
Solo leveling - Life

What if the Absolute being had had another card up his sleeve, another project for his entertainment that he didn't decide to put into action until the last moments of his existence. Perhaps the stories of reincarnated souls that plagued the internet brought him some strange inspiration, or perhaps he himself was the creator of the first story with that plot, who knows. ... I don't know who owns the photo on the cover. If you have a problem with it being used here, just say so and I'll remove it.

Mapachefm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Another start.

3rd POV.

In a large room, in front of a large mural with passages in strange languages, was a throne, and on that throne, He was sitting.

The Absolute Being, The Almighty One, The Lord of Lords, God Himself, lay reclining on his throne, lying on one side with one hand to his cheek, wearing an expression none of his vassals ever saw.

He felt boredom, a deep boredom that had plagued him for eons. He had already tried several things to entertain himself, he had created and destroyed worlds, galaxies, universes, all in order to savor a little more that fun that his creation brought him so much.

However, he already knew that his time was up. The monarchs and 7 of the Rulers had united in order to destroy him, him, the lord and creator of all.

He found the situation funny, it felt poetic, and above all exciting, just thinking that light and darkness would unite in order to put an end to the "Great Evil Lord" that they once served.

He was so amused that he didn't even try to avoid it, he knew what would happen, but he decided to witness the great battle that was coming, giving the power of death to the only vassal who remained faithful. Poor Ashborn, his Greatest Brilliant Light Fragment was so loyal that he even started a war that he knew he was going to lose against his brothers, God thought with a smirk. Feelings like love or hate no longer had meaning for him, only fun and entertainment kept his existence afloat.

At that moment, as he wandered in his thoughts, he remembered that project that he had put aside.

From his hand, a golden crystal appeared.

He could feel his creation approaching the palace gate.

He held the octahedron for a moment, closed his eyes, nodded and decided to change the destiny of the planet earth, only this time, he could no longer know what changes it would bring about.

???'s POV.


All I see is darkness.

I don't feel my body, but I feel like I'm submerged in water, if that even describes it.

'What was the last thing I did?'

Everything feels blurry, like a drunken day out with my friends from work.

I don't know when it happened, but little by little I regained my strength.

I was able to open my eyes, although a terrible headache closed them again.


'Is that my voice?'

5 minutes later and I was already aware of my situation.

My name is Roy Brightheart, I was born in England, my father is English and my mother is Japanese. I have an older brother who left home at 18 when I was only 10, and my father hasn't contacted us for about 6 years since he left my mother and went back to Europe. I have a little nephew, two German shepherds and a parrot named "Chiki".

"Well shit…"

Other than that, this world is infested with portals containing monsters, guilds with crazy hunters, and a bunch of weird shit.

And I'm pretty sure it's the world of Solo leveling. Seeing Thomas Andre, Goto Ryuji, Liu Zhigang, and Lennart Niermann on TV while showing off a bit of their powers honestly left me with no choice but to believe.

Considering that both my father and brother are hunters, and from the memories I acquired the power system of this world is damn identical to Solo leveling.

'Unfortunately, this body took his mother's talent out of it, with no powers...'

The truth is that the bombardment of memories left me lost and somewhat scared, but for some reason beyond my control I calmed down pretty quickly.

And that's weird, really weird, I'm sure I should be curled up in the corner of the room, but here I am, like this is all normal.

Another thing is that I don't remember how I got here, not at all.

I was supposed to be sleeping in my room, but here I am.


'You know what, I'll just accept everything. This seems like one of those fantasy transmigration novels the more I think about it, and if so, well… Damn amazing, I'm finally out of the shitty monotony of my world. Even though I don't have powers, I c- Wait, I don't have powers... I HAVE NO FUCKING POWERS in a world of monsters and hunters...'

I collapsed back onto the bed, which is incredibly comfortable by the way, albeit a completely useless piece of information.

Things only got more amazing when a golden screen appeared in my view, for free.

I was a little surprised when it appeared, but I could only feel joy at the thought of what this screen could be.

[New daily quest.]

A melodic female voice sounded.

'Could it be...' A smile formed on my face.


[Daily Quest: Get stronger.]

Push-ups: 0/100 times

Squats: 0/100 times

Press: 0 / 100 times

Running: 0/10km

'It is identical, everything is identical…'

※ Note: If the task is not completed during the day, a corresponding fine will be imposed.

At this point I couldn't resist it anymore.

I jumped out of bed and started screaming and dancing like crazy.


'Wait.' I stopped short as a thought popped into my head, a very scary thought.

'Does that mean… Jinwoo has no system… and I will have to fight instead?'

3 days later.

"Ma' did you make dinner?"

"Yes, I left it on the table for you."

I moved the plate to the dining room as I thought about the last few days.

I live with my mother, Keiko Shimizu, in an apartment on the outskirts of Japan. My brother moved close to us about 2 years ago, and he leaves his son with mom most of the week.

The truth is that the boy likes him, I don't know how he came out so good considering the shitty father he has.

These days I have been doing the daily exercises, and the change is noticeable.

My body, although quite thin at first, is now beginning to show results.

I'm 19 years old, shoulder-length brown hair, single, and work as a waiter at a local coffee shop. When I have time, I work as a taxi driver with a car that I was able to get at a good price, thanks to my mother and my cousin, Akari Shimizu.

