
Solo Evolution system

Chapter 0 : The dark times and the birth of evolution. Ten years ago, the world was at peace and it was a time before the corruption had spread, before the world was ravaged by the darkness. The sun still shone brightly, and the breeze still carried the scent of flowers. People lived their lives in peace, with no knowledge of the coming storm. But then, a darkness crept into the world, a power unlike anything that had been seen before. It began in small pockets, at first only affecting animals and plants. But soon, the corruption spread like wildfire, twisting everything in its path. Natural disasters struck with greater frequency and severity, and the people began to flee in terror. Creatures, items and treasures that only exist in mythology and imagination starts appearing in the world it was a time of Chaos. As the world descended into chaos, a small group of scientists saw the destruction and knew that something had to be done. They began to study the corrupted creatures and the dark energy that controlled them, looking for a way to fight back. It was then that they discovered the ancient relics and treasures that had been hidden for centuries. These relics contained a power that could be harnessed by humans, giving them enhanced abilities and powers. With this discovery, the scientists set out to create a machine that would change the course of history. They called it the Evolution system and it was the beginning of a new era in the world.

Official_Chibuna · Fantaisie
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92 Chs

Chapter 61: The Seed of Discord

The sun was setting over the Advanced Arcane Academy as Lady Quan Yu called for the end of the day's training session. "Your power and your discipline have both grown in these past few days. But there is much more to learn, and mastery is a journey, not a destination."

She gave each evolver a final appraisal. Cheol Su's jaw was clenched, his power still not quite under his control. Elsa's eyes were bright with determination, her flame magic flickering about her fingertips. Kai, too, showed signs of improvement, though the wildness of his fire magic still lingered. And Wu Long seemed to have the patience of a monk, his earth magic as steady and solid as his demeanor.

At last, Lady Quan Yu turned to Yuer Mo, the ice princess whose control of her frost magic was as cold and unyielding as her composure.

"Dismissed," she said, her gaze resting for a moment longer on Yuer Mo than the others. "Tomorrow, we will begin our study of elemental mystical creatures and the way their mystical core can aid evolution process." As the evolvers filed out of the training ground, Yuer Mo could feel the weight of Lady Quan Yu's gaze on her back. Her control over her powers was indeed impressive, but even she knew that there was much more to learn. And perhaps, in time, she would learn more about her fellow evolvers—and how to use their strengths and weaknesses to her advantage.

"Well, if it isn't our resident ice queen." Yuer Mo's brow rose as she turned to find Cheol Su stalking towards her, his Toxic Wolf Blades strapped to his back. "Ice queen, you say? How very flattering." She allowed herself a hint of a smirk. "But I think you'll find that I'm quite warm and accommodating…to those who deserve it."

Cheol Su's expression turned stormy. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you? But let's not forget who's really in control here. "In control?" Yuer Mo repeated, her voice low and mocking. "Interesting that you should say that, given the…spectacular display of power you demonstrated today." She allowed herself a small chuckle. "Or should I say, lack thereof?"

Cheol Su's features hardened, his gaze turning to ice. "You may have a talent for picking at my mistakes, but don't think for a second that I'm not aware of your own."

Yuer Mo's smirk widened.

"Oh? And what, pray tell, would those be?" Yuer Mo asked, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "I'm all ears."

Cheol Su's eyes narrowed, his voice dropping to a dangerous murmur. "You're cold, Yuer Mo. Unfeeling. And that's going to be your downfall."

Yuer Mo's expression remained unchanged, her voice icy and disdainful. "Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you. Cheol Su's knuckles whitened, his hands clenching into fists. "Don't push me, Mo. You're starting to test my patience."

Yuer Mo arched an eyebrow, the faintest glint of satisfaction in her eyes. "And what would you do if I did?" she asked, a chill breeze rippling around her. "Would you try to control your powers, or let them run wild as you did today?"

Cheol Su gritted his teeth, his eyes blazing with rage. Yuer Mo's lips curved into a smile, cold and calculating. "Perhaps you're not as 'in control' as you'd like to believe, Cheol Su. Perhaps you're nothing but a wildcard. A loose cannon."

Cheol Su stepped closer, his fists shaking with barely-controlled fury. "Say one more thing, and I swear I'll—"

"Cheol Su," a voice called from the shadows, interrupting the confrontation. Elsa stepped into the light, her fire magic flickering around her fingers like a warning. "I think that's enough for one day, don't you?"

Yuer Mo's smirk faded as she turned to face Elsa, her frost magic receding back into the shadows. "I suppose you're right. After all, it wouldn't do to start a war among the evolvers."

Cheol Su's eyes darted between the two women, his teeth still bared in a silent snarl. In the distance, the Academy bells rang out, signaling the end of the day's training. Yuer Mo, her smirk returned, gave Cheol Su one last scathing look. "I'd hate to break up such a productive discussion, but I'm afraid we've been dismissed. Perhaps we can continue this another time."

Without another word, she turned and strode away, her frost magic crackling along the ground in her wake.

Cheol Su watched her go, his face twisted in a scowl.