

Have you imagine? If there is a parallel world.Where you can be completely different person.I wonder what kind of person I was there.Am I successful? Or maybe I am in much more horrible situation than I am today.Maybe I'm a lesbian there?!

pfft... what am I thinking..?!! .. This book that I have been reading is so good that It makes me fantasize about parallel worlds..I hope there Is as world that is much more better than this and less boring.

But still!! It must have been good if there is a parallel world.I am maybe cool there and living the good life. Not like this living in a very stressful and hectic life having only enough money for myself and my brother to continue living.


"ughhhhh" -_- ,one of the thing I hate the most.'the TRAFFIC' I hate it through my bones . Can you Imagine having a diarrhea or you really need to pee but your stuck in the middle of traffic.How frustrating is that?What if you can't take it anymore and you poop or pee in the bus or taxi? (@_@) Imagine what will happen next? That might be a horrifying situation.

"AYALA! AYALA!",the barter said.

So here I am already in Ayala.My destination every working hours.I'm currently 23 years old undergraduate and that's it. Pretty boring right? Well I'm in a typical broken family scenario. My mom and dad separates when I was 15. My mother left us for his boyfriend and my dad becomes a mess. Well can I really blame my mom? Its not like I did not know that my father messes around the girls here and there and where financially unstable.Its not even a secret everyone knows it. How I hate it when people ask you 'how are you guys?' and ending up in a words 'you seem like your mother' or 'Do you know when is your mother coming back'. Its irritating and its definitely like a slap in your face. We don't know when my mother is going to come back okay! She left us with no words and Never ever contacted Us since then.

Anyways Hello everyone!!!! \[^∆^]√ My name is Kristine Ramos and this is my life.