

Welcome to Aeon Academy, In a world where AI is seamlessly integrated into daily life, Aeon Academy stands as a beacon of progress and coexistence. Amid this backdrop, Lucius Aurelius arrives with a carefully concealed past, seeking refuge and a fresh start. While society views AI as ordinary, Lucius harbors a hidden agenda, leveraging Aeon's intricate dynamics to obscure his true identity and past. As Lucius navigates the academy's complex tapestry of relationships and ambitions, his covert maneuvers draw him deeper into a realm of intrigue and manipulation. *Sominates* delves into Lucius's enigmatic journey, unraveling layers of deception and challenging societal norms in a world where artificial intelligence is commonplace, yet shadows of the past remain elusive and ever-threatening.

Sominates · Romance
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5 Chs

First Impressions

The first light of dawn painted the horizon in a soft palette of pink and gold, signaling the start of an unforgettable day. I found myself aboard a bus, its route weaving through the bustling streets on its way to the esteemed Aeon Academy. Around me, a tapestry of students and Perennials — a term coined colloquially for humanoid AIs — animatedly discussed aspirations, friendships, and the excitement of the year ahead.

Amidst the vibrant chatter, a spirited debate unfolded between a human boy and an unfamiliar AI girl. Their exchange was charged with emotion and conviction, capturing the attention of those nearby. Sensing the escalating tension, the AI girl, displaying a grace reminiscent of a carefully choreographed dance, gracefully vacated her initial seat and settled beside me.

With a neutral tone, I remarked, "You've certainly stirred the pot." My voice carried a calculated detachment, intended to acknowledge the situation without escalating it further.

Meeting my gaze, she replied with a hint of relief, "You could say that. Commutes to Aeon Academy are always interesting." The Perennial girl's tone was tinged with playful sincerity, hinting at experiences and perspectives yet to be explored.

Internally, I couldn't help but analyze the situation. The Perennial. An intriguing presence on my inaugural journey to Aeon Academy. Her choice to sidestep conflict raises questions. Is this her typical approach, or has today's debate nudged her toward this calculated retreat?

As she introduced herself, transitioning from an anonymous AI girl to a named entity, the significance of our encounter deepened. "I'm Luna," she said, her voice genuine and welcoming.

This introduction prompted a reassessment of my initial impressions. Luna. A name, a presence, a puzzle. How will this unexpected variable shape my experiences as I navigate my first year at Aeon Academy amidst the diverse tapestry of students and Perennials?

With the academy's imposing silhouette growing ever closer, I felt a blend of anticipation and curiosity. Luna's presence had introduced a layer of complexity, a catalyst that promised to enrich and challenge my journey within the storied halls of Aeon Academy.

Exiting the bus shortly after Luna, I maintained a deliberate distance, observing the anticipation surrounding Aeon Academy. Luna's poised departure caught my attention, her confidence palpable. With purposeful steps, I moved forward, alert to the unfolding dynamics and opportunities within the academy's walls. Wishing to not look out of place, I decided to follow behind Luna, just out of her bubble, but enough that no one disturbs me as a loner. With that, I took my first step on this school ground.

As I surveyed Aeon Academy's environment, my analytical instincts immediately recognized the calculated intricacies at play. The first light of dawn, while seemingly benign, strategically illuminated the academy, creating a subdued yet impactful backdrop against which the dynamics between students and Perennials unfurled.

The meticulous layout of the academy's grounds, punctuated by strategically positioned sculptures and fountains, revealed a thoughtfully designed environment. Each element appeared precisely curated, fostering a sense of controlled collaboration and innovation. The landscape served not merely as aesthetic embellishments but as strategic tools, shaping interactions and influencing behaviors to maximize productivity and growth.

The architecture itself seemed to echo this sentiment, with its deliberate design elements catering to both human and Perennial sensibilities. Every facet of the environment appeared engineered for optimal functionality, creating a setting where variables were carefully managed to achieve desired outcomes. 

Turning my analytical gaze around the class, I observed the students and Perennials, I observed a complex tapestry of interactions and relationships. The distinction between the two groups, while perceptible, revealed nuances that spoke to a deeper, more strategic coexistence.

