
Snippets to Sainthood

Látom. Hopefully these Snippets open your eyes to Sainthood. Share your ideas in the comments and I will consider turning them into snippets or short stories~

SaintlyPervert · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Cursed Monkey King [1]

"Fucker really thought running all the way to Korea will save him, but all he did is piss me off more." Sigh~ Women.

"Always making life difficult for us men, don't you agree, Pablo?"

"I couldn't agree with you more, Mori, Ma was always a pain in the ass." Pablo, the monkey, you really are my buddy, my pal, my bruda from another muda, my—

"Mori, your monologuing again."

"Ah, sorry about that Pablo, but this what happens when I don't get twelve hours of sleep, I'm sure you already know that." I start tweaking, and when that happens, my mouth moves before my mind even thinks. Like right now.

"Woman! Hurry up and finish that stupid motherfucker that dared to wake me up!" I shout to the woman who seems to be a hardcore fan of Toji Fushiguro, if the worm around her neck and the Inverted Spear of Heaven look-alike in her hand are anything to go by.




Eh? She killed him just like that?



She's the real deal…It's the only way to explain that speed—!

"Hui Mori Original—hey! Let me go!" I felt myself being grabbed by the scruff of my Monkey King armour suit before I could even body her.

"What's a baby doing in the middle of a forest?" I don't like the way she's looking at me, almost as if she's found a treasure, she didn't even bother to hide her grin.

"I'm three years old," I answered with a snort, dismissing the top half of my armour much to her surprise, giving her a good Nigawa—backflip—kick to the chin, and landed on another tree branch.

"Heh! Did you see that Pablo?" Hm? Where did pabby boy go? I swear he was here a moment ago, cheering me on and all that.

"If you mean that stupid monkey, then he ran away." What? Impossible.

"There's no way my nigg—broski would do that, we go way back." I shake my head with a sneer, my man Pablo must be going to get the homies so we can beat this woman's ass, even when he knows that I could do it myself.

…If I go all out that is, something that my small untrained body wouldn't be able to handle currently.

"Forget the monkey, rather, what the hell are you kid?" That's what I wanna know too lady.

I literally have two lifetimes worth of memories in my mind.

One as Bobbie Jr. Smith the Third, a black man who met his untimely demise due to a chicken nugget! I choked on a chicken nugget while attempting to break the world record for most nuggets consumed in one sitting. My love for nuggets truly got the better of me!

Another as Hui Mori, a certified God slayer and clone of The Monkey King, who I now know was a fictional character, just like I was, and like the woman before me—who should be a man—all thanks to Bobbie who indulged in anime and shit.

If there's something good that came out knowing that I was previously a fictional it was that I know that everything was alright in the end. Mira, Daewi, The Original; they all had a happy ending.

Still, I always knew Mubong Park was a shady guy.

Of The Humans. By The Humans. For The Humans; What a shit philosophy.

More like 'Of The Ego. By The Ego. For The Ego.' I mean, seriously, did Mubong Park think he was some kind of poetic genius with that slogan? Sounded like he was trying way too hard to sound profound.

I wonder if he even created it himself, or had a team of writers crafting his slogans, if it was the former, he probably came up with it while staring into the mirror and practicing his best authoritarian glare.

"Oi, brat." Damn, that is one mean glare mommy-Fushiguro got.

"I don't know what I am, Pablo and his family are my family, so I'm a monkey?" I tilt my head, mustering all the cuteness I have, which is definitely a lot, since I more or less look like the Original, and that guy was probably the cutest kid when he was younger.

"….." Ayo, let go of my cheeks, this isn't how you supposed be using your Heavenly Restriction. If you're clan saw your behaviour, I'm sure they're gonna shit bricks, wondering if the world would end soon.

After all, Toji and kids? A big no-no.

"I've decided…" What's with the dramatic pause, spit it out woman. "You will be my heir."

"Wut?" And that's the last time I saw my brother, Pablo.




[ 2 Years Later ]




"Ah~" Sighing contentedly, I place down the ramen bowl, having finished licking the bowl squeaky clean, and by that, I mean as clean as a baby's booty.

"Heh." I hear a snort, and look up, my black eyes meeting pair piercing dark green orbs which stared at me in amusement and fondness, an expression that the Bobbie within me could hardly believe is coming from the Sorcerer Killer, Tojiko Fushiguro.

As for the Mori Hui part of me, it doesn't really have much of an a opinion on her behaviour, if anything it's strangely nice, as both Bobbie and Mori lacked a mother figure in their lives.




Why do I feel like I'm acting schizophrenic? Maybe Mori Hui was just my first life, and Bobbie my second, with my first life's memories returning only now, in my third life.

Ugh…I wonder what that handsome motherfucker Pablo would do in my situation…




He would eat a banana wouldn't he? Bless that brother, and good thing I taught him and his family the basics of Renewal Taekwondo. I'm pretty sure nothing could go wrong with teaching a Monkey martial arts.


