
Chapter 7 : Torn


Splintered old wood flew everywhere, shrapnel from the useless ancient barn door. It was followed by another explosion of wood chips as the rogue bit down on Lucas’s arm and smashed him into a listing horse stall.

Dust stung my eyes as their movements kicked up the thick layer of dirt that had settled on this place. When I lost sight of Lucas beneath the hulking black form of the rogue wolf, I thought for sure he’d been killed.

Feelings bubbled and popped all over me and I felt as though I might burst. What I felt most was rage. How dare this rogue asshole attack us out of nowhere and kill my Lucas?!

I looked around and grabbed a rusty pickaxe that was hanging precariously on a bent peg. No doubt I was next, and I had no intention of going down like a wilting flower. And even if the rogue was satisfied just with killing Lucas, well, I was not satisfied.

A shrill cry filled the air, and I didn’t even know it was me until I brought the pickaxe down on the rogue’s back paw.