A group of Spec Ops operators are saved from the jaws of death by the intervention of the Supreme Law of Time. After waking from a coma, the team's leader finds himself bound to an alien symbiote. And thanks to the symbiote, the team is thrust into the hidden world of Will awakeners; individuals who use their Will to harness superhuman abilities. As if that wasn't bad enough, the team accidentally uncover a conspiracy by a powerful shadow organisation which then puts them in the central position in the fight against the organisation and their nefarious plans for the world. Thus, begins the journey of the Soldiers chosen by Time!
CH764: Time is of the Essence
Korede had Alpha Zero transmit the schematics of the ventilation shaft with a prepared route to his phone before he jumped down into it.
It was possible the thick bunker would prevent transmission from the AI.
It turned out, he sorely underestimated the signal transmission technology Champion stuffed into the Odin Eye Satellites and the Alphas' phones.
The thick bunker walls did little to affect signal quality in the underground facility.
Alpha Zero was on hand to direct him to his destination per usual.
The ventilation shaft wasn't as tight as he expected. It was at least one metre wide and high. There was enough space for him to moved through while crouched.
He followed Alpha Zero's direction for about ten minutes till he came on top of the target room.
The Control room.
This housed the surveillance system for this section of the bunker.