[ Somewhere in Korea ]

Amidst the lush greenery of a secluded forest in Korea, a group of monkeys could be seen in a clearing. Usually this wouldn't be strange, as it would just be monkeys being monkeys.

But this time around, the current scene was far from that.

Throughout the clearing, rhythmic thuds echoed as the monkeys kicked trees repeatedly. It was a something straight out of a movie…they were practicing martial arts.

One specific Monkey was easy to spot as he sat upon a tree branch and was seemingly making the typical monkey noises, at least that's what humans would think.

But that wasn't the case. Pablo was giving out orders, motivating his comrades.

"Come on, my brothers! We train for Mori! For our brother's freedom! For the future of our clan!" The determination in his voice was evident, and the fire in his eyes burned brightly.

"Oooooh!" The Monkeys cheered loudly at his words, with their kicks becoming sharper, their movements more precise.

Pablo nodded in satisfaction, yet this wasn't enough, time is not something they have in abundance, who knows what trials their brother…their king, is experiencing at this moment. So they need to train harder, faster, and he knew just what to tell his comrades to make their spirit burn brighter.

"Remember, my brothers and sisters, the day when Mori was born."

A solemn hush fell over the clearing as the monkeys recalled that sacred moment, their primal instincts stirring with reverence.

"You remember don't you? At that time, we all kneeled, whether female or male, old or young, we all knew that the being before us was our king, our God!" The primates couldn't help but feel emotional at his words.

"Yet said king is missing! Taken from us by the humans!" They all released a growl remembering when they heard from Pablo about a human of incredible strength kidnapping their young King.

"Our King is in danger, and it is our duty to protect him at all costs! We train harder, we fight fiercer, for Mori, our King, our God!" Pablo roared, which was met by shouts of determination.


"For Mori!"

"For our King!"

"For our God!"

"We will trample on Humanity!"


[ With Mori ]

"Right?" I ask myself.

"Right what?" My step-mom—slash—trainer and sparring partner asked, with an upward quirk on her lips.

"I'm just thinking," I start, "about how Pablo and the others are doing, and how far they got with my martial arts."

"The one you tried to use on me when we first met?" The mirth in her eyes was too obvious, "'Mori Hui Original', was it?" I could see she was interested, but surprisingly, she didn't ask me about it in these two years I was with her.

The most she asked was why I didn't use it in our spars, with my answer being, "My body isn't ready for it yet." To which she nodded in understanding, and it was true.

Renewal Taekwondo wasn't easy to use, no matter how easily people copied it in the series. Ilpyo was able to point out the weakness and the Original expanded on it.

It puts a burden on the human body, needing a specific training method, and for the people who just copy it? The stress is on a whole other level, Satan being an exception due to his constitution and abilities that outclassed every God except the Supreme God.

But the thing is, I'm not even human. I'm one hundred per cent sure I'm part God, part Demon, and part Mount Hwagwa Monkey. How do I know this? Well, other than my immense Cursed Energy that I still can't control, theirs another source of energy deep inside me that I can feel.

It's like a raging river, untamed and wild, coursing through every fiber of my being. But at the same time, it's calm, serene, like the stillness before a storm.


If there was one thing that differentiated it from Cursed Energy—other than the feeling—it was that Divine Energy—cliche, I know—granted a power boost far superior to the latter when used to strengthen the body.

When I first tapped into it, I felt invincible, like I could take on the whole world and emerge victorious, but I knew it was just a momentary thing, and it wasn't the first time I experienced.


Even then though, I feel like something's missing, it's incomplete, fragmented, like pieces of a shattered mirror waiting to be reassembled.

I'm lacking a Autho—


"What is it, Mother?" Sighing, I look at the sorcerer killer who has been poking at my cheeks for the past few minutes. Like, can a man get a break?

This new life of mine is meant to be my retirement, away from fighting Gods and the bs, as for Sukuna?

"I'll deal with Sukuna for those old foggies, and the money they will provide should be enough for my retirement, right, Mother?" I ask Tojiko, who pauses hearing my words, before she bursts into laughter the next moment, gaining weird stares from the other patrons.

"Damn right it would be." She ruffles my hair with a wide grin, making me raise an eyebrow at her reaction.

"You don't doubt that I can beat Sukuna?" I ask curiously, knowing full well that it's within my capabilities, after all, is the King of Curses stronger than the Jade Emperor? I think not, and I finessed the dude, even if he kinda ended up escaping thanks to his cultist.

"You're a monster greater than the Gojo brat." Was the only answer she gave me, and it's all I needed to hear to know that she believed in me.


A/N: Látom.

Well, as you can tell by the obvious title, I will be uploading snippets here, I have so many ideas that I just wanted to unload, so here I am.