
Somewhere , Someday

"Alexa?" " Or Lina? What should I call you?" Yang suddenly asked grabbing her wrist. Lina remain frozen on the spot. Her hands were trembling. Her heart sank. She was scared to death. Yang walked in front of her and made her look look straight into his eyes. "Wha... what are you talking about??" Lina fumbled and looked down couldn't keeping up with his cold stare. He chuckled. Without breaking the eye-contact he held up her chin. His thumb was caressing her cheeks. Suddenly he removed her glasses ignoring her struggle to break free her hand from his. Without the glasses her ocean blue eyes were throwing daggers to him. "It seems that you forgot something today Miss Ray." " What.. what are you talking about? And It's Miss Park or Lina Park, for your kind information Mr. Lu. Not me, but You seem to be forgetful nowadays." She slapped away his hands. "Now give me back my glasses. Would you please Mr. Lu? I still have cases to take care of." How far can you go for love? How far can you go for friendship? How far can you go to keep the deepest pain in your heart only to yourself? Love? That was never the cup of tea for Lina. But she fell hard for someone. Someone who never look back. Someone who didn't keep his promise to her. Someone whom she couldn't forget no matter how hard she tried. A broken promise forced her to close heart forever. She changed herself, left the place she grew up, let go of her innocence just to forget him. Now a changed Lina is ready to lead a new life where the happiness of her close-ones mattered the most. She can do everything just to see her family happy who did the same for her. But luck happened. Lina met Yang. The only person who can made waves in her broken heart without even trying. Just seeing him from afar could stirr up something in her which she couldn't figure out. Can he mend her broken heart? Here comes Lu Yang. The talented, mischievous, handsome sporty topper of the college. Love? That never came in his way or did it already?. After waking up from near-year long coma he realised that he had already lost 'her.' 'Her'. The 'first love'... no! the 'only love' of his life. He searched for her everywhere but in the end the news of her death came to him like a blow crashing his every little will of living. But he survived. He had to live. He had to fulfill the promises he made to her. So, he made himself alive. Living in a soulless body. A stoned heart that none was able to move. Life goes on. It never stops for anyone. But, One day he heard a voice. A voice that shook his entire world. A voice that haunted him in his sleep every night. A voice so familiar yet so distant. A voice that belonged to 'love of his life.' Will he be able to reach to his beloved? Will love come across their way? Or will they cross each other? Let's find out.... A story of two star-crossed lovers and more. The world of 'Someday, somewhere' is now open. Connect: Instagram - @anaya_t9

AnayaT · Sports, voyage et activités
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The Wedding

Nanxian was in a tough situation too.

His never-ending love for René made him feel the guilt of making a decision of moving on.

After René's death, Nanxian never thought of marrying again. He loved his quiet life. The company of Rini and Lina never let him feel any loneliness. He never made any difference between the girls and treated them the same.

Bringing up a motherless child alone was not possible for him if not Isha was there. Everytime he needed her, she was there. Nanxian had seen Rini growing closer to her day by day. But never paid any heed. It looked natural to him. Isha might not be her birth-mother but she was the one who gave her life a second chance.

Nanxian himself didn't know when he grew fond of Lina. For him, his two Princesses mattered most in the world. He spoiled them with all his love.

Over the years it became natural to both them. Spending weekends together or staying over for dinner, dividing workloads of the children between themselves, enjoying holidays, doing their homeworks. Nothing looked unusual before. They just went with the flow. Never thinking about their actual status.

But this time they faced the harsh reality. They were behaving like co-parents without even realising till now.

In that dire situation, being unable to keep all the thoughts to himself Nanxian made an appointment with the sole person he remained in contact with from his past. His uncle, Wang YuKhei.

Wang YuKhei was a friend of Nanxian's father. He loved Nanxian as much as he loved his own son. YuKhei was the sole person who stood by him when he decided to marry René. He even performed the duty of René's father during their wedding.

Nanxian talked to him about his worries.


And finally, It was the day.

The wedding day.

The wedding day of Park Nanxian and Isha Ray.

Nanxian and Isha agreed to get married on Rini's sixth birthday as per their daughter's wish.

