
The Pact

Cyrus wakes up in a cold sweat. He sits up and looks around.

He was in his room in his bed. He quickly jumps out of the bed and rushes over to the window.

looking outside to see that the sun was beginning to rise.

He sighs before looking back at the bed.

The sheets had been stained with blood.

Cyrus quickly rushes out of his room and into the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror to find a large gash in his chest where he had been pierced.

Cyrus quickly grabs a towel and presses it against the wound.

He lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't understand." He says. "How am I still alive? Was it all just a dream?"

Before he ca think about it anymore, he quickly heads back to his room to gather his sheets. It would be way too troublesome if his parents saw this mess.

sneaking The bloodied sheets out of his room, He adds them to the washer before setting everything to the highest setting. "I don't know how well this cleans blood but its all I've got at this point" He laments.

Cyrus begins to get himself dressed while he waits on the laundry to finish until its time for him to leave. Taking a deep breath before he makes his way out of his house.

"School" He reassures himself. "I'm going to school today"

He looks up to see the bus coming down the street.

Cyrus quickly hurries towards it and hops on to take his seat.

Cyrus looks down at his chest. "Maybe if I ignore this, it will go away."

Cyrus looks out the window and begins to think about the dream again.

He remembers what Andrew said to him.


Cyrus shivers as he recalls what Andrew said.

"What does he mean by survive?" He asks himself.

Cyrus looks out the window and sees the school.

He gets off the bus and heads into the building.

As he enters the building he notices something odd.

There is no one else here.

"Where is everyone?" He asks himself.

Cyrus looks around and sees no one.

Turning around look at the bus he notices that it didn't appear to have a driver.

Cyrus turns around and enters the school.

He looks at the empty hallways.

"Something is wrong here." He says. "I have to find someone."

Cyrus begins to walk down the hallway but hears a loud noise behind him.

Cyrus quickly turns around and sees a large figure standing behind him.

"Who are you?" Cyrus says.

The figure slowly steps forward and looks down at Cyrus as he backs away from the figure.

The figure continues to step forward and swiftly grabs Cyrus by the throat and begins to squeeze.

beginning to panic as the figure squeezes harder.

"Please...don't do this." Cyrus begs to no avail.

And just as he had lost the little bit of fight he still had in him he see's a flash of pink slam into creature before dropping it to the floor.

Trying to catch his breath he looks up.

"You!" He gets out in between gasps for air.. "It's you! What are you doing here?!"

standing atop of the creature corpse is Rebecca.

Cyrus looks at her. "You saved me?" He says.

"No. I just stopped him from killing you."

Cyrus looks at Rebecca. "What?" He says.

Rebecca sighs. "It's complicated." She says. "But I'm here to help you." She points to his chest.

Cyrus looks at her. "I don't understand.

Rebecca sighs. "look at your chest idiot"

Cyrus looks down to see that He had a gaping hole and inside is a mass of dark mist where his heart should be.

Rebecca looks at him. "I knew there was something special about you. But it looks like there are some things you need to know."

Cyrus looks at her. "Like what?"

Rebecca looks at him. "First, you must know that you aren't the only one who has been chosen. There are others. Ones like me.

Cyrus looks at her. "Others like you?"

Rebecca nods. "Yes. You are not the first."

Rebecca looks at him. "Don't worry about understanding it. We have more important things to think about anyways"

Cyrus looks at her. "What do you mean?"

Rebecca points back at the corpse. "We need to get out of here. Before more of them come after us. We are not in the real world right now." Rebecca explains. "This is a private realm. A world under another's control."

Cyrus looks at her. "What do you mean?"

Rebecca looks at him annoyed. "We are trapped here until we escape. But we need to hurry. There's quite a bit of creatures in here that wish to harm you."

Cyrus looks at her. "How can you know that?" He asks.

Rebecca sighs. "Because I know everything. Now lets go" She says pulling Cyrus by the arm and dragging him with her.

Cyrus looks at her. "But I don't understand any of this. Why did they bring me here."

Rebecca looks at him and points to his chest. "Its because of that. You've just recently awakened. there is no way anyone could pass up on such an easy target. Especially one with such a dense core."

