
Chapter 99 : Taken


I didn’t struggle against Archer, as much as I wanted to.

Why were we running away and leaving Jared to get arrested!? He hadn’t done anything wrong!

The moment we were deep enough in the forest, Archer released Mila and me.

“What was that for!?” I pushed his shoulder.

“Just following orders,” Archer tapped the side of his head.

“What happened back there… I don’t understand…” I shook my head. We’d been so close to freedom! How had it gotten so messed up?

My stomach dropped and covered my eyes.

“No. No…” I whispered. I’d thought our escape was too easy! Had Aries allowed us to escape simply to turn us over to the royal guard?

It was all starting to make sense! Had Aries ever wanted our help at all or had this been his plan all along? Had he known we’d tried to escape and this was the setup? How was he always two steps ahead of us?

Jared… I hope you’re okay.