
Solo leveling - Life

What if the Absolute being had had another card up his sleeve, another project for his entertainment that he didn't decide to put into action until the last moments of his existence. Perhaps the stories of reincarnated souls that plagued the internet brought him some strange inspiration, or perhaps he himself was the creator of the first story with that plot, who knows. ... I don't know who owns the photo on the cover. If you have a problem with it being used here, just say so and I'll remove it.

Mapachefm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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"Come on u' little shit!"


[Skill: Quick race was activated.]

[Hengrabalibor is using 'Skill: Assault']

The aura the beast gave off exploded in preparation for our confrontation.

I knew I had the disadvantage, so I ran in the direction with the most trees.

The crocodile, enraged by his injury, looked in my direction and decided to launch its sharp tongue in my direction.

The abomination, seeing how I decided to dodge the battle, became more enraged than it was, and with a roar it rushed at me quickly.

His tail, defying all logic from my past life, faded for a moment, recovering the distance between us with the intention of piercing my legs.


With all my strength, now renewed, I dodged the attack as best I could, just millimeters from touching my calf.

The ground, however, was not so lucky.

The impact kicked up mud and sewage in the area, along with some trees.

I dodged the crocodile's tongue, more easily now, and kept running, dodging attacks and moving between the biggest trees I could see.

When I felt like I had no escape, I called back my spear and took cover from the abomination's slash that had already hit me.

If before his strength was suffocating, now it was ridiculous. His claws left deep marks on my weapon and my left arm, and as if that weren't enough, he shot his tail towards my neck.

My sense of danger instantly alarmed me, and with a twist of my head, I dodged the stab, receiving a scrape instead.


I went through a tree before I could regain my balance.

The crocodile, taking advantage of my instability, again launched its tongue in my direction, but this time it was ready.

I dodged the attack with a spin and split the bloody crocodile's sensory organ with a single slash.

Before he was out of my grasp, I grabbed the severed tongue and hurled it at the crocodile as he began to experience the pain of his wound.

[Skill: Javelin throw was activated.]

The spear flew straight straight at the head, and ended up piercing one of the beast's eyes.

[Skill: Vitan Strike was activated.]


I wanted to make sure of the lizard's death, but my senses screamed at me to focus on something else.

With a leap, Hengrabalibor lunged at me, ready to disfigure me with his claws and eat what was left of my body.

Seeing the opportunity, I decided to risk everything with an attack.

Aiming for the heart, planting my left foot in the mud and holding my spear in my right hand, I twisted my body with all I had and hurled the weapon at the beast.

[Skill: Javelin throw was activated.]


Luckily, the attack connected, but not where I wanted.

My spear pierced Hengrabalibor's side, deflecting his trajectory slightly.

But it wasn't enough to stop the beast, which shortly after bit into my shoulder while stabbing me in the stomach.


I was buried in the ground with the blow, and I felt the abomination shake and tear at my muscles as my consciousness began to blur.

[Alarm. As your health has dropped below 30%, [Skill: Willpower] will activate. Damage taken will be reduced by 50%.]

Gaining some clarity in the midst of the pain, I joined the fingers of my right hand and attacked his neck with what strength I had left.


[Skill: Vital Strike was activated.]


[Skill: Vital Strike was activated.]


[Skill: Vital Strike was activated.]

Attack and attack as my vision darkened. I stopped feeling my body.

[You've leveled up.] Two notifications showed me the system, but I knew the abomination wasn't dead yet, it seems the lizard had been killed under its own spear.

With the dim clarity that the stat increase brought me, I made one last desperate attack, calling back my spear that was still embedded in the monster.


[Skill: Vital Strike was activated.]


I felt like the beast tore my shoulder from my body along with part of my neck, while mutilating my abdomen, while all its weight fell on top of me.

'It's a shame...' I thought, as I felt my liquids spread everywhere.

'Perhaps… I was never meant for anything great… just like you said…'

After a while, I could hear someone's voice, but my mind couldn't focus on anything anymore. All he saw was darkness, and he couldn't feel anything else.