Cyrus looks down at his chest. "I don't understand."

Rebecca sighs. "You will soon enough. Now let's go." She says as she continues dragging him.

"Wait, where are we going?"

Rebecca looks at him annoyed. "To an exit obviously. We need to get out of here. The faster we leave this realm, the safer you will be. Trust me."

"Trust you?"

Rebecca sighs. "Yes. I promise you won't regret it."

Cyrus looks ahead to see that the hallway is filled with monsters.

"Okay, but what about those creatures?"

"They are just a small distraction. Don't worry about them" She says with a smile.

Letting go of his hand, she jumps into the air and kicks towards the wave of creatures tearing their head from there bodies as they all fall to the ground lifeless.

Cyrus looks on in horror s as she kills all the monsters effortlessly.

She lands and turns around. "Come on."

Seeing the slaughter in front of him, he obediently follows after her.

Rebecca and Cyrus continue to run through the seemingly endless halls.

After running for what feels like forever, they finally reach the end of the hall.

"Finally" Rebecca says.

Cyrus looks around a bit before noticing a bright blue crack in the wall.

"Is this it?" He asks.

Rebecca nods. "Yes. This is the exit."

Cyrus looks at her confused. "But its just a wall."

Rebecca looks at him. "No. It's not. This is the exit."

Cyrus looks at her. "Then why is it just a wall? Exits typically lead to other places right?"

Rebecca shakes her head. "Not this time. Just follow me." She says as she walks towards the wall.

Cyrus decides to follow after her. "Why are you so sure this is the exit?"

Rebecca looks at him annoyed. "Because I know." She says before passing through the wall in front of his eyes.

Cyrus looks on in shock. "Wait, what?" He asks.

Rebecca pokes her head back through the wall at him. "What are you waiting for?" She says. "Come on"

Cyrus looks at the wall. "Are you sure its safe?"

Rebecca nods. "Yes. Now come on"

Cyrus takes a deep breath and walks up to the wall until he has passed through.

opening his eyes, hes able to see the a hallway filled with students. "Are we back? Back in our school?" He asks.

Rebecca looks at him. "Yep. Just like normal. Aren't I just the best." She stands with her hands on her hips proudly.

Cyrus smiles at her. "I guess." He says looking down at his chest which seems to have returned to normal.

Rebecca grins. "Now I think its about time you head to class. I'm going to go visit our little friend who tried to kill you." She says.

Cyrus sighs. "I don't know if that's such a good idea." He says.

Rebecca shrugs. "Oh my. Are you worried about me?" She asks.

Cyrus shakes his head. "No. Its just that...well..." He pauses for a moment. "He might be dangerous."

Rebecca tilts her head. "Really? That seems unlikely. I doubt he could even lay a finger on me" She brags.

Cyrus frowns. "I mean...he did try to kill you. You have no idea what kind of powers he may have or how strong he is."

Rebecca crosses her arms. "You're may be right. But it will be safer if i remove him now rather than later. Don't worry I will be careful." She says.

Cyrus looks at her. "Well alright then. If you say so." He says.

Rebecca smiles. "Thanks. I'll see you at lunch." She says before disappearing again.

Cyrus watches her disappear into thin air. "She's something else." He says.

He turns and heads down the hall towards the classroom.


Cyrus enters the classroom to find everyone looking at him.

"I take it you have an excuse for missing class till now?" Mr. Simmons asks.

Cyrus clears his throat. "Yes sir. I had some things to take care of outside the school. I'm sorry for being late." He says.

Mr. Simmons nods. "Alright. Well make sure it doesn't happen again." He says.

Cyrus nods. "Yes sir. I promise" He says.

Mr. Simmons looks around the room. "Ok class. Today we are going to learn about different types of energy." He says.

Cyrus takes his seat near the back of the room as the teacher resumes his lesson.

"Dude, where were you?" Benji asks.

Cyrus looks over at him. "I was outside." He says.

Benji scoffs. "Outside? What do you mean 'outside'?" He asks.

Cyrus shrugs. "Just out there." He says.

