
Solo Leveling: Ope Ope no Mi

In a world of relentless dangers and terrifying monsters, one man is granted a single extraordinary power and the chance of reincarnation. With the odds stacked against him, he embarks on an epic journey to harness his newfound abilities and survive the unforgiving realm he's chosen. Will his strength be enough to conquer this treacherous land, or will he become just another victim of its relentless perils? **** I will do a poll to decide the romantic partner but I already have someone in mind the powers of the protagonist are pretty self explanatory :3 ........................ guys before the objective was after each 20 stones increment one bonus chapter but since you hit that goal once a day I will Have to up it to each 50 power stones increment so at 50 and 100 one new bonus chapter and so on :3

MeagerWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

The Meeting

The restaurant I had chosen for the meeting was a prestigious Italian establishment, boasting three Michelin stars. It exuded an air of sophistication and class, the perfect setting for such an important occasion. Dressed in a sharp suit, I had just returned from significant business dealings with the Hunter Association.

As I arrived in my new Rolls Royce, a crowd quickly gathered, their excitement palpable. Requests for autographs and photos flooded in, and while it was a novel experience, I appreciated the attention.

The restaurant's staff escorted me to the top floor, where a private dining room awaited. It featured a modern table and comfortable seats, offering a panoramic view of the bustling city below. Today was a pivotal day indeed, as Hunter Sung Il-Hwan had accepted my dinner invitation. He mentioned that he would be accompanied by his wife and their children, both avid fans of mine. The anticipation of our meeting hung in the air as I settled into the private room.

[Sung Il-Hwan's PoV]

"Dad, is it true that today we're going to dinner with the strongest hunter in Korea, Hunter Haneul?" The excitement in my 14-year-old son Sung Jinwoo's voice was infectious.

"Yeah, he invited us to dinner. I don't know why, but I guess we'll find out soon enough," I replied with a smile.

"Daddy, are you nervous? He's super strong," my 7-year-old daughter, Sung Jinah, chimed in, her innocent curiosity shining through.

"There's no reason to be nervous. He seemed like a nice person when we talked over the phone, and I'm pretty strong too," I said, trying to ease their worries with a touch of humor.

"Dear, I think we've arrived at the restaurant. This place is really fancy," my wife, Park Kyung-Hye, observed.

"Are you perhaps Hunter Sung Il-Hwan and his family?" A well-dressed restaurant staff member approached us with respect as we neared the entrance. "We were instructed to escort you to the private room where Hunter Haneul Yunseo is waiting for you."

"Oh, yes, that's us. Please lead the way," I replied, grateful for the guidance.

[main Pov]

I awaited my guests in the private room of a prestigious three-Michelin-star Italian restaurant, carefully selected for this important meeting. 

The waiter, dressed impeccably, approached me. "Would you like some wine while waiting for your guests, sir?"

"Yes, bring me two of your finest bottles, and please include some drinks suitable for the children," I replied.

Just as I finished my order, the door to the room swung open, and I was drawn from my thoughts.

"Sir, your guests have arrived," the waiter informed me. I promptly rose to welcome them.

Sung Il-Hwan, an imposing figure with a gentle smile, possessed a sturdy physique and striking yellow eyes. But what struck me most was the delicate figure of Sung Jinwoo, the protagonist of the manga I revered. To see him as a 14-year-old in the flesh was astounding. He was not particularly tall, sporting a lean, almost frail physique, with deep black hair. The adorable 7-year-old girl accompanying them was his sister, and the mature, graceful woman by Sung Il-Hwan's side was undoubtedly his wife.

As I observed them, I couldn't help but contemplate the grim future and challenges they would endure in the original story. With my presence here, I was determined to alter their destiny.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hunter Sung. I assume these two are your children, and this lovely woman is your wife. I'm delighted that you accepted my invitation," I greeted them with a warm smile, my aura naturally commanding respect.

"The pleasure is all mine, Hunter Haneul. I never expected such a prominent figure to want to meet me and my family," Sung replied politely.

"Don't be so modest, Hunter. We all know you're an S-ranker, even if it's unofficial. You awakened before the ranking system existed and didn't go through the process to make it official," I said.

"Now, please, make yourselves comfortable. Tonight's dinner is on me, so feel free to order whatever you desire. I've already arranged for two bottles of wine and some children's drinks," I added, setting the stage for the evening.

With everyone settled at the table, delectable courses arrived one after another, accompanied by exquisite wine. The ambiance was one of sophistication, and the conversation flowed with a perfect blend of formalities and camaraderie.

However, as the main course made its appearance, I shifted the tone of the evening.

"Now that we're done with the pleasantries, there's a reason behind this meeting, Hunter Sung. I have a proposition that I hope you'll consider," I declared, my serious tone instantly capturing everyone's attention.

"Please, go ahead, Hunter Haneul. I'm eager to hear it," Sung responded with equal seriousness.

"I'd like you to join my guild as the head of the second division team. Your compensation will be substantial, and we'll provide you with an apartment in our headquarters. Your children will receive the finest education available, all at our expense," I stated, addressing them directly.

"I won't hide that this is an intriguing offer, Hunter, but isn't your guild already formidable enough to handle all the gates in the area?" Sung inquired.

"Yes, it is, but I'm looking to expand our reach, and for that, I need as many capable individuals as I can find. From what I've heard, you are formidable in strength," I responded. However, my internal motivations were far more complex.

"just the thought of controlling the future protagonist and a formidable as ranker, is making me salivate ahahahah" I thought 

"Please, I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but I'd like some time to contemplate this and discuss it with my family."

"Certainly, there's no rush. Take your time; you have one week to decide. After that, I'll be heading to the US with the prime minister and Chairman Go," I concluded. The rest of the dinner proceeded smoothly, a mix of delicious cuisine and important conversation in an atmosphere of opulence and possibility.

[After the Dinner]

As my guests were making their way out, my phone buzzed with an incoming call from Woojin.

"Hey, boss, did you manage to convince them to join?" he inquired eagerly.

"Yeah, I think so. With everything I offered them, he'd be crazy to refuse. The expression on his wife's face when she heard the offer was priceless," I replied with a touch of humor.

"I'm glad to hear that, but now, you have more pressing matters to attend to, boss," Woojin said with a serious tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. In a week, we have to depart. Are you ready to take over the guild while I'm away?" I asked with a hint of concern.

"Yes, everything is set. As you instructed, we're also expanding into areas near Seoul. If all goes according to plan, by the time you return, we should be controlling 40 percent of the gates in all of Korea," Woojin stated solemnly.

Controlling all those gates meant dominating most of the nation's wealth. It was the most profitable business in the country, and if our plans went smoothly, we would own 40 percent of it in just a month.

"So, the acquisition of the other guilds is progressing well, I presume? Don't slow down while I'm away. If the other guilds try to cause trouble, we'll have the backing of the Hunter Association. Even during my absence, we should be able to manage," I emphasized.

The stage was set for our conquest of the peninsula. It was only a matter of time and competence before we achieved our goals.

Yet, these were just the initial moves in the grand game I had set in motion. As I pressed forward, my ultimate goal remained crystal clear: to reduce casualties to a minimum and unite hunters worldwide in a seamless alliance. Those elusive gods would not have their way this time.

what do you think of this chapter guys :3

you are drowning me in powerstone, now I have so many chapters that I am indebted to you guyssss but thank :3333

love yall :3

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