
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Re:Heroines and Re:Demon(Re:Zero/WC)-3

"Hmph, quite a tame reaction to my presence." The demon said with a smirk as he pushed himself off of the wall and started to walk towards them. "Do I need to kill someone important to get a proper greeting here?" His words finally snapped the knights out of their stupor, so they drew their swords and ran towards the monster with their weapons high.

"Stop!" Only for all of them to be reduced to puddles of blood as Reinhard tried to have them stop.

"Now this is a proper greeting." The demon declared as he wiped the small amount of blood that had splashed on his face off. "Even if it was a rather weak one."

"You!" Reinhard's hand immediately went to the sword at his hip, only to stop as the demon raised his hand towards him.

"I would ask you to keep that sword sheathed, I'm only here to introduce myself after all." He declared with a sigh before a smirk appeared on his face. "I might not be able to hold myself back if you actually draw your blade, someone important will definitely die if we clash in this place." The demon's words were mocking yet Reinhard knew that they were not lies, so he didn't draw his sword. But he still kept his hand on the hilt.

"Good man, as I've said, I am only here to introduce myself."

"There are seven people deaaaad at your feet, that sounds like a bit tooo much for an introudctiooon." Roswaal said with a mocking smile on his face as he stepped forward.

"There is a minimum level I expect of those that try to bear their fangs against me." The demon said with a laugh. "If one tries to attack me while being so weak, it's better to simply remove them from the gene pool and make sure their stupidity does not get passed down." He said and all the people understood once more.

This man before them was evil.

"You claimed that you are here to introduce yourself." Tohsaka, the one who had been called forth by Anastasia Hoshin, said as she took a step froward. "How long are you gonna make us wait on that?" She asked with a glare and the man chuckled.

"Yes, I did make you all wait a bit too much." He admitted as he crossed his upper arms over his chest. "Still, simply introducing myself is a bit difficult, I have as many names as there are winds. As many titles as there are ways to die." He declared as a shadow fell on top of them.

"I am Amatsu Mikaboshi, the August Star of Heaven. I am also Chthon, the Elder God of Chaos. I also am, as your prophecy said, Anung Un Rama; the Destroyer of All Things. I am Mazahs, the master of evil lightning. I am Seth, the unending storm and I am Vritra, the greatest of Asuras." Each name made the air around them colder and more suffocating. "But for today, I am Sukuna. The King of Curses, nice to meet you all."

"And it was nice of you to stand still." Roswaal declared with a smile and then the newly named Sukuna is engulfed in flames.

"You did it Ros-chi!" Subaru celebrated with relief.

"Not yet." Only for the clown-like mage to held out a hand to stop him from moving and then the monster's voice came from the flames.

"Fire magic that is given an extra boost from yang magic and then made sure to entrap me inside with wind magic that not only forms a barrier around me, but also gives another boost to the flames. An easy to say but hard to do feat of magic." The fires went out with Sukuna standing with no signs of wounds and his arms open wide. "You truly are the greatest mage of this world, one could even claim that you have reached the very limits that humans can reach with magic."

"Oi oi, you kidding me right?" Subaru asked himself with a shaky smile. He had once seen Roswaal turn a giant Wolgarm to ashes with only one fire spell and this guy was claiming to have survived an attack several times greater with no scratches.

"As expected, waiting till this generation was the right choice." Sukuna said with a smile as he looked up. An expression of joy on his face.

"Are you saying you could have come earlier?" Lakyus, the blond warrior with a sword, drew her sword from her back and held it in front of herself.

"That's right, I have been watching this world for a long time." The demon admitted as he looked at her. "As a matter of fact, I had my attention on this place since the day Satella, the Witch of Envy, got sealed." He declared, making several people gasp at the mention of the Witch.

"I waited for the right generation since then; the next generation of miracles after the great teamwork of Volcanica the Divine Dragon, Reid Astrea the Sword Saint and the Sage." He said with a smile before sighing. "I actually had thought about coming out in the generation of the previous Sword Saint. Her talent combined with her Divine Protection of the Death God and the rising power of the people during the civil war made that generation seem like the perfect one." Sukuna kept talking, uncaring of the fierce glare he was getting from a certain old butler.

"But I was mistaken." He admitted with a sorrowful look in his eyes. "In the end the people decided to stop the battle and go back to being weak. And Theresia van Astrea simply did not have the will to take her skill with blade to its greatest potential or properly use the power of her Divine Protection. It was such a waste." He said with a shake of head.