Nanxian and Isha had promised Rini to get married on her sixth birthday. It was the same day René died six years ago.

On the day of the wedding, Isha and Nanxian decided to visit René. For the last six years Isha had been accompanying Rini to her mother's grave in the absence of Nanxian.

It was her death anniversary. So, it was natural to dead.

They paid homage to her.

Nanxian told her about his decision to get married again. He sat in front of her grave and put down her favourite flower 'white lillies'.

A lot of things were in his mind. A wedding was going to take place. It was hard for him to make the decision.

Isha promised in front of René's grave to make him happy and to take care of her daughter with all the love she had. Isha admired her form hearing the stories of her struggle from Nanxian.

They returned to the venue after spending time in the graveyard.

They had invited a few close friends and colleagues to share the joy with them. However, what made the guests shocked was family members of both the sides were absent.

Despite being the heir to their respective family's throne, Nanxian and Isha had both left their families. They both cut off ties with the others. So, there was none.

But, sometimes later a shadow entered the hall and sat on the chair allotted fo r the close family members. His wife was accompanying him

Seeing the old man entering the hall with his wife, Nanxian and Isha made their way towards them and greeted them with a bow.

"Thank you for coming today, Uncle YuKhei."

If not for Wang YuKhei , the wedding wouldn't have been possible.

Isha could not be more glad.

After so many years God had sent an opportunity to restart everything again. She was afraid a bit but she couldn't bear with the sad face of her girls. She had to agree to it.

Isha walked down the aisle hand in hand with Uncle YuKhei. The old man planted a kiss on her forehead before giving her hand to Nanxian. As Isha had no parents, YuKhei had decided to perform the duty of her father during the ceremony. Isha was overwhelmed with his proposal. She couldn't be happier to have his blessings on her 'big' day.

The girls were the ring bearer of their wedding. Both of them, wearing soft pink tulle dresses were walking down the aisle hand is hand carrying rings. It was a Serene scene that could have calm down a turbulent heart.

The priest made them exchange rings.

" Miss Isha Ray . Do you agree to take Mr. Nanxian Park as your lawfully wedded husband? " the priest asked her diligently.

" I do."

Isha nervously looked at her soon- to - be husband and a true friend anyone could long for.

" Mr, Nanxian Park, Do you agree to make Miss Isha Ray as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Nanxian replied feeling her nervous stare from the opposite site and held her hand giving it a squeeze reassuring her that she had made the right decision.

" In the name of God , I, now pronounce you man and wife.You may kiss the bride." The priest clapped his hands.

"Kiss ! Kiss ! Kiss ! " All the audience sitting there started encouraging the bride and the groom. Lina and Rini joined them too.

" Kiss ! Kiss ! "

Feeling the nervous stares from underneath the veil, Nanxian slowly open it and held up her chin. He could even feel the uneasiness hidden behind her perfect bright smile. Her eyes were red with tears of joy forming at the corner.

Nanxian was nervous too. After all from this moment every equation they had was going to take a huge turn.

Nanxian looked at her on the eyes and slowly gave a soft peck on her cheek. Then he brought his face near her ear and whispered

" Welcome home, Mrs. Park. Thank you for being an amazing mother to my two beautiful daughters. "

The tears forming at the corner of her eyes could no longer remain there. Isha started crying. The tears of joy.

She was now married. "Mrs. Park."

From this moment everything was going to be different.

Isha had been worrying for making such life-changing decision all these days. She was worried about whether she made it right or turn it to the worst.

But this gesture of Nanxian made her heart flutter. He gave him the respect she deserved.

The respect she had for Nanxian increased a little more witnessing his simple gesture by giving respect her turbulent heart.

She always knew he had been a great father to Rini and a great godfather to Lina, and most importantly a true selfless friend.

Isha decided to give this marriage a chance. A chance to be a real family with two of her daughters.. no.. 'their daughters.'

She now realized, the meaning behind the word 'home'... ' It's where the heart can feel the warmth of love.'

After long eleven years she was going to have a family, a a place she could call her "Home'.

" Welcome home , Mrs. Park. "