Yes, an S-rank hunter, who happens to be my aunt's daughter, and who happened to grow up with me.

The truth is that I don't know what happened to the person who occupied this body before, or all the things he experience, but I don't worry too much.

It is true that I acquired several memories when I got here, but they were more with fast-motion summaries with many cuts.

I will use everything I have at my disposal to be happy in this fantasy world, of that I'm sure.

And of course, I will protect the family of the previous owner of this body.

I'm not so irresponsible either, the guy gave me his body for free, somehow I have to pay him.

The truth is that the increase in strength with the missions has me excited.

I feel like with the system and what I know of the story, even if I have to fight for Jinwoo, I'll do it happily.

Dying fighting sounds twenty times more exciting than the shitty life I led before.

'I should register as a hunter in a couple of days…'

I have 1 Class E Dungeon Key, and I plan to use it today, so my level will go up quite a bit.

I don't know if the Shadow Monarch is watching me, I just have unanswered questions regarding all of this.

At least, I can say that the system and abilities are the same as how I remember them.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

Name: Roy Brightheart

Level 1

Class: None

Titles: None

HP: 100

PM: 10

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Sensory: 10

Distribution points: 9



Unknown Max. LVL.

Willpower – Level 1.


Quick Race – Level 1.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

I got the same abilities that I expected, and this just mekes me think more that I really got the Shadow Monarch system.

"That was great Ma'" I said as I carried the plate to the sink.

She may not have any special powers, but she's a fucking good cook.

"Thanks Roy, are you going to work now?"

"Yes, today I have to arrive a little earlier."

"Well, remember to bring the cookies that the little one likes."

"Ye', ye', noted. Bye."

"Take care of yourself."

'Luckily I have memories of how the old Ray behaved in front of his mother.'

The truth is that it feels strange to have a new family so suddenly, but I can get used to it if it is this family.

My new mother and nephew are loving, attentive and always try to make me smile, which is strange considering Japanese culture.

I went downstairs, left the building and walked to the nearest park from the cell phone map.

I arrived at the train station, and I held the key.

"First of all, let's use this."

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

Strength: 16, Stamina: 10, Dexterity: 13, Intelligence: 10, Sensory: 10

Distribution Points: 0

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

'Uff, it feels nice.' I thought as I clenched my fist.

I use the key, and enter the underground.

'What th-'

I took a step forward, and the whole scene changed.

'It wasn't supposed to be like this.'

The ground was brilliant white, and all I could see around me was darkness.

[Heh heh heh…]

'I already screwed up.'

[You must be scared, right?]

"I liked the female voice better, if I'm honest."

'I'm shitting myself.'

[Heh heh, I'm sure of that. You thought you would have the same system that "that" boy, right? Well, that wouldn't be fun. You will have another path, a more dangerous one, of that I have no doubt.]

"Who are you?"

[That doesn't matter. Now, your path will be different, but similar to that of Ashborn's heir. You will be more than a Monarch, just like the boy, but you will be polar opposites, natural enemies. Of course, unlike him, you will not receive power, they will only give you a little push at the start and the potential to gain it, heh.]

'The fucker laughs…'


[Heh heh, elaborate the question, boy.]

"You must know why I came here. Stop the mysteries and stupidities, tell me already, surely you have better things to do. Why am I here?"

[Heh heh, I really don't have better things to do.]


[I'll let you get on with the dungeon, if that was going through your mind HE HE HE. I would like to continue to see what changes you will provoke in the future, but this will be the last time we talk. Fight, boy, fight and change the great battle that is coming HEHEHEH-.]

My vision blurred, and from one moment to another I was already back in the subway.


'Shit, my heart is going to stop if things like this continue to happen.'

I looked around, and noticed that I no longer had the key in my hand.

'In the end, I enter the dungeon…'


'Lots to think about, and me worried about some damn wolves.'

I opened my inventory and pulled out an old spear my cousin had left in the apartment.

It is not the best of options, but this will suffice.

'From what he told me, I guess Jinwoo still has his system. That's good. Very good. I lost that pressure I had in my chest.'

'Well, now it's time to level up to death.'

I walked and walked, while the tension in my body rose.

I have never killed a living being. Let's see, a mosquito yes, but you understand my point.

I should be worried, I really should, but the excitement I feel from being able to get stronger and gain powers just takes over my body.

I kept walking, until I ran into two red eyes that were looking at me in the dark.

Well, 4 eyes to be exact.

2 red wolves with seemingly metallic jaws appeared.

I should be nervous, really, but I feel very calm at the moment.

One of the wolves lunged at me, trying to bite my neck, but my spear caught it first.

One thrust to the head, and he was dead.

The sensation of passing through a living being, the blood that drained from the beast, the grunt of agony that it released when dying, all these things only increased the smile that plastered my face, if that was possible.

I ran towards the remaining wolf, and without giving him time to react I impaled him in the neck while looking into his eyes.

[You have leveled up]

'Yes, this, this is life.' I said as I watched my stats increase by 1 and continued on my way.

First chapter of an idea that didn't let me sleep last night. I'm new to writing, and English is not my main language, so I have to use a translator most of the time. I expect feedback, and a lot of constructive criticism, to see if I improve. Any idea you want to see reflected in a Solo leveling fanfic, write it in the comments and I'll read it.

Mapachefmcreators' thoughts