Efficient coexistence, I reflected, rooted not in mere harmony but in calculated integration. The students, both human and Perennial, exhibited a shared commitment to excellence, each contributing their unique strengths to a collective synergy aimed at achieving common goals. Yet, you could also see the fire in some student's eyes, while others with fear of this massive and imposing structure. 

The interactions between the students and Perennials offered further insights into their respective roles within the academy's ecosystem. While the Perennials showcased their inherent capabilities, the human students leveraged their unique perspectives, creating a balanced dynamic that transcended traditional boundaries.

However, beneath this apparent harmony lay a complex web of relationships, aspirations, and strategic alliances. The interactions were not merely surface-level; they hinted at deeper motivations, ambitions, and strategic objectives that shaped their behaviors and decisions.

In summary, the students and Perennials of Aeon Academy represented more than just individuals; they were integral components of a larger system, each playing a distinct yet interconnected role in shaping the academy's culture, values, and future direction.

As I trailed Luna at a respectful distance, the grandeur of the entrance came into view, its scale accommodating the influx of students with ease. Beyond it lay an expansive assembly room, its domed roof soaring to impressive heights. Students began to organize themselves into orderly lines, converging towards the centrally positioned stage, setting the stage for what promised to be a significant gathering. We randomly stood in lines in no particular order based on the markings on the tiled floor. Losing sight of Luna in the crowd, I made sure to stand in the back of the crowd. After a while of loud chattering and the steady stream of coming students stopped, the doors were finally closed. A loud thump echoed through the chambers and silenced the gleeful community. 

As I watched from the assembly, the Principal took the stage, instantly commanding attention with an air of authority that seemed to fill the room. His presence was striking, radiating power and confidence as he congratulated the assembled students. I assessed his leadership style, the way he carried himself was enough to silence the assembly. The meticulous balance he struck between formality and genuine warmth. It was evident that his seasoned approach commanded respect and set the tone for Aeon Academy's ethos.

Following his speech, the Student Council president delivered his address with a stern resolve, but once the speeches concluded, his role faded into the background, leaving the stage to other aspects of the academy's orientation. Looking at his eyes, I noticed the light glow of a Perennial's eyes. The only we society could tell AI apart from humans in the modern day. 

Teachers soon began distributing classroom assignments, directing first-year students like Luna and me to our designated classes. To my intrigue, we found ourselves assigned to the same class. Upon entering the classroom, I noted its spacious layout, with rows of desks facing a prominent interactive display board. Natural light filled the room, enhancing the conducive atmosphere for learning. As I settled in, I observed my diverse classmates engaging in lively conversations, sharing insights and aspirations. Among them, Luna stood out, effortlessly integrating into the vibrant group dynamic. The mix of personalities and backgrounds hinted at a collaborative and enriching academic journey ahead at Aeon Academy.

Taking my seat at the very back near the window looking out into the lush meadow below, I sat and pondered my surroundings. The teacher had not entered this class yet, but there was a folder on each person's desk labeled with their name on top of it. Opening the contents of the folder, I was surprised to find the information listed inside. It included a brochure listing the many amenities of the school and a map of the building. 

The school was massive to begin with being two floors and divided into three sections stretching outward from the center where all the cafes, shops, and the cafeteria were located. The first wing that stretched outward directly opposite from the entrance was where the classes were located. This large hall itself was divided into four sections. At the beginning of the hall, you had the first-year wings, and it went on consecutively 'till you reached the end where the final fourth-year wing was located. The other two massive wings stretched directly opposite from each other from the center. They were divided into a dormitory wing and special skill classes. The dormitory wing was very simple. It was a large hall with smaller halls perpendicularly intersecting across. It was divided into two sections, the left side being the girls and the right side being the boys. Finally, the special skills wings consisted of three different massive gyms and then classes ranging from art to music, and just open classes for club activities for students. The student council was also located in this wing, along with faculty offices. This was just the first floor.

