
Chapter 36 : Everything in This Room is Mine


“I thought you never wanted to talk to me again, ever,” I said as I closed the door to my room behind me, leaning against it.

Maeve had followed me all the way back after calling up to me in the crow’s nest. Reluctantly, I’d come down to see what she wanted.

It was a relief to be here, on the Persephone, standing in my room. It would have been even better if the woman on my bed was willing, maybe even naked, not giving me the look Maeve had in her eyes.

“I changed my mind, for now.”

“I see,” I said as I crossed the room, pulling the chair from the desk and sitting in it backward, my legs on either side of it, and my chin resting on its back. “I’m sleeping in here tonight, just so you know.”

“No, you’re not,” Maeve said with conviction, jutting her chin.

“Well, it’s my room. Always has been. You can sleep here, with me, or go bunk with the boys three stories down.”