
23 - Evolution

Chapter 23 - Evolution

Written By Curiostyx

~〈The Wyrm, Outside of Larry's Hole〉~

'Holy... That's an actual Slime!!!' The Wyrm hid behind a large rock as he peeked through the side.

There on the field was a Larry-sized Red-colored ball of jelly; a Slime.

〈Small Red Slime︱LV 3︱Unnamed〉

HP - 30/30 ︱MP - 32/32 ︱ SP - 27/30 - 32/32

Offense: 9 ︱Defense: 15 ︱Magic: 15

Resistance: 4 ︱Speed: 4︱


Heat Nullification • Physical Resistance LV 2 • Acid Attack LV 1 • Acid Resistance LV 1 • Mitosis LV 1


'Woah, Physical Resistance? Damn, I guess that's how such a weakling could survive in a place like this...' The Wyrm concluded.

'Hey, Larry! Why don't you try to kill that thing... You might even level up from it!' This was also a good method to train Larry's wit and intelligence.

With normal physical attacks being ineffective, his Minion would have to get creative.

"...Clack? (...How?)" The Minobster asked in confusion.

'Just figure it out, brah! Don't worry, I know you can do it!!!' It wasn't his problem, it was Larry who needed a level-up.

"..." Wordlessly, the Minobster followed the Wyrm's order and approached the slow-moving ball of jelly.


With a quick burst of movement, the Minobster sent a crustacean fist to the Red Slime.


...Only to have his attack bounce back from the ball of red jelly.

"GRRA~!" The Minobster screamed and hissed as a burst of pain made its way across his body, drowning him in pain.

Acid, the Slime had imbued its body with Acid!!!

"RAAAGH!!!" The Minobster continued screaming in agony as he jumped back to his Master's side.

His leap was abruptly halted as another burst of pain dominated his senses, much more fierce than the pain produced by the Slime's Acid... It was his Master's evil Magic at play.

'Retreat and I'll make you my treat!!!' The Wyrm stated casually as a ball of light manifested in front of him.

However, Larry's eyes suddenly snapped toward the light.

"Clack-Click! (That's it!)" Larry shouted as he approached the Wyrm and snatched the ball of light from his hands, the Wyrm let him do so since he was quite curious about Larry's plan.

The ball of light was snatched from the Wyrm as the Minobster carried it back to the Slime, which was slowly moving towards them.


Apparently, all damage dealt by Spells is considered Magical Damage by the System...

'Great job, Larry! Even I didn't think of that...' The Minobster returned back to his Master as several more balls manifested, it took a little more to kill the Slime.

~〈The Wyrm, Slimey Cave〉~

Inside a barely lit cavern, the Wyrm alongside his Minion made their way as a few motes of light followed the former.

Now with both parties being level 9, Evolution wasn't so much of a wet dream anymore...

'Hey, Larry... Did you ever have a family?' The Wyrm suddenly asked as they slowly traversed.

The Minobster showed a confused expression at his Master's words...

"Clack-Cleck! (Many Brothers!)" Larry answered back.

The Wyrm considered Larry's response. It made sense... In certain games, small fry Monsters like Larry usually came in large swarms led by a Champion-like individual.

In a sense, Larry was like a Goblin... The image was quite funny.

'You know... I used to have a family too... But... I can't remember who they are...' He knew of their faces, but their names eluded him.

"Clack-Click! (I not remember some Brothers too! It's normal, Master...)" Larry stated as he trudged about.

'Hn...' Larry had a very large extended family so they couldn't be called "In the same boat"

'Whatever, let's just get this over with...' With those words released, the pair finally reached their destination.

They had been tailing a group of Red Slimes heading home, these things tasted like Strawberry Pudding and were unironically the best-tasting Monster in the whole Stratum... At least, the ones he had consumed up to this point.

The Wyrm and his Minion entered the secluded cave, sneakily following the Slimes...

'Oh... Oh Dragon God...' This might have been a mistake.

"Click..." It was.

Inside was what could be called the Jelly Kingdom...

〈Giant Red Slime︱LV 2〉

A giant sphere of gelatinous jelly descended from above, crashing to the ground in front of them... The thing instantly spotted them.

'Uh... Hello? Are you a bad Slime?' The Wyrm asked.


'Bad Slime! Bad Slime!!!' The Wyrm screamed in fear as he barely dodged the Giant Slime's spew of acid.

'Holy crap, that boiled the Dragon Goddamned floor!!!' Smoke rose up from the ashen black floor. It could handle fire and lava, but the acid was another thing entirely...


An audible boom was produced as the Giant Slimed leaped into the air...

'Why is thing targeting me!?' The Giant Red Slime went only for him, completely ignoring Larry... The Minion only had to deal with the smaller, much less dangerous Red Slimes.

'Leeroy Jenkins!!!' The Wyrm shouted in a hurry as he narrowly avoided the dummy thick form of the Giant Slime's fall.

Almost as if this was a Boss Fight, the Giant Slime seemed to be in a sort of stunned state after the crashing attack...

A ball of Light manifested in the Wyrm's hand, which was quickly swallowed up by a glint of Heretical energy...

'Die, you bastard!!!' He screamed out as the contradictory ball of Heretical Light was expelled into the air.


The ball crashed into the Giant Slime with a loud boom, exploding into a flash of bright burning light.

'Apostate's Blazing Sun!!!' The Wyrm couldn't help but scream out the technique, it was way too cool.

The Giant Slime exploded with a burst of red jelly... Only to reform back the very next second.

'HERETICAL EXPLOSION!!!' He screamed out as an Expel was utilized to launch the Wyrm's body into mid-air.


「You have slain ~Giant Red Slime︱LV 2~. Experience Points awarded.」

「You have leveled up! You are now LV 10.」

「You have gained 200 Skill Points.」

「You have reached MAX LV for your Species. Evolution can now be initiated.」


"I have written the Prologue for my next fic, you can check it out in the Aux Chaps for this novel. I'll release that story once this one finishes." - Author

"What the hell, did this fucking goose steal my spot!?" - Remark