canceled the justu

'sharingan, allows me to easily create genjustus and put people in it'

"well that was uncomfortable"


"I see, I will allow you to join my faction and since you where able to defeat kokabiel so easily, but I'm going to need you to tell me a bit about what you know about the future"

"your meeting will be attacked by the khaos brigade, you son will attack you and join them, you lose an arm"

"well I knew that but the Vail thing, that pisses me off a bit"

"yeah don't stop him, it's best to let shit happen the rewards in future are worth it" I said to him as he sighed

"huh any more"

"yes but no"

"fair enough, so what is your plan"


"then how about you come with me, we could get-"

"not now" I said as I teleported us out before I yawned

"anyways since you don't have a place to stay, you can use one of my houses" he said as he threw me a key as I caught it, he teleported away as I copied his magic

"huh so thats how teleportation works, neat" I said as I decided to just walk around aimlessly for a day until I got hungry

"hmmm I have no money.... Let go and place one rich asshole in a genjustu" and so I spent the day doing just that and found my asshole

"whats a fallen doing in the Gremory territory" a voice said as I turned to see Grayfia as I narrow my eyes she had this look as if she was looking down on me, as if I was a dog

"I live here, now leave" I said as the woman I was following threw a perfectly good steak in the trash as she threw insults at the waiters

"yeah you are a bitch but a rich bitch so" I said as I got up and walked to the restaurant with a smile but as I was about to cross the road I was teleported somewhere as a barrier appeared

"while I don't care for humanity, allowing a creature like you to roam free and cause trouble in a territory owned by devils would be a great embarrassment to my kind as such I will erase you, feel glad that I even considered giving you the time of day, vermine" Grayfia said is a cold voice filled with disgust as she flared her power as I turned around and looked her dead in the eye

"such big talk for a slave that doesn't know when she met her better" I said as I held my head up

"I'll make you a deal, get on your knees and bag me for forgiveness and I'll-" Raiden couldn't finish as he was impelled by ice spears as grayfia walked up to him and grabbed him by the hair

"such a poor creature, to bad you died the death of a insect, if it was up to me I would kill every single one of you, but I still have to play my role well it won't, be long now" she said as I spat out some blood and looked at her as I slowly raised my hand

"ohhh my, seems you still have some fight to you" she said creating an ice sword as she stabbed into my throat slowly as it got to the helt my hand was in front of her as I pointed to the side as she looked to see me sitting there with a smile

"wha-" she said turning back to the me she killed as he turned into black butterfly

"what is this role you have to play, I'm a little bit interested" I asked as she disappeared as I was kicked into a tree as I spat out some blood before I dropped but I was not able to hit the ground as I was pinned in a tree by ice swords

"percent worm, you should have ran onc-" again the same thing happened as Raiden turned into black butterfly

"what is this" she said as the world around her began to crack and shatter like glass as she was bound to a cross

"welcome to my world, and your nightmare" I said as I appeared in front of her

"and you think you can scare me with such an illusion child, hmm no matter what you do, it is only an illusio-AAAAAAAAA" she scream out in pain as she was set on fire

"you are correct this is an illusion, but it's not just an illusion, this is my world, I control everything here, this includes you and for the next 24 you will be constantly burning, never dying, always conscious" I said as flames lit up as she scream in pain as I watched this all happen and after what felt like a day I stopped as she breath heavily as I could see tears

"one second has passed" I said as she looked at me with a look of pain

"you concept of time here is wrong, if I wished I could make it feel like you've sent days in a second" I said and before she could say anything she caught on fire again and after 24 hours the world shattered as we returned to reality as I dropped to the ground as I closed my left eye as it felt like it was on fire and someone was constantly stabbing into it

"damn it" I said as Grayfia got up from the ground looking worse for wear with a pissed off expression

"her spirit, what a monster hehehe ahhh" as a sharp pain sparked through my right eye as it bleed so I closed it

"you.... Will... Pay, you.... Will... Pay, you.... Will... PAY!!" she shouted as her power flared around her as her barrier cracked as she ran at me hand turning into ice claws as I tried to get up I fall backwards and before I could try again, she grabbed me and smashed me through some trees and then into the side of a mountain as the impact coursed a large crate to form on it

"any last words before I rip you limb from limb" she asked as she stared into my eyes as I closed my left eye and focused my power into my left

"yes, Kotoamatsukami" I said her eyes mimic my sharingan pattern before going back to normal as I felt all my power drain from my body

"you are mine, mind body and soul, you shall only serve me and only me" I said to her as my eye simply closed no pain, no blood just closed as I was unable to open it again

"MY LORD" Grayfia shouted as she released me as I fall on the floor face first

"LORD, I AM SORRY" she shouted again as she lifted me up as I decided to sit, since I couldn't stand


'so it worked and I've got an overpowered slave' I laughed as the pain come back

"that won't be needed Grayfia, now you said something, that really caught my attention and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about"

"I was one of the first Lucifers first loyal warriors and I was charged with destroying the angel and fallen angel"

"a sleeper agent"

"yes, but the reason why was because of Sirzechs who for years used me, as a place holder as he cheated and had a relationship with a rat, jealous rage, sadness, but I knew that I couldn't beat him, so the next best option was to help the psychopath, I really don't care what he did I just wanted to watch him destroy every single one of those worthless creatures" she said as the area froze

"I see, you do know that you have been brain washed correct" I asked as she nodded


"hmmm, so he also enhanced my MS abilities, which may explain why I'm able to use my MS abilities so may times, without losing my vision...." I said as I looked at Grayfia

"Grayfia, I'm currently out of magic-"

"say no more master" she said as she went up to me and picked me up and teleported to a bedroom as she placed me on a bed and crawled in with me, snapped her fingers as our clothes disappeared

"don't worry master, just relax and I'll take care of you" she said as she wrapped her arms around me

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