
29 - Sloth

Chapter 29 - Sloth

Written By Curiostyx

~〈The Wyrm〉~

The Wyrm jolted awake as an overwhelming sense of fatigue and exhaustion took over his senses...

He quickly realized that he only had a single point of SP left. Life Exchange must have been automatically activated when he fell unconscious...

The Wyrm's dazed eyes snapped to the surroundings, had that last attack managed to kill the Eel...?

'Hmm... I got a notification, right? So that guy should be dead...' The Wyrm muttered before opening his notification log to check the facts...

'Woah!? I'm level 7, now??? And oh my god... What a harvest!!!' He had previously cursed the Dragon God for sending such a powerful enemy, but perhaps he treated that guy too harshly.

A burst of fatigue immediately jolted him out of his excitement, reminding him of his current predicament...

'Fuck it, just buy Sloth!' Going by some bullshit fanfiction logic, his current state should bring his affinity to Sloth closer by at least a few metrics...

One might be confused as to why the usually logic-based Wyrm would be so bold, just deal with it.

Sloth was what he had always needed, no one could steal it from him... No one!

「The Skill ~Sloth~ has been acquired. 500 Skill Points deducted from Bank.」

...Unfortunately, his previous theory had been proven false as the Skill's price had been revealed, unchanging even after he had fallen to fatigue.

「All conditions had been fulfilled. the Title ~Ruler of Sloth~ has been bestowed.」

「In response to Title acquisition, the Skills ~Exhaustion Nullification~ and ~Corruption~ have been acquired.」

'Woah, what nullification...? Holy, just what I needed...' Immediately, he could feel the fatigue vanish like a black man when the lights are turned off...

「The Skill ~Taboo~ has leveled up multiple times. LV raised to 7.」

'Seven!? That increased by three!!!' Greed had just given him one level... Why did Sloth give three?

A further investigation revealed that Sloth had only given him 2 levels...

It seems that Taboo had leveled up after he gained the Soul Reaper Title, which was pretty understandable. Much more reasonable than it leveling up because of his previous racist remark...

After the Skill acquisition, the Wyrm felt a surge of relaxation. A goal done keeps the Dragons away...

"Finished...?" Except when they didn't.

The Wyrm instantly widened his eyes as he looked skyward, the colossal snout of an all too familiar Dragon looked down from above.

'Rend!? Shit—' His thoughts were interrupted as a burst of bellowing words pressed down at him.

"Be not afraid, young one... Your attendant remains alive." Rend stated with a claw raised to the air, pointing at a wounded Lobster.

'Larry...!' The Wyrm frantically went to his last remaining companion who has yet to yield even at death's door.

"Ma-Master... Please... Please eat... Me..." Larry said weakly as blood continuously gushed out of his wounds.

'What!? What are you talking about!!!???' He didn't— He couldn't eat Larry... No, not like this, damn it!

"That one is suffering... Death would be mercy." Rend stated as his words resounded through the surroundings.

"Shut up! I don't... Want... Too..." The Wyrm spoke.

That's right, the Wyrm just spoke. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to dwell on the matter...

"It is dying faster... You are the cause..." Rend muttered as pointed at the dying Larry.

"...What?" A quick Appraisal confirmed this... Larry's HP was depleting at an accelerated rate—Faster than his regeneration!

The Wyrm quickly figured out why this was the case... An Appraisal of his newly acquired Skill confirmed the theory.

「Sloth: n% of the power to reach godhood.

Drastically multiplies the depletion rate of all Stat Values (HP, MP, and SP) of all surrounding entities, except for the User themselves.

In addition, the W system is surpassed and the right to interfere with the MA field is obtained.

Can be toggled to not affect certain specified entities, though it automatically affects everyone.

Does not have any effects when used against Non-System Registered Entities.

Part of the Seven Deadly Sins Skills series.」

"Fuck, turn that shit off! Stop killing Larry, you bastard!" The Wyrm shouted in the air, arising curiosity in the spectating Dragon.

「Do you want—」

"Just do it, you useless Voice!" The Wyrm shouted as he opened up another screen, seeming not to care about the bemused Dragon in the background.

The Lobster stopped writhing as his HP slowed down in its depletion... But it was already a bit too late for Larry, only 4 points of HP were left.

"...M-Master... Please... Just... End—" The Lobster's words were interrupted as the Wyrm shushed him with his own words.

"Shut the fuck up, I don't want to hear it..." The Wyrm stated as he clicked on the flickering screen, seeming about to do something stupid.

「Do you want to purchase—」

"YES!" The Wyrm affirmed the purchase as the screen flickered and vanished in a green light.

「The Skill ~Healing Magic LV 1~ has been acquired. 300 Skill Points deducted from Bank.」

'Mend~!' A mystic circle manifested in his hands, glowing a hue of evergreen.

Tendrils of green expanded from the Circuit, resembling a sort of string as they gently flew in the air.

'Ok... Ok... Calm down... Let's do this.' The Wyrm muttered to himself as the tendrils extended to his Minion's wounds.

He used to take Medical Classes back in his first life... Sure he didn't look like it, but Issei actually had aspirations for a medical career...

Before his untimely death, that is.

He even spent an additional 100 Skill Points on the Memory Skill to help with the process. His mind was rather unreliable, after all...

'...Here... And there... Uh... Did I do that right?' Sewing wounds were one of the fundamentals, and he was rather proficient in that aspect...

But he was rather prone to failure, so the Wyrm had to send countless prayers to the Dragon God...

Larry twitched in pain as the tendrils went through his wounds, stitching them back together as if he was a piece of cloth.

The Dragon watched in curiosity as he beheld the Wyrm trying to mend his Minions wounds...

He had been right in not killing this one, this shit is too entertaining... Those were his thoughts as he spectated from the sidelines.


"You didn't expect Doctor Dragon to enter the battle, huh?" -Remark

Please, stones... Or I'll kill Larry, Muahahahahah!!!