
CH713: Airport Down


CH713: Airport Down

The SOG team made their way to a position one mile from the airport. 

This was a pipeline checkpoint prior to the onset of the civil war. However, the place was no longer operational since the government turned off the pipelines into areas not under its control. This also meant the location was deserted.

The team made their way to a tunnel entrance in a secluded area of the checkpoint.

The checkpoint fed many areas in the province of Latakia, the airport included. In fact, the airport had a dedicated pipeline tunnel which housed the pipelines that fed fuel, aviation fuel and others, to the airport.

This was the team's entry path into the locked down airport.

The team followed the one mile tunnel to its endpoint and exited from within the airport's premises. 

Signs at the door indicated the door was locked by a chain for a long time and only recently unlocked.