
39 - Slayer

Chapter 39 - Slayer

Written By Dr. Armstrong

~〈The Wyrm〉~

The Wyrm abruptly vanished and appeared right beside his first minion, who, unlike the Wyrm, didn't have an N-word pass.

"Should I call you Lightning Mcqueen now, or what? Cause that punch you have is pretty damn electrifying." The Wyrm praised the now huge... Lobster? Crab? Pistol Shrimp? Somewhere around those 3 animals.

"HN." Larry acknowledged the Wyrm's compliment with an all-caps grunt.

After his evolution, Larry obtained a huge affinity with the Lightning Element—Naturally, the Wyrm approved as Lightning was a close relative of Light when speaking in wizard terms.

The Wyrm was rather curious about Larry's current strength, so he sent an appraisal towards his Minion's way.

〈Elroe Moent︱LV 2︱Larry〉

HP - 290/290 ︱MP - 156/174 ︱ SP - 109/120 - 250/250

Offense: 150 ︱Defense: 300 ︱Magic: 89

Resistance: 300 ︱Speed: 103︱


Monster Slayer • Foul Feeder • Lightning Technique User

~Status Skills~

HP Auto-Recovery LV 6 • SP Recovery Speed LV 3 • SP Lessened Consumption LV 3 • Life LV 4 • Magic Mass LV 2 • Instantaneous LV 5 • Persistent LV 9 • Herculean Strength LV 1 • Sturdy LV 4 • Protection LV 4

~Attack Skills~

Energy Attack LV 4 • Lightning Attack LV 1

~Enhancement Skills~

Impact Enhancement LV 9 • Shock Enhancement LV 4

~Leadership Skills~

Cooperation LV 6

~Perception Skills~

Magic Perception LV 2 • Heat Perception LV 3 • Danger Perception LV 1 •Concentration LV 10 • Thought Acceleration LV 2

~Magic Skills~

Lightning Magic LV 1

~Resistance Skills~

Fear Super-Resistance LV 2 • Pain Resistance LV 9 • Impact Resistance LV 8 • Lightning Resistance LV 1 • Heresy Resistance LV 7

~Passive Skills~

Night Vision LV 5 • Swimming LV 7 • Intimidation LV 2 • Ore Body LV 1 • Vision Enhancement LV 1

~Other Skills~

Overeating LV 2 • Rest LV 1


"Damn, your gains are even thicker than mine, what the hell..." It was a massive increase from the last time the Wyrm had appraised his Minion... Well, the last time was also the first time, so that might be the reason.

"THANKS," Larry answered with a Hulk-like grin.


"!" The Wyrm's attention snapped back towards his pursuer, the Earth Dragon was taking large but rapid breaths as blood continued to stream down from what little remained of her tail; a mere stump.

Rock and dirt were lifted from the ground via the use of a few Spell Circuits. The earthen materials condensed into the Earth Dragon's wounds, sealing them and stopping the potentially fatal bleeding.

Of course, the wounds didn't just magically vanish, they were just temporarily blocked by the earth.


A lightning bolt in the shape of a fist was sent flying into the air, heading in the Dragon's direction with ferocious intensity.


A 10-foot-tall wall of earth was erected from the very ground. Various types of rock and metal were condensed into a fine barrier that blocked the Dragon's direction.

The Dragon ran through her side of the wall before emerging from above the Wyrm and his Minion.

The pair was about to strike the beast above them but was stopped when another portal was created just below the previous, blocking the Dragon from their sight.

'What the... Why did she come here just to leave again...?' The Wyrm had a bad feeling about this...

The Dragon entered the portal shortly before emerging out of the wall again, this time facing the Wyrm's party...

'Ah, shit...!' The Dragon leapt into the air as the lightning bolt struck down on the wall below—At least, that was what was supposed to occur... Instead, the lightning got sucked into the portal, emerging out on top of the Wyrm and his Minion.

"Cover my ass, Larry!" The Wyrm stated before jumping beneath the Crabster's massive bod, his large cat-like body fitting neatly between Larry's massive tree trunk legs pretty easily.

With his Lightning and Impact Resistance, the Crabster was much more equipped to deal with the incoming Wrath of Zeus.


The Minion stood his ground with pride as the lightning bolt smote his back from above, the impact left some visible damage in the Crabster's metallic shell, damage which was then quickly mended by the Wyrm's Recovery Spells.

'I can't just keep wasting MP like this... It's already below 30%... Was this her plan all along?' The Wyrm considered as he looked up in the Dragon's direction.


Dust clouds were kicked up as the Dragon rush into the pair's location, utilizing all of the remaining energy she had in her bones... Which wasn't much.

Not enough for another Dimensional Maneuver...

"Now's time, Larry... Let's fucking fuse!" The Wyrm shouted before jumping on top of the Crabster's head, his arms outstretched into the sky.

All of his Skills had levelled up tremendously, Light Magic included as it had reached a staggering level of 9, just another step before the peak.

And of course, with more levels, came more Spells...

A 7-foot-long horizontally faced cylinder made up of bright light manifested above the pair. The Wyrm had to admit, it looked like a gigantic white dildo from his perspective.

Both of Larry's boxing glove-like hands faced the cylinder whilst huge crackles of lightning were continuously sent out before being promptly absorbed by the cylinder's magnetic pull.

A superstorm of elemental energy erupted from the Wyrm's claws, an all too familiar ball of light flickered between his limbs as the surrounding elements coalesced into the sphere, compressing the ball with the force of a hundred elephants.

This was an even more unstable version of his iconic Sphere of Annihilation, but this iteration was even more hazardous as the Wyrm could his own skin rebelling against his flesh, his bones twisting in unnatural directions, his body undergoing massive mutations under the chaotic forces.

After putting his all into the ball, the Wyrm quickly shoved it inside the cylinder before the chaotic elements could affect Larry, his only friend.

As the unstable rotating ball of death entered the cylinder, the lightning that had been produced by his Minion welled up as even their colour became corrupted, turning into a kaleidoscopic mess of electricity, twisting itself in ungodly directions.

The cylinder itself, which was actually the Spell aptly named Light Cannon, lost its former shine, the light diluting into an extremely disgusting mix of colours, a rainbow.

Larry's eyes widened in instinctual terror as he looked up at the disgusting magic his Master had cooked up, even the Dragon had paused as she became curious about her life choices and even considered running away in an act of rebellion against the Lord's orders.

Sadly for her, time never gave much time for thinking.




"Redditor and Predator rhymes... Coincidence?" -Remark

I felt gay writing about this rainbow attack, please give me stones.