Benji rolls his eyes. "You mean outside the school?" He asks.

Cyrus nods. "Yeah. Out there." He says.

Benji looks at him. "I don't get it." He says.

Cyrus sighs. "Look I'm just going to leave it at that ok?" He says.

Benji laughs. "Whatever dude. Have fun with your mystery girl." He says.

Cyrus looks at him annoyed. "What are you talking about?" He asks.

Benji smiles. "Nothing. Just that both you and the new girl were gone at the same time today" He says.

Cyrus looks at him. "I don't understand what you're trying to say." He says.

Benji shrugs. "I just thought maybe you and that Rebecca girl had been together somewhere." He says.

Cyrus scoffs. "What?" He asks.

Benji nods. "Yeah. Maybe you two were making out or something." He says.

Cyrus shakes his head. "What? No. We aren't doing anything like that. I barely even know her." He says.

Benji looks at him. "Sure. Whatever." He says.

Cyrus frowns. "Look I'm just going to focus on class now."

Benji laughs at the Blushing Cyrus. "alright man, I wouldn't want to disturb your studies." He says.

Cyrus looks at him annoyed. "Look I don't know what you're trying to say but you need to stop talking about it. Please." He says.

Benji smirks. "whatever. I'm just saying." He says.

Cyrus glares at him. "Fine whatever." He says.

Benji looks back down at his book. "Don't mind me." He says.

Cyrus sighs and focuses on his own work.


After class, while Cyrus and Benji make their way to the cafeteria, they bump into Rebecca.

"Hey guys." She says.

Cyrus looks at her. "Hi Rebecca." He says.

Benji nods. "Hey." He says.

Rebecca smiles at Cyrus. "So what did you think of the lesson?" She asks.

Cyrus looks at her. "It was fine." He says.

Rebecca looks at him. "Well, Aren't you curious about how I did?"

Cyrus looks at her. "I'm sorry, what?" He asks.

Rebecca smiles. "Didn't I tell you that I'd be visiting our friend?" She asks.

Cyrus frowns. "What are you talking about?" He asks.

Rebecca looks at him annoyed before dragging him off away while Benji smirks.


As they walk along, Rebecca explains what happened earlier. "You see when I was in the other world, looking for our little friend I saw something interesting."

Cyrus looks at her confused. "What?"

Rebecca stops walking and looks at him annoyed. "I found out that, that guy was like really strong!" She exclaims.

Cyrus looks at her confused. "I don't get it doesn't that just mean your weak?"

Rebecca looks at him . "Of course not. I mean, just look at me. She says before striking a pose.

Cyrus ignores her. "well If that's true, what do I do now?

Rebecca shrugs. "Who knows? I'm not really sure. But I might have an idea." Pointing to his chest.

Cyrus frowns. "What are you talking about?"

Rebecca looks at him. "I'm sure I can feel a bit power in that little hole of yours. Just think about it. You can just use that to protect yourself. Boom, presto!"

looking at his chest. "That's impossible. You're crazy."

Rebecca sticks her tongue out at him. "Maybe just a little, but either way, I Know It's worth a shot."

"How would I even begin to learn how to do what you did earlier?"

"Honestly I have no idea. Your not even half as great as I am," she taunts. "But I guess I can take you on as my student, After all, I wouldn't want to lose my partner now would I?"

Rebecca smiles. "Plus, think about it. You'll be able to do pretty much anything I can do. well of course ill always be better but Isn't that pretty cool. "

Cyrus smiles. "Yeah I guess it is but I still don't know how I,ll figure out how to use this thing."

"Exactly." Rebecca jumps up and points at him. "That's why you need to start getting used to it as soon as possible. You'll be using it a lot more often than you think. Especially with that weird guy hanging around so lets practice shall we?"

Cyrus looks at her. "Practice?"

Rebecca nods. "Yes practice. That's what we'll do. Practice."

Thinking back to her work in the other realm Cyrus shudders. "I'm not quite sure i feel safe practising something like this with you"

Rebecca rolls her eyes. "Just Meet me after school alright, I'll teach you all about it"


Rebecca smiles. "See you then."

"Yeah. See you then"