
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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175 Chs


"And here I thought she was going to kill you."

"Don't sound so disappointed." I deadpanned at the grinning Mei while Yugito kept rubbing her head on my leg on all fours.

"I am curious though, why did you allow her to attack? You could have just turned her into a proper plaything." Mei asked with a tilt of her head.

"I could give you some sort of bullshit about this being me testing how much I could plant inside her subconscious but honestly, I just found the thought of her turning from hating me to being my little pet like this super hot." I said with a shrug before kneeling down and started to pet Yugito, while the kunoichi of Kumo immediately leaned into my hand.

"So, you were just thinking with your lower head?" She asked with an impish grin and giggled while I turned to her with a smirk on my face.

"Considering the amount of thinking I have to do with my higher head for my projects, I think I deserve to think with the lower as well."


"So, have you finally located the snake?" I asked as I sat on my throne, cause why not, with Yugito's head on my lap as she made purring noises.

"Yup, we can go after him whenever you want." Mei said with a smile as she played with another one of her gadgets she had been tinkering with while Momo just stood beside her, looking bored out of her mind.

"Couldn't you just bought bounty tracker? It would save us from this hassle of trying to locate all of our targets like this." Momo said with a huff, not exactly happy with me using a method that required us to work harder instead of smarter.

"I thought about it but not only it requires seventy credits, I am also saving credits for a seventh tier waifu." I said with a shrug, I only needed seven more credits.

"Not to mention, we can find almost all of our targets with the small drones I have around; which is how we found Yugito if you remember. I am not gonna waste seventy credits just to find one guy." I said with a frown while Momo just looked away.

Sometimes I felt like she didn't properly appreciate the awesomeness of my creations. Through the powers of Kokichi Muta, the original Mechamaru, I could control a Mechamaru drone from a real vast distance. As in I could control them from the capital of the Land of Fire while they were anywhere in the Land of Fire. This range had also increased quite a bit with my heritage and the von Doom template I had.

Small drones were a different story though, they were made for one and only one purpose. Scouting. They had a literal zero on their combat prowess, in exchange I could control them from anywhere while they were anywhere. I already had several drones that I was controlling in the Land of Earth, and we were in the Land of Fire!

Who needed spy networks or target trackers while we had my small mosquito shaped robots?! Not me!

"How many men does he have with him? Those who are at least somewhat capable at least." I asked Mei, the number of enemies we would have to deal with would affect the attack plan after all.

"Well, he has those Sound Four shmucks with him. He also has that bone guy, no sign of the silver haired guy with glasses or the crystal woman though." The genius inventor said with a tilt of her head.

This was good. The Sound Four might have been supposed to be strong but two of them were defeated by genin while the other two had been destroyed by the younger versions of Kankuro and Temari. Pretty sure that I could put only Momo against the four of them and she would win without much issue.

Kimimaro was a different issue though. That guy had been a monster, managing to almost kill Rock Lee and even Gaara if it wasn't for his sickness. And that was after dealing with Kyuubi chakra clone army of Naruto, the guy was strong.

Even leaving him out still left Orochimaru. That mad scientist bastard might be only tier six but he was the kind of tier six who could kill those of upper tiers. He was dangerous.

All the more reason to take him out of the enemy board as soon as possible.

"Begin the preparations, we are going to take over Otogakure."


"Another failure." Orochimaru, the traitor to Konoha and the other Sannin, muttered as he watched his latest test subject to die on the operating table.

Shame, he had been quite hopeful for the results of merging the genes containing the DNA of Futton(boil release) and Shakuton(scorch release). It sounded like a quite an interesting idea at the start.

But the only results yielded by the experiments were more dead bodies. Maybe the two different bloodline limits just weren't compatible. Not that he ever managed to combine two different bloodlines.

Ahh, if only he could get his hands on that newest Mizukage. Terumi Mei had two different bloodlines, which while wasn't the combination he was experimenting to create; it was still closer to it than anything else.

Could he somehow convince Danzo that kidnapping the Mizukage was a good idea? How hard could it be? The old maniac was willing to assassinate Sarutobi sensei of all people! Like what kind of moron would try to kill the one person in the whole government that actually liked them?! Orochimaru was pretty sure that one of the clans would have killed the old war hawk years ago if it wasn't for that old monkey.

No matter, trying to kidnap Mizukage wasn't a good idea anyway. It would likely spark a war and war was not good for his business. Sure the chances of getting new victim, cough cough, volunteers for his experiments would skyrocket but that wouldn't mean much when the chances of people finding his hideouts skyrocketed too!

Sometimes the hatred people had towards him felt, honestly, a bit unreasonable. Sure he might have kidnapped and experimented on some important people but it wasn't like the villages weren't doing it themselves, that was the whole reason the bodies of dead comrades were burnt! So that other villages wouldn't experiment on them!

At that moment, Orochimaru conveniently ignored the fact that he was the only man in history who experimented on people from all the lands.

Honestly, it wasn't like...

"Orochimaru-sama!" Before he could think of the unfair treatment he was gettin at the hands of the people of Elemental Nations, one of his underlings barged into his lab. He was pretty sure that he had forbidden that, guess he'll just have to kill this moron to make people remember that.

"There are intruders in the base!" After he dealt with his current problem.