As I studied the second floor, it turned out to be just as exciting. On the second floor, it consisted of many shops and cafes, along with entertainment areas. Surprisingly, I expected this when I applied for this school specifically. The centerpiece of the second floor was the massive library, that housed research labs across the room. Outside of that, divided from the main building was a natatorium and several playing fields for outdoor sports. This school was a private institution for gifted individuals, but I didn't expect that it would be so widely different from other high schools across the world. The amount of investment coming into this school must be enormous and probably was being funded by multiple corporations, that wished for these gifted individuals to join the workforce. As the classroom settled into an atmosphere of introductions, the students began to reveal glimpses of their personalities and aspirations. 

Alex, a Perennial, exuded a natural leadership aura, confidently sharing past achievements and outlining his vision for the class. His charismatic presence and assertive demeanor set a clear tone, hinting at his potential role as a guiding force within the group. Alex's leadership qualities are evident, I calculated, his ability to command attention and inspire others is a strategic advantage.

Sophia, also a Perennial, presented herself with a focused and goal-oriented demeanor. Her articulate expression and calculated words conveyed a sense of determination that resonated with a singular focus on excellence. Sophia's dedication to her goals is palpable, I observed, *her disciplined approach and unwavering commitment align with a strategic mindset. She gave off a cold aura, although she was very pretty and would probably be well-liked...If not for that distant mindset. She intrigued me.

Luna followed, offering a genuine and heartfelt introduction that resonated with sincerity and authenticity. Her words, while simple, carried a depth of understanding and empathy that hinted at her ability to connect on a meaningful level. Luna's authenticity is refreshing, her ability to resonate with others suggests a valuable perspective within this diverse setting. After her, another boy followed a human, he was well-built and easily the biggest boy in class. His name was Sensi and his two other friends were Khalid and Jake. Khalid a Perennial, Sensi, and Jake humans, showed unity, but in the wrong way to the class's dismay. They had taken on the class's role as troublemakers, and with a rowdy introduction, they left the class to explore it.

Ethan and Maya, both human students, infused the room with a blend of enthusiasm and empathy, their introductions reflecting a balance of passion and compassion that enriched the group dynamic. 

Ava, another Perennial, showcased a composed and insightful nature, her measured words and reflective demeanor revealing a maturity and wisdom that complemented the group's diverse talents. Ava seemed to already have become pretty popular in the class. She was good-looking, but not like Luna and Sophia...yet her kind communicative nature had gained her a group of girls, that surrounded her. 

Finally, when my turn arrived, I offered a brief introduction with a monotone delivery, simply stating my name and extending a courteous greeting. A calculated approach, keeping my introduction concise while observing the dynamics at play. Many more introduced themselves after me, yet these Perennials and humans seemed of no interest. They had no quality that made them different from these individuals in class. Many seemed to be followers or just rather quiet and shy.

As the introductions concluded, Luna turned towards me, a genuine smile lighting up her face. "So, Lucius, what do you think of our classmates?" she asked, her eyes reflecting curiosity and openness.

I met her gaze, considering my response. "They're certainly diverse," I replied, my tone measured. "Each individual brings a unique perspective to the table."

Luna nodded, seeming to appreciate my succinct assessment. "I agree. It'll be interesting to see how everyone interacts as the year progresses."

Before we could delve further into our conversation, the classroom door swung open, revealing a teacher who exuded an air of authority and wisdom. With an Eastern Asian name, Mr. Chen addressed the class, introducing himself as our guide through this academic journey.

"As you embark on your journey at Aeon Academy," Mr. Chen began, "it's essential to familiarize yourselves with our institution's unique rules and systems." He proceeded to explain the concept of Aeonate, the institution's currency. Each student would receive 100,000 Aeonates, equivalent to $100,000 in the real world, accessible via the academy's app.

"Anything can be purchased with Aeonates," Mr. Chen continued, emphasizing the currency's versatility. "From academic resources to extracurricular activities and personal amenities, your Aeonate balance will be a pivotal aspect of your life at Aeon Academy."

I felt a surge of interest, calculating the strategic implications of such a system. A psychological experiment, I analyzed internally, testing the boundaries of responsibility, decision-making, and interpersonal dynamics among high school students.

