
CH726: NSM Opportunity


CH726: NSM Opportunity

"General, I've come to you to request your assistance. We have a chance to take one of the NSM's vice leaders off the board." Nabila revealed.

Abdul-Lateef's expression became sharp. His leisurely demeanour vanished in a flash.

"Dismantling the NSM's network is still one of our core mandates. You'll have all the support you need." He responded.

"Thank you, General."

"Let's head to the Command station. You can brief Commander Yadin and I together."

Nabila nodded.

The two of them left the quarters. Isis followed behind them.


Commander Yadin joined them for the briefing.

Nabila began the briefing after Isis helped retrieve the relevant files from the database.

An image showing the aftermath of an explosion in a compound from a distance was the first thing on the screen.