
Chapter 16

Alexander with Asta by his side made their way towards the three females. Alexander stopped in front of the old lady before patting her head "It's not smart to have all this money in one place especially at place like this were scummy individuals hide at". He smiled handing the large bag of coins to the old lady before looking at the other two females.

"Your Noelle right and you must be Vannese the bottomless pit it's nice to meet friends of Asta" Alexander said with a small smile the two females looked at Alexander before Vannese walked towards him while grabbing he's left cheek " Oh we got a handsome one here don't we what might be your name boy" Alexander was shocked for a second before responding "it's Alexander Whiteheart I'm a member of the Silver Eagles and brother of Asta over there". 

Vanessa was shocked looking over at Asta then back at Alexander before repeating that action a few times Alexander seeing this explained they were both babies who were left at the same orphanage. Vanessa understood before letting go of his left cheek before giving him a wink Alexander chuckled before he heard Noelle ask a question towards him. "You said Silver Eagles right so dose that mean you know my siblings".

Noelle said with a complicated look seeing this Alexander understood that look since Nebra spoke about her little sister when they first met Alexander then began to speak "I don't know how bad your situation is but I've been on the same team with Nebra for a while know and when ever I mention my siblings good relationship she shows a guilty look". hearing this Noelle was shocked.

Alexander continued "over these last 2 weeks of getting to know her I began to see a different side of her a side she's afraid to show to others a kind, compassionate, and caring person who just wants her brother to recognize her". Noelle became even more shocked at this before Alexander stopped speaking looking towards the sky noticing it was becoming dark he then smiled at Asta before giving him a fist bump and using magic to create his snow hawk wings and flew away towards the Noble realm.

(PS bro i know y'all gonna have a problem but if you watched the anime or even read manga there only copying Nozel actions at a young age plus Id rather have some character development for Nebra her magic is cool ash in my oppion)

After Alexander left the trio said there goodbyes to the old lady before after some time when everyone was gone the old lady turned into the a tall blonde haired man in king robes with a smile on his face "Anti-Magic and one of the two legendary four leaf grimore's I guess i have some candidates for that mission". He was cut of by a image of the mushroom hair man who began to yell at him for not doing his paperwork.

The blonde haired man was distracted from the yelling because he saw a black haired boy on a broom with a shining green grimore in the distance he smiled and then disappeared away from the area seeing this the mushroom haired man eye twitched before his projection disappeared.

(The next day )

Alexander walked out his room before seeing a figure coming his way "Alexander Whiteheart Captain Nozel has called you to his office about a new mission" Alexander was curious but just nodded before heading towards the staircase and heading up to the highest floor where he walked passed luxurious coaches, paintings and even a silver eagle statue before reaching a big door that had fancy designs engraved on the door handles.

*Knock* *Knock* "come in" a voice rang out from the other side hearing this Alexander opened the door to see Nozel sitting down at his desk looking at paperwork "you called me for a mission Captain Nozel". Alexander asked in a respectful tone Nozel seeing this showed a satisfied expression before replying "yes a dungeon has been found on the edge of the border of the Clover Kingdom and Diamond Kingdom the Wizard King has assigned you to go and retrieve any treasure or artifacts before the Diamond Kingdom mages arrive you won't be alone though the Golden Dawn and Black Bulls have also been sent on this mission but with your abilities I have confidence in you" After explaining that he handed Alexander a map where the dungeon was located at.

Alexander nodded before leaving the office once he reached his room and began to check his supplies he had an excited expression on his face "finally this should be a interesting mission I wonder why the Wizard King choose me though no matter ill complete this mission and earn some stars". Alexander had a determined look before walking outside the base and summoning a giant white snow hawk which he jumped on before speeding off towards the dungeon.

(Author Note : Yesss I know i changed chapter 14 I because messed up on when the wizard king saw Yuno I changed it so it's fixed know)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Treyvon_Blackcreators' thoughts