I opened my eyes with difficulty, disoriented and with a headache.

When I regained my sight, I couldn't help but be amazed and a little confused by the situation I found myself in.

I was in a gigantic room, with gigantic windows and columns tens of meters high.

At the far end of the room was a large throne, clearly not made for humans, and a large stone panel with strange writing, in letters I had never seen before.

In front of the throne, however, was what most caught my attention.

A floating gemstone that emanated a golden light.

I searched my mind as to how I got to this situation, and could only remember being mutilated to death by Hengrabalibor.

However, my body is in perfect condition, as if nothing had happened.

Another weird thing would be the system. Since I woke up, it left its blue color for a gray one, and I can't access it.


"It's you, isn't it? The one who brought me here, the one who gave me the system and the one who cured my body."


I waited at least three minutes, but no one answered me, so I decided to zoom in on what struck me the most here.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of my footsteps echoed through the room.

A moment later and the crystal was an arm's length away.

Maybe not the smartest thing to do, but my curiosity won the fight against my caution and I raised a hand towards the light.

When my fingers touched it, the system, still grayish, answered.

[You have been chosen by works of destiny, to affect your world, affect it more than anyone else can. You have shown your worth and fulfilled the mission entrusted to you. You have two options:

1. Choose a job that fits you.

2. Let God choose for you.

Note that if you choose God's choice, you will have to sacrifice one of your senses. Choose carefully. Your choice will determine your future.]


'Always keeping the information to you.'

"And how do I know that this "God" you speak of wants me to improve? This seems perfectly more like a scam than anything else. Besides, even if he was God himself, why should I care about his choice? I enjoy my new life, yes, but I will not be anyone's lackey, not now, not ever. Life taught me that no one will want the best for me more than myself. I never had to depend on anyone... Why bet on what a "God" wants for me?"


'Heh, I thought so-'

[God doesn't need your gratitude, or your abilities, or anything you can do. You are given the opportunity to obtain a greater power, a power chosen by God himself, but you will not be forced to obtain it. That wouldn't be fun.]



"And why do I have to get rid of one of my senses? Am I not supposed to have already paid the price by completing the mission you assigned me?"

[Because God wanted it that way, He doesn't need reasons. Perhaps it is his interest in equitable change, but only He knows. Now, choose.]

"And you're supposed to be the conscience of the system or something?"

[The system has no consciousness. I was created for this moment, and this moment only. Also, keep in mind that you will no longer receive quests from here on out, and that I will not answer more of your questions. Now, choose.]


'Well, that further narrows down the options. A Jinwoo without system missions would be beaten in the coming battle, and I plan to get over it before it starts…'

"Well, I've already made my choice."

[What do you choose?]

"My vision." I said with determination. My other senses are pretty sharp right now, so this is the only opcion that doesn't affect me too much.

This is a world where the strong survive and rule, and the weak die or become the plaything of fate.

I refuse to accept being the weak shit in the story.

[So you choose to follow God's choice?]

"I choose to obtain that power you speak of, not follow his choices, you piece of shit."

[Very well, so be it.]

The golden light from the crystal enveloped me, and began to warm me. The temperature rose and rose, until golden flames began to wrap around me.


I felt like my body was burning inside and out.


My skin burned, my muscles burned, my bones burned, and I could only watch it all happen as I felt the pain.

Until my vision stopped working, leaving me only the pain and suffering of being burned alive.

At some point the fire left and I felt my body again.

However, it felt like the flames that had burned me so much were absorbed into my chest, and, surprisely, it didn't feel bad.

It felt comforting, pleasant, as if they had always belonged to this place.

My body filled with energy, so much energy that it felt somewhat suffocating.

I could feel how my strength had recover and increase drastically, and how the energy that I could once perceive in my body had changed to something else.

[Alarm. You have obtained [Inferior Heart of the Beginning LVL. 1].]

[Your job is 'Life Lord'.]

[You have learned Job Exclusive Skills.]

