
Something Awesome Beam (Worm - FGO Reincarnation)

[Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-Silver W. King-https://forum.questionablequesting.com/members/silver-w-king.76/ [Original Site]-https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-silver-box-in-the-attic-snippets-and-story-ideas-thread.3018/page-33#post-3471104

TheEternalWanderer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

Majin Okita Souji Alternative, government name Edina Chaser was on a mission.

"Hey bitch! Where the fuck are you walking!?"

The name was after a lot of discussion with her Master (technically former Master, but still her Master? She didn't focus on the details), now husband, Michael Chaser, where he thought maybe her name should be Idaina ken for "great sword" because well, her weapon is a great sword in a sense. And being called Souji Okita was likely to cause a few questions.

But eventually after some mistakes at the DMV, her name was officially Edina Chaser. According to the government.

"The fuck does this Merchant nigger thinks she's walking like, there ain't a cape fight."

Without needing to think, she defected a bullet fired at her back at the person who shot her.

"Fuck, bitch's a cape!"

"This is ABB territory, Merchant whore!"

"It won't be once we're done with you." Said Hookwolf once he landed in the middle of the ABB mooks, after turning another Oni Lee clone to ash.

There was some shouts around Edina, as Hookwolf started slaughtering the thugs who weren't fast enough to run away.

A giant figure stood in Edina's path.

"You." Gurgled Lung, his mouth deformed from partial dragon transformation. "You have Asian blood within you, have you come to pay tribute to the dragon?"

Edina tilted her head. "What dragon?" She looked around confused.

Lung swung his arm at this insult.

Edina grabbed said arm and threw the giant cape at Hookwolf coming behind her.

"She's a nigger and a chink!" Shouted an E88 mook. "That's like getting double points for killing her."

"Dude, who the fuck cares, just keep shooting!" Shouted another E88 thug.

Edina kept walking.

Some tried to attack her. Some ran away. The E88 capes took offense to her presence, and above all, her ignoring of them.

They attacked her. She materialized her sheathed sword for the first time, then retaliated.

Her opponents were down, so she astralized her blade, and forgot about them. Because Edina was on a mission.

A loud motorcycle screeched to a halt in of her. A guy in blue armor got off the bike, and a woman in army camo and flag scarf got out of the side car.

Edina respected that woman's fashion choice. She wore a red scarf most of the time too.

"Did you do this?" Asked Armsmaster, his weapon drawn.

Edina looked behind her to see bodies of all the gang members and villain capes, throw around, many gravely injured or with broken bones. There were a lot of groaning and crying, but everyone was alive.

"Yes?" She remembered being attacked and defended herself, but she wasn't focused on the details.

Edina had a mission after all.

The Protectorate capes were talking. They were saying too many stuff too quickly. Edina lost focus and daydreamed.

"I understand being a new cape can mean you don't know your own strength. We can help you learn in the Protectorate." Said Armsmaster.

"We can protect you, given that you outed yourself to the two most vicious gangs in the city." Added Miss Militia.

"No thanks." Said Edina, and began to walk away.

"I'm afraid you need to come with us to the PRT to give a statement." Armsmaster attempted to stand in front of her.

"Sorry, but I'm on a mission." She kept walking.

Armsmaster could tell she would walk through him if need be, and given her demonstrated abilities, she likely could to.

"Miss, if you continue to be hostile, I'll be forced to arrest you." Armsmaster glared at the uncooperative cape.

"What mission?" Asked Miss Militia. Other PRT capes and even some of the Wards arrived at the periphery of the battle site.


Miss Militia and Armsmaster blinked in confusion for a moment. Looking at her hand, yes, she was carrying plastic bags, likely groceries.

Edina began walking again.

Armsmaster gave her one last warning.

Edina kept waking.

Armsmaster's opening move was to target the grocery bags.

Majin Okita Alter summoned her blade.


"Welcome back, Edina," Michael said from the kitchen. "You got everything on the list?" He asked.

"Yes." Edina placed the bags on the kitchen table, and began sorting them out.

"J's Noodle's was still open?"


"Did you have any problems on your trips?"


"...Okita." Uh oh, he said her real name. He must be pissed. Did he suspect something?

"...I actually ordered three cups of oden, rather than two and ate one before coming here." She decided to come clean.

Michael sigh. "Edina," he placed his hand on her head. "I'm not mad, but I'd rather you eat her with me, so we spend time together."

"You're right!" Edina's eyes widened. "That's much better than eating one alone and one with you."

"Oh no, we're not having oden from the next two weeks, for you frivolous spending. Yes, you can eat the other one you got yourself, but you need to learn self control, and not to spend money on anything you like. You need to be more responsible."

Edina pouted and nearly cried.

No oden for two weeks. Earth Bet truly was a hellish place.


Next Morning

"A new unknown parahuman villain wielding a long Japanese sword, had cut a path through both the Empire Eighty-Eight, and the Asian Bad Boyz villain gangs, injuries a large number of their members. After critically injuring Lung and Hookwolf, they assaulted the Protectorate team, injuring Armsmaster, Dauntless, and Velocity, and throwing Assault over ten blocks away from the Downtown area. As a result of this event, Oni Lee appears to be dead, and the current E88 members are now in custody: Crusader..." The BBN news caster began listing off names.

Michael slowly turned to look at Edina.

"Edina...did you get into a fight yesterday?"

"...Ah," her eyes widened, as she recalled that such even had happened. "Yes, actually. I did."

"And why didn't you mention this?"

"I forgot."