
Chapter 42 : Dinner with Friends


Two hours sped away, and we were barely dressed and decent in time for dinner. It turned out Sasha did have a lovely blue sundress that she had now FORBIDDEN me to shred, which clung to her in all the right places.

This caused the same dilemma for me as the halter top and jean shorts. On the one hand, the sundress made her look good enough to eat. On the other hand, other men were going to be feasting their eyes on what was mine.

What I hoped was mine.

Dear Goddess, let her be my mate….

Robbie eyed us as we scurried in, the very last people to arrive. We squeezed in next to Joy and George–Robbie and Alison’s daughter and her mate–and across from Brady and Phoebe. Phoebe’s cheeks were flushed, so I guessed she hadn’t been spending the past two hours “shopping” either.

“Now that we’re all here,” Robbie said, looking pointedly at me. “The High Priestess will give thanks to the Goddess, and then we can all dig in.”