Mr. Chen elaborated on the psychological factors behind this approach, highlighting the academy's intention to cultivate a sense of autonomy, responsibility, and collaboration among students. "This system serves as both a privilege and a responsibility," he concluded, "encouraging each of you to navigate the complexities of decision-making, resource allocation, and interpersonal relationships within our community."

As Mr. Chen's introduction concluded, the classroom buzzed with a blend of intrigue and anticipation, setting the stage for a transformative academic experience fueled by the dynamics of Aeonate and the diverse personalities within Aeon Academy's walls. Here is a simple understanding of it, there was a lot more to it. Surprising that it could afford to do this much as a high school, this was truly a special environment. 

Aeonate: The Dynamic Currency of Aeon Academy

Aeonate isn't just a currency; it's a multifaceted system that permeates every aspect of life at Aeon Academy. Designed to simulate a real-world economy within the academy's confines, Aeonate offers students hands-on experience in financial management, decision-making, and interpersonal interactions.

1. Transactions:

At its core, Aeonate operates through a sophisticated app accessible to every student. The app functions similarly to a digital wallet, displaying each student's Aeonate balance and transaction history. To make a purchase, students simply select the desired item or service within the app, and the corresponding amount of Aeonate is deducted from their balance.

2. Giving:

Beyond mere transactions, Aeonate facilitates acts of generosity and collaboration. Students can transfer Aeonates to one another, whether as gifts, loans, or payments for services rendered. This feature encourages teamwork and fosters a sense of community, allowing students to support one another's endeavors and build meaningful relationships.

3. Contracts:

Aeonate extends its influence into the realm of formal agreements through smart contracts embedded within the app. Students can create, negotiate, and execute contracts using Aeonate as the binding currency. Whether entering into partnerships, leasing resources, or establishing terms for collaborative projects, the smart contract system ensures transparency, accountability, and enforceability.

4. Academic Incentives:

Perhaps most intriguingly, Aeonate intersects with academics, allowing students to purchase points for grades within predetermined parameters. This innovative approach challenges traditional educational norms, incentivizing students to allocate their Aeonate strategically to achieve academic success. While controversial, this system reflects Aeon Academy's commitment to fostering a competitive yet collaborative environment where meritocracy and resourcefulness are rewarded.

In essence, Aeonate transcends the boundaries of a typical currency, evolving into a comprehensive ecosystem that shapes the social, academic, and financial landscape of Aeon Academy. By integrating real-world economic principles with educational objectives, Aeonate equips students with practical skills, ethical considerations, and a nuanced understanding of value that extends far beyond the academy's walls.

As the teacher's explanation drew to a close, a sense of finality settled over the room. "Remember," the teacher emphasized, "this is your homeroom for the next four years. The class will officially commence tomorrow."

The room buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity as the teacher continued, "You'll find your monthly allowance has been allocated based on both individual and class performance. Aeon Academy values independence, challenging each of you intellectually, emotionally, and physically."

With those words, the teacher distributed dorm keycards to each student, signaling the end of the orientation. "You're free to explore the school for the remainder of the day. Everything else you need to know is detailed in the folder you'll find in your dorms."

As students began to disperse, a palpable energy filled the air, a blend of excitement and uncertainty. I made my way to the dormitory, keycard in hand, my thoughts shifting to introspection as I navigated the corridors.

This environment is meticulously designed, I reflected internally, a crucible of intellect, emotion, and physical prowess. The tiered class system suggests a competitive landscape, while the emphasis on individual and collective performance adds layers of complexity. The allowance serves as both a reward and a tool, fostering independence and accountability.

Exploration will be crucial, I calculated, not just of the physical spaces but of the social dynamics, resources, and opportunities that Aeon Academy offers. Understanding the rules, leveraging strengths, and navigating challenges will require strategic planning and adaptability.

Lost in thought, I finally reached my dormitory, a temporary sanctuary within the sprawling institution. With a sense of anticipation for the journey ahead, I entered my room, the door closing behind me as the first day at Aeon Academy drew to a contemplative close. Exhausted I lay on my bed, rather than exploring the school's many shops and places of interest. I went to bed and slept. Ever since I had come to the school, my goal seemed to be one step closer. A goal of living a normal life. Without any food, I slept.