
So this is what's like to transmigrate?

After a hurricane there was a heatwave. Then there was the voice in her head telling her she only had a few minutes to pick 5 things before she was transmigrated to another world. So what does she pick? A purse A cellphone Her Cat A Tenticle Kitty IT plush toy Her diary When she wakes up she is a baby, and NOT a human one either. Wasn't she only supposed to be transmigrated? Why the reincarnation? Why this species? What's going on? [Welcome to Teragaian] ******* Hello everyone, this is my very first Webnovel on here. As you can probably tell I'm not a gamer so my system story telling will seem a bit off until I perfect it, so I hope you give me a pass until then. Disclaimers: 1. The cover will be added later I'm trying to get it commissioned or to just draw it out myself. 2. There will naturally be some errors within my story. I will do my best to proof read before updating my chapters but if I happen to miss something let me know so I can fix it. 3. Since I'm new to this I'm trying to push out at least 1~3 ch / day. Please though don't hate me if I don't reach those expectations, I'm only human. 4. As I'm still writing / developing this story my synopsis is what it is until I have more to reveal. The romantic content of the story is the same as well, I've not reached that point yet so I've not labeled it. When I do I'll make sure to update here accordingly. Again thank you for checking my story out. = ^. ^=

Atg036Succubus · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
46 Chs

Operation live through a Dimond tier magical beast attack p.1

'Almost there, almost there, almost....THERE!'

Calling up the skill I urged the trees to wrap around the invisible Janglang. I used all the trees that the Janglang had pushed through making sure that every single one of them were uprooted and used to cover its body.

' Wow it looks like a regular wingless lizard, at least from what I can see. It was huge at least 50ft almost reaching the tops of the tallest trees. The Janglang was wrapped up so tight it looked like a mummy. '

"NOW!" I yelled as Shadow and I rushed forward with our section of the herd. Unfurling my wings I jumped into the air and landed on the Janglangs back and dug my claws in. I began casting my Flame advanced tier 1 in as many successions as I could. Shadow went for the Janglangs jaw ripping into the tiny amounts of exposed skin using his Bite and Claw skills.

' Shadow don't forget to use Bind senses. ' I reminded him as he tore large amounts of flesh from the Dragons jaw.

Raji, Layla, Mimi and Altia along with their side of the herd attacked with their own unique skills. They used Bind senses and Horn rush repeatedly taking turns to also rip away as much flesh as they could from all the limbs.

The Janglang Dragon was surprised and angry at being jumped. It roared and thrashed around within the bindings of Call of Nature but it didn't make a difference. At least at first.

Things looked like they were going well until the ground started to quake beneath our feet.

'Oh no, Devastating quake.' "Look out! It's using Devastating quake." I yelled as the earth started to shake more. Rips in the ground started to appear all around the herd, causing them to stumble and nearly fall through them. Rocks sprang up blind siding them as they grew from the earth. It was chaos.

Raji, Layla, and Mimi grabbed their Fox Deer partners and flew upwards with them. Altia protected the ones nearest her with her body, even grabbing a few in her jaws that had started to fall into the open ground. It lasted all of three minutes, yet the damage to our surroundings was surreal.

I still was holding onto the back of the Janglang, it had stopped moving for a min the attack seeming to have taken a little bit out of it.

[The dragon has taken enough damage to where you can see it now.]

Debs voice chimed in all of a sudden. 'Really?' I thought and analyzed the Janglang again.

[Janglang Dragon]

[Level ????]

[Type: Magical Beast Dimond Tier]

[Hp 50000 / ?????????]

[Attack ?????]

[Defense ????]

[Agility 40]


{Camouflage Dimond tier (lvl 20)} Dragon Roar (lvl 20) { Crushing Bite (lvl 50)} {Claw Swipe (lvl 50)} {Speed reducer (lvl 50)} {Devastating quake (lvl 20)}

'Just how high had it been for it to still have THAT much left?! I mean at least we can see how much further now. Still what a damn monster! '

[You might want to re enforce those bindings, it is breaking free.]

"Little mate the bindings need to be re enforced. "

Debs and Shadows voice rang out simultaneously.

'Damn it! Let's hope the Bind senses that Shadow and the herd hit it with will be enough.' I thought as the bindings began to snap and break freeing the Janglang Dragon.

With a roar the Janglang shook itself flinging all of us that had been on it several feet away. Crashing onto the ground I groaned painfully. My paw had been sprung, and I think I broke a wing. Might need to heal those before attacking the Dragon again.

'Now to phase two.'