
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantaisie
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53 Chs

Academy (5)

With my command, Berkant finally gets his lunch and eats it with me. Unfortunately, the Bisonas Meadowroamer meat provided is already run out of stock today. So, he just takes beef and bread. It still tastes high-class, but not as delicious as Bisonas Meadowroamer.

After lunch in silence, Berkant remains silent, waiting for me to speak.

Berkant is one of the members of the Yefilim Noble Club, a group of noble children who formed their own clique. Most of its members are arrogant and haughty nobles. I'm sure Berkant initially joined to build connections with higher-ranking nobles, but ended up being their lackey, including mine.

There's an agreement between me and Berkant. I require him to meet me at the main cafeteria every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Of course, the reason is to serve me, like getting my lunch and anything else I ask for.

But, that rotten behavior is in the past. Edward has been replaced by me. And I'm not too fond of the foolish idea of threatening and commanding low-ranking nobles like Berkant.

"Berkant, I'm sure you're supposed to meet me on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Why are you meeting me today?" I ask flatly.

Berkant remains silent for a moment, looking like he's swallowing a gulp.

"M-Master Busham asked you to meet him after school," Berkant answers nervously.

'Hmmm, Busham, huh?'

Busham Zial Luthreun, he's the first son of Marquis Luthreun. And he's in the third year of the Hero Department. He's a classmate of my sister, Yolina. I don't remember much, but it seems Busham ranks 49th out of 70 third-year Hero Department students. And my sister ranks 8th, far above Busham.

The fact that I, who used to dislike and resent my sister, seems to make Busham like me. I often accompany him to club meetings. But I rarely see him fight and demonstrate his skills. Therefore, Player's Eye seems to only display limited information about his stats.

'I am a little curious, but...'

"Tell him, I can't meet him because I have a meeting with Professor Geissler today."

As I say this, I take out a small leather-bound notebook and a pen from my pocket. I jot down what happened today in English just in case my memory fades again. I'm still cautious because there hasn't been any contact from the party that provided the Soul-Release Potion.

Berkant looks a little worried. The reason might be because I refused Busham's request. There will probably be some sort of 'punishment' waiting for Berkant later.

'Well, right now, I can't do much.'

After that, the bell signaling the end of lunch break rings throughout the academy. I glance at Berkant for a moment, grab my things, and stand up.

As I walk away from the cafeteria, I pat Berkant on the shoulder.

"You don't need to come on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. That's an order."

Quickly, Berkant turns to look at me. Without caring about what Berkant might think, I start walking again to class to attend the Hero Ethics lecture.

Upon arriving in class, the professor hasn't arrived yet, and I don't see Miss Bahraeel in class.

I then sit in a different seat from the previous lecture, hoping Miss Bahraeel won't sit next to me but that I will occupy the seat next to hers instead.

But it seems I was wrong because after two minutes passed, Miss Bahraeel entered the classroom and she immediately noticed that I was in a different place from before. She once again approached me and sat down next to me. But this time, it was a bit far. It seems she realized I was avoiding her. She didn't say anything further.

'This is awkward.'


The Hero Ethics lecture lasted for an hour and a half. The lecture was a bit boring, but I still paid attention. I didn't want a repeat of what happened during the Monstrology lecture.

I tidied up my seat and stood up. I glanced at my watch, which showed it was half past three in the afternoon.

Noticing Miss Bahraeel's gaze on me, I nodded.

"Until we meet again, Miss Bahraeel!"

Miss Bahraeel nodded expressionlessly and tidied up her desk.

'I really don't know what she's thinking.'

I walked out of the classroom towards Professor Geissler's room. Her room was in the Monstrology Department, which was quite far from the Hero Department.

Spending 15 minutes walking, I finally arrived in front of Professor Geissler's room. I knocked on the door three times.

"Come in!"

A soft feminine voice was heard from inside the room. As soon as I opened the door, the scent of jasmine entered my nostrils. Besides the fragrance, the room was quite clean for a researcher.

Bookshelves filled with books stood tall on the right side of the room. On the left side of the room, there was a cabinet for storing food along with a table adorned with monster skulls and some photos. In the middle, there was a work desk and the chair where Professor Geissler sat, as well as two chairs in front of the desk. Two sofas and a coffee table were placed in front of the work desk. Everything was neatly arranged, with some plants as decoration, creating a comfortable atmosphere in the room. Additionally, there were decorations like medals, trophies, and framed certificates of appreciation on the walls.

I closed the door to the room and stood with my hands crossed behind my back. I could see Professor Geissler, who usually wore her lab coat, this time not wearing it and the shirt I thought was a long-sleeved shirt during class was a sleeveless one.