"Do not talk about my wife with that filthy mouth of yours." Wilhelm van Astra finally walked forward, his swords drawn and his face set on a glare that many around take a few steps back to avoid his wrath.

"Heh, that's quite the glare you have." Sukuna chuckled. "But I won't be playing with you today, there are other things I'm interested in." He declared as he looked at the gathering before the Wise Men council.

"Candidates to the Throne, one of which is a half elf who is contracted to a great spirit, and the strongest Sword Saint since Reid Astrea, the five warriors of Jewels are quite interest too, but the one who made me decide to choose this generation was not any of them." The demon said as his gaze found Subaru. "But you, Natsuki Subaru." And a demonic grin appeared on his face as the young man reeled back and all the other people looked at him.

"I am flattered about your interest but my heart belongs to only one person, so please stay away from me." The Japanese teen rattled off, trying to shake off the bone chilling tea he was feeling under the gaze of this monster.

"Heh, unfortunately for you, that is not possible. But we can come back to that later." Sukuna decided with a shake of his head before continuing. "Let's talk about something else for now, about witches for instances." And then a smirk blossomed on his face. "Does anyone here know how exactly the powers of a witch work?" Obviously no one answered that question, he only got more hostile looks.

"The powers of witches are connected to something called a Witch Factor, I don't exactly know what they are but they are connected to humanity's sins like Wrath, Pride and obviously Envy." He smirked at the way people flinched at the last word. "They also just move from one host to another when their original hosts die. As you people can imagine, the Sin Archbishops of the Witch Cult all have Witch Factors of their own, speaking of which." Sukuna whipped his hand up and something landed in front of the Wise Men with a wet splat.

The Wise Men's faces lost all color as they realized the object with white hair on top was the decapitated head of a man.

"Sin Archbishop of Greed, Regulus Corneas. I believe you guys wanted him dead for a while." Sukuna declared. "I also killed the Archbishop of Gluttony, or Archbishops I suppose, but here wasn't anything left of them as proof." His words sent people into another frenzy.

The Archbishops of the Witch Cult, for all purposes they were practically untouchable in the eyes of the common populace. The only known instance when one of them had been defeated was during the Civil War of Lugnica, and even then the Divine Dragon Volcanica had to make an appearance. Yet this man, who was supposed to be an ancient evil, had revealed to have killed two of them!

They could not form words to describe this situation.

"And that's where my interest of you comes into play, Natsuki Subaru." Sukuna declared as he turned towards the mentioned boy. "For four hundred years, you are the first person who is compatible with all the Witch Factors." The demon declared. "Or as those like you are called, a 'Sage Candidate'!" And then there was silence.

The Sage, that was the title of the legendary hero that had helped the Divine Dragon Volcanica and the first Sword Saint Reid van Astrea to seal the Witch of Envy. The title being thrown in the conversation like that...

"That's why I can't allow you to stay weak like this." Sukuna said as he held his hand out and an invisible force pulled Subaru towards him to hid grasp.

"Subaru!" Much to a certain half elf's distress.

"Let him go or..." Reinhard started to say, only to be interrupted.

"You take one more step and I will break his neck." Sukuna claimed, his eyes never leaving Subaru's.

"I really am flattered... but I believe I said... that I have... someone in my heart already!" The Japanese teen gasped out with a strained smile on his face.

"Don't worry about such things." The demon said before raising a hand that suddenly had a gash on it and started to bleed. "This will take only a moment." And then shoved it inside Subaru's mouth.

"You!" Reinhard immediately attacked, the Dragon Sword Reid leaving it's scabbard for the first time in years, and tried to slash Sukuna's neck; only for the demon to hit his wrist and then used the momentary shock to punch Reinhard in the jaw as he let Subaru fall to the ground.

For a moment, Reinhard could not understand what had happened. He had been hit, but he was supposed to have a Divine Protection that protected his hands from attack while holding a weapon. Yet Sukuna had managed to hit his hand...

"Let's see you overcome this and use it against me, my dear Sage." Sukuna said with a smirk as he looked at the writhing form of Subaru who had bulging veins on his forehead and around his neck as he thrashed on the ground.

"Now then, dear people of Lugnica Kingdom." The demon looked at the gathered ones in the room who were all preparing to attack him in anyway they could. "Let this be my declaration of war." Then Sukuna snapped his fingers and the windows shattered as monsters of various shapes from simple dogs to giant spheres with only mouths barged into the room and attacked it's occupants.

When they managed to deal with the first wave of monsters, Sukuna was long gone.


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