
So this is what's like to transmigrate?

After a hurricane there was a heatwave. Then there was the voice in her head telling her she only had a few minutes to pick 5 things before she was transmigrated to another world. So what does she pick? A purse A cellphone Her Cat A Tenticle Kitty IT plush toy Her diary When she wakes up she is a baby, and NOT a human one either. Wasn't she only supposed to be transmigrated? Why the reincarnation? Why this species? What's going on? [Welcome to Teragaian] ******* Hello everyone, this is my very first Webnovel on here. As you can probably tell I'm not a gamer so my system story telling will seem a bit off until I perfect it, so I hope you give me a pass until then. Disclaimers: 1. The cover will be added later I'm trying to get it commissioned or to just draw it out myself. 2. There will naturally be some errors within my story. I will do my best to proof read before updating my chapters but if I happen to miss something let me know so I can fix it. 3. Since I'm new to this I'm trying to push out at least 1~3 ch / day. Please though don't hate me if I don't reach those expectations, I'm only human. 4. As I'm still writing / developing this story my synopsis is what it is until I have more to reveal. The romantic content of the story is the same as well, I've not reached that point yet so I've not labeled it. When I do I'll make sure to update here accordingly. Again thank you for checking my story out. = ^. ^=

Atg036Succubus · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Why this unique skill?! / Bad news

Shadow leaned his head into my neck and blew lightly on my hair to comfort me. 

'I could feel the bad news coming, it was coming and I could feel it in my gut. They hadn't even said anything, and I could feel the impending bad news like it was a rock that was sinking in swampy waters. It hurt, God it hurt...'

[Congratulations you have learned a new skill!]

[Unique skill learned Gut Instinct (lvl 1)]

{Gut Instinct (unique skill)}

 --- Similar to the skill premonition, gut instinct is where you will feel like there is a rock in your stomach whenever you know something is bad, REALLy bad, is about to happen. You won't be able to see it but depending on the lvl of this skill you will be able to eventually feel even death coming.]

'ugh you've got to be kidding me?! My new skill is basically PMS?! nooo.'

"You gained a new skill? Thats great, why are you upset?" Shadow asked with confusion. 

'How do I tell my magical beast mate about PMS, and how it involves a women's ~ oh no no no don't think about it.' I scream internally but it was too late. 'Oh God, Oh fuck, no just kill me now.'

Memories started flashing through my mind going all the way to the beginning when I first started my period at 11-years-old when I woke up from a dream about a water park all the way up till the day I transmigrated. 

I knew I was blushing, I could feel the heat in my face all the way to the tips of my ears. 

Shadows laughter was deafening, his whole body was shaking with how powerful it was. The waves of emotions that were hitting me were strong, they overpowered the pain I was feeling at the moment. Gasping with relief I tried to focus in the now and hear their response.

"You okay? You looked like you were in pain there." Layla asked while looking concerned.

"No, yea, I mean I wasn't I am now." I re assured here. "I just need to know about the other three."

"Well ~" Layla hesitated for a moment. She took a deep breath then started to tell us what happened that day of the ambush. Then how she and Mimi ended up in the tree.

The news wasn't good, apparently they had banded together after the ambush which put a bigger target on them. They had been together up until they made it to the cave that we had passed. They had tried to seek shelter there, however it was being occupied by some dark Fox Deer. The rest...well it had been bloody. They didn't know if Xian made it, but she knew for sure that Lettie and Rike were dead.

'We only have one more person to find and we don't even know if he is okay. Just I had hoped there would be more of us.' I told Shadow sadly. 'We are this generations hopefuls and I just didn't realize how harsh this world was ~ '

Shadow rubbed his muzzle on top of my head then leaned it back onto my shoulder. "Little mate, i've seen your trial of life come along before. To have so many of you alive for this year is AMAZING. Last time only one survived, that is only until they passed the threshold of Drakemere to the village ~ " Here he paused and shook his head. "You see little mate the turn out this year has been good. So you shouldn't fret."

'I knew he was trying to cheer me up. I still couldn't wrap my head around how harsh this trial was, how harsh this world I was born into was. Just it was too much ~'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! ^. ^

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