
CH626: Assault of Mansion Monnier


CH626: Assault of Mansion Monnier

The Alphas, minus Champion, and Olivia traced Demori's convoy to a mansion estate property in Paris. Due to the presence of multiple Masters in the convoy, the team didn't get too close to it and simply followed them using the Odin Eye Satellites.

The property the convoy drove to, was in a gated community, but the team was able to get in thanks to Olivia's charm and the Musketeer's wide network of contacts in the country.

One of the Musketeer's contacts happened to own a house in the community. Not only that, the contact's house happened to be opposite Alexis Monnier's compound.

Korede's foresight in bringing the French Intel officer along was being proved right.

The team moved into the mansion and set up in a room with a window view of their target property.

"So, what's the plan now?" – Olivia.

"We go in and get our target." – Korede said.