
Chapter 1

The thought of going back to this him disgusts me to no end. I knew the severity of the situation that I put myself in. I told them that I would do whatever it takes for this to be solved. Once it started I couldn't stop, no I wasn't allowed to stop. No matter what I do he always has the information I need. and I will do whatever it takes to put the killer behind bars. Not just so I can get the police off my back but also so I can get justice for my brother.

I ring the doorbell then knock three times so that anyone inside will know that I'm here. While I wait for the door to be opened I let my thoughts consume me, thinking back to the day I met this poor excuse of a human.

I sat by the window waiting for Dylan to come home from school so he could help me with my Homework. While waiting I saw a large truck pass by but I didn't pay much attention to the truck because my dad just came home with Dylan.

The sound of his assistant calling my name snaps me out of my thoughts and I nervously mess with the bottom of my dress. She steps aside so I can get inside and I go straight to his office and sit on the couch farthest from his desk waiting for him to get out of the bathroom.

The first time I ever met Devil we were still kids in elementary school, since he just moved to the neighborhood he was new at school. He immediately caught the attention of others which I was happy about because it got the attention off of me. That peace sadly didn't last long because a few days later he slid into the seat right next to me during lunch. Before I knew it all the attention was back on me and every one was warning him to stay away from me.

The sound of shuffling feet and running water pulls me out of my thoughts and the noise quickly stops and the light in the bathroom flicks off. Looking up from my lap I see the door slowly open as my gaze falls upon the young man leaving the bathroom. No words were exchanged as I stood up from the couch and made my way towards him so we can further discuss the details of my frequent visits.

I extend my hand for him to shake but he instead grabs my hand and spins me into him, my back gently hitting his chest. His hands find their way to my waist and I feel his rough scarred lips on my neck. My thoughts scream at me to stop and push him away, but I slowly find myself giving into his touch.

Tilting my head to the side giving him better access to my neck, he gently bites down on my neck gently sucking on the skin between his teeth. Softly biting my lip, his hands make their way under my dress, he picks me up and walks us over to the couch laying me down on it.

The first sexual experience was with devil, I was 15 and he was 17, I attended my first highschool party. This party was my first social outing since Dylan had passed. I stuck to the wall because these types of parties aren't really my style. I tightly clutched my drink and surveyed the room looking for anyone I knew. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Devil standing behind me with a sly smile plastered on his face. Within 15 minutes we were in an empty room and devil took my virginity.

I look up at him, his eyes dark and clouded over with nothing but pure lust, he unbuttons my dress, sliding it off of my shoulders and down my body tossing it onto the floor. His gaze roams my body and he trails from kisses from my neck down to my stomach and then kissing his way back up. He undoes the clasp on my bra and takes it off of me and he tosses it to the floor with my dress and spreads my legs hovering over my body as his lips meet mine in a greedy kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, my legs instinctively wrap around his waist and he chuckles, clearly sensing my eagerness.

He gently grips my thighs and sits up attaching his lips to my neck leaving faint bruises on my skin. He kisses down to my chest, taking one of my nipples in his mouth rolling the other one gently between his fingers. He switches over and does the same to my other nipple, before gently kissing down to the top of my panties.

My thoughts finally catch up with me and I push him off of me and stand up grabbing my clothes off the floor, quickly putting them back on. After making myself presentable once more, I give him a stern look and he turns away from me and walks over to his desk and grabs a yellow envelope. He walks back over to me and hands me the envelope gently touching my hand as he does so. I take the envelope from his hands and open it making sure all the papers are there and with a quick nod of my head and a quiet thank you, I turn on my heel and leave his house not bothering to hear his reply.