[You have obtained Bonus Stats.]

[You have obtained the title "God's Chosen."]

The flame I felt in my chest illuminated my vision like a lantern on a cloudy night, and with its appearance, my entire body lit up before my eyes.

I could see the silhouette of my body illuminated with a golden light, and soon after I could notice my surroundings with the same lines.

[You have learned 'Skill: Sensory Eyes.']

'Wow… Just wow.'

"This is more... much more than I expected."

I quickly checked my status, amazed at all the changes my body had.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

Name: Roy Brightheart

Job: Life Lord.

Title: God's Chosen. [A title given to those chose by The Absolute Being. You have 40% damage reduction to all types of damage. 'Skill: Dominator's touch LVL. 1' has been granted.]

Heart's Level: 1

HP: 10,000.

Lifeforce: 100/2000. (Normal Person: 10.)

Strength: 90 (+10)

Stamina: 80

Dexterity: 90

Intelligence: 70

Sensory: 90

Physical Damage Reduction: 40%, +15% (Arms).



Unknown Max. LVL.

Willpower – Level 2. [As your health has dropped below 30%, damage taken will be reduced by 50%.]

Advanced Spear arts - Level 1. [Spear only. Because you've used a spear for an extended period of time, you can now use Spears more proficiently. When a spear is used, the attacks with it gain 33% additional damage.]

Sensory Eyes - Level 1. [From your eyes, you can see different types of energy. The higher the skill level, the greater the user's optical control and the depth of energies they can see.]


Quick Race – Level 2. [0.1 LF/Minute. Your movement will increase by 30%.]

Vital Strike - Level 2. [7 LF/Use. Spear or Javelin only. You have learned to attack efficiently. You now deal critical damage as you attack your foe's vital areas.]

Javelin throw - Level 2. [3 LF/Use. Javalin or spear only. Deal damage by throwing your javalin. As the skill's level increases, damage and accuracy will increase.]

Dominator's Touch - Level 1. [No LF required. You can control objects without touching them.]

[Class Skills]:

Life's Giver - Level 1. [As a life lord, you will be able to form inspired 'Life Core Fragments' from your heart. These can be delivered to your followers, giving them several benefits:

- The potential of the follower will be improved and will not be tied to his race.

- The LF of the Lord of Life and the follower will be connected. As long as there is LF available, followers will be able to use the skill 'Instant Regeneration - Level MAX'.

- The 'Life Core Fragments' will serve as LF generators, and will improve their performance the more LF they manage to acquire from their enemies.

- Other aspects will have to be discovered.

Current Fragments limit: 7.]

Instant Regeneration – Level MAX. [All damage taken will be healed instantly, as long as there is enough LF. Each wound received will cost a set amount of LF. When the total LF drops to 100, the ability will be disabled, unless the bearer of the initial heart does not want it to be.]

Fire of the beginning – Level 1. [Fire created from LF and the 'Inferior Heart of the Beginning'. The temperature and function depend on the intention of the creator.]

[Equipped items]:

Armadillo Lizard Scale Armguard [B],

[Soul-bound items]:

Lower Heart of the Beginning – Level 1 [Unknown]. [Object given by "The Absolute Being". Generate about 5 LF every 24 hours. The more LF is concentrated inside, the better its production will be. It can evolve.]

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

'That is… a lot of information.'

Before I could focus on my state, a portal appeared behind me, and I could feel it's form before even loocking at it.

The lines, instead of being a golden color like my body or the outline of normal objects, were blue, and they moved in a distinctive way.

'This should be magic power…'

'I don't know what the future holds for me, or how this will affect my relationship with the Powerhouses of this world, but I do know that I now have the body and the skills to shape it however I want, at least the potential to do so.'

With no time to lose, I went through the portal.

'I hope Ma' has made stew.'

Now we start with the ideas that most motivated me to start this Fanfic. Tell me your opinions, if you like how the story is moving or if you think something should be different. Good night. :)

Mapachefmcreators' thoughts