"Good afternoon, Professor Geissler!"

I slightly bowed.

Professor Geissler stopped her activity, which seemed to be writing something in a book, and looked at me with a bright smile.

"Finally, you're here, Edward Kazan Vallois!"

Professor Geissler stood up from her seat and sat on the sofa, crossing her legs. She didn't offer any snacks or drinks to me. It seemsshewas quite annoyed at being ignored during her class.

Professor Geissler turned to me.

"Now, sit down."

Herright hand gestured towards the sofa in front of her.

Seeing Professor Geissler allowing me to sit, I followed her words and sat down in front of her.

As I sat in front of her, I could see more details of her body and face. She looked even more beautiful and enticing than in class. Especially with her sitting posture, crossing her legs, her gestures were truly captivating.

I resisted the urge to glance at her cleavage and thighs covered in black stockings. So, I deployed Arkium to control my body's natural reactions. I admit, she's beautiful, but it seems this body reacts wildly upon seeing Professor Geissler.

Not knowing what was happening to me, or perhaps pretending not to know, Professor Geissler spoke to me.

"You know why you were called here, right?"

Professor Geissler crossed her arms beneath her ample bosom and leaned back on the sofa.

'Is she doing this on purpose to catch my weaknesses and make me nervous?'

Although I myself was quite intrigued, unfortunately, I was experienced enough to deal with situations like this. Furthermore, the Arkium I deployed managed to control the natural reactions of this body.

"Yes, Professor."

Professor Geissler nodded.

"I don't like it when someone makes a promise but acts as if they never made one. Especially someone who just made their promise. You know what I mean, don't you?"

I fell silent. Whatshesaid was true. Indeed, from the outside, I seemed to be paying attention to her class, but it seems Professor Geissler realized that my focus wasn't on her class, but on her.

"I understand."

Professor Geissler sighed. She looked at me with a sharp gaze.

"I hope in the next class, you pay attention to my lectures, not to me," she said flatly.

Yes, it seems I've been found out. I scratched the back of my head and looked at her.

"Where's your notebook?" Professor Geissler added.

She caught me completely this time. I didn't take any notes at all. And I didn't take notes even after being reprimanded before lunch break.

Whether I liked it or not, I heeded her words and took out my notebook.

"Here you go, Professor."

Professor Geissler took my notebook and flipped through it several times.

"You won't find anything because it's a new book, and, I didn't take notes of your lecture either, so..." I added.

Professor Geissler stopped flipping through the book and looked at me.

"...I'm sorry. But, I already understand the contents of your lecture today." I continued.

Hearing my response, she narrowed her eyes and placed my closed notebook.

"The subject matter today is not in the publicly published book and has limited information. And I'm sure with your level of strength, you can't even fight those monsters. But you say you understand?" Said Professor Geissler.

I nodded confidently in response to Professor Geissler's question. The professor remained silent, doubting me. So, I explained the monsters that Professor Geissler presented. I started with the characteristics of the Shadowstalker Netherwolf.

I explained the characteristics of the Shadowstalker Netherwolf firmly. Then I moved on to its weaknesses.

"The Shadowstalker Netherwolf is generally weak against magic with light attributes. However, it can also use stronger dark magic to disrupt its pack. And to counter its spatial magic, we can use dimension-sealing artifacts like the Wardstone Interdimensional Barrier or the Dimensional Guardian Amulet. And for more common artifacts, we can use the Transdimensional Jammer."

"Another alternative is to use magic or devices that create sound frequencies that disrupt hearing. Ah, carrying a small bag of Stenchbloom Thistle that smells unpleasant would also help. This plant can disrupt the sense of smell of the Shadowstalker Netherwolf. But since it's difficult to find Stenchbloom Thistle, we can replace it with Malodor Mossfern, which is often found under damp trees."

As I explained meticulously, Professor Geissler also listened attentively.

After presenting my insights about the Shadowstalker Netherwolf, Professor Geissler simply remained silent and nodded. There was no response. She waited for me to mention and explain other monsters in her class today.

So I brought out my knowledge about the Draco Tonitrus Aetheralis or Thunderscale Stormwing, Phasmatis Lunarios or Lunaris Specter, and Rapax Aera or Skyraptor. Skyraptor was the only Class A threat level mentioned by the professor in class.

After explaining everything, I added a conclusion.

"Your class today explains and introduces monsters that we can encounter anytime in the wild and are not confined to specific habitats. This is just to broaden our knowledge and to always be vigilant."