
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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171 Chs


"Nakime, how long has it been since our new guest started her... conditioning?" I asked to the petite demon in Kimono.

"It has been a little over eight hours, Ieyasu-sama." Which when combined with all the extras I had for the Hypnosis app, made it almost fifty hours. Her conditioning would be complete within a few minutes.

"Mei-sama is also in the room you put her in." Nakime said with a tilt of her head and I, once more, thanked all the stars that I bought her.

Nakime was only a tier five waifu with an ability that was less about offense and more about utility, combine that with the fact that most people weren't sure if buying her would get them a waifu with only one eye and less than pleasant dietary requirements and you get yourself a waifu that most people didn't bought.

Idiots, the lot of them. Nakime not only came with two eyes, her ability was also stupidly broken. In a house that she laid her territory in, she could control almost anything in it along with making it an extra dimensional space with T.A.R.D.I.S rules inside that she could control. Every room she could sense, with one note of her instruments she could send anyone to any of those rooms or even pull those rooms to air and use them as weapons.

She was a strong waifu with a super useful ability.

"Good, then send me there as well." I said with a nod and then with a sound of string, I was in the room I wanted to be in. Its inhabitants being...

"Well well well, if it isn't our dear Ieyasu-sama!" A rather energetic girl with pink hair in dreadlocks wearing only shorts and a tank top, a very normal girl except for only a peculiar hair color if it wasn't for the metal gauntlet with claws and glowing jewels on her left arm.

"Are you here to make more babies with me?" And her rather weird fixation with calling machinery 'babies'.

"No, I am here for our... new friend." I said with a smile as I looked at the other occupant of the room.

Nii Yugito, a beautiful woman with an athletic build and blonde hair in a braid. Though you wouldn't know due to her current situation which was being bound to a chair that was more mechanically advanced than anything else in this world with many sealing marks on her skin and a futuristic helmet with visor and cables that were connected to the back of the chair.

Sealing marks were the courtesy of dear Mei who had learned sealing from the scrolls I had gotten from the Uzushiogakure ruins. The place must have been a real fortress once, considering the traps that were still around in its ruins but they had one glaring weakness. The traps would activate only against chakra. Sure the way they were designed meant there would be no hiding from them but well... none of my Mechamarus used chakra, they used cursed energy.

Meaning I had ended up getting myself the national treasures of a village that nobody else had been able to properly grave rob. And then gave them all to my little genius Mei with genius da Vinci template.

It was a disaster, if any Uzumakis were still alive; they would either cry at the ease Mei had mastered and surpassed their craft or start worshipping her as a goddess.

The Pioneer of Stars skill was bullshit.

Meh, not my problem. As a matter of fact; it was, or would be, everyone else's problem but mine!

"How is our... dear friend?" I asked with a smile as I looked at the small amount of drool leaving the side of her mouth.

"Oh, she is fine! Or will be since her conditioning should take about a minute before it's over." Mei said with a giggle.

That was good, I kinda needed some more points. Well, not needed but they were always welcome. And Yugito being a Jinchuuriki meant that I wasn't simply capturing her, I was also capturing her tenant; Matatabi. Meaning I was capturing a tier six and tier seven at the same time, ninety points about to be mine.

"Anything new that I should know about?" I asked Mei, I liked talking with her. She might be a little too excited for most people's tastes but her creations were quite impressive even without her template. When her genius was combined with magic abilities and the talent of one of the greatest geniuses of all time... it was beautiful.

"Hmm, I am almost done with the production of the potions. Though I will need to get some materials from Momo-chan later on. I think I also am close to locating this Orochimaru and Tsunade fellows as well. Though I do hope you know I won't be able to keep track of them too long after locating them so there is a good chance of losing one while dealing with the other." She explained the current situation.

"We'll just have to act fast. And even if we do lose track of Tsunade, it won't be too much of a loss. But I do need Orochimaru, there are few things I want from that snake." I said with a grunt. Like hell I was letting go of the genius scientist of this world with a country and pseudo shinobi village under their command. Of course the fact that this genius scientist currently was supposed to have the body of a woman had no impact on my decision to go after them.

Before I could properly defend my choices in my own mind, I got my notification that Nii Yugito and Matatabi were captured and ninety credits I was due was mine.

"Well, it seems our kitty is finally ready." I said with a smile that was shared by Mei and snapped my fingers, making the seals on our captive to disappear and the bindings on her chair to release her. I could see the light in her eyes as she rose from the chair with wobbly legs and then she sprinted at me, her nails elongating into claws as she tried to slash at my throat with a murderous gaze and then...

...she stopped. Her claws, mere inches from my throat, refused to move any further as the Jinchuuriki of Nibi looked at them.

"What?" Her voice was hoarse, her gaze frantic as she tried to understand what was happening but I had enough fun with this.

"Be a good kitty." I said with a smile which grew bigger as I saw the light leave Yugito's eyes before she dropped to all fours and started to rub her head on my leg.


"Good kitty." I said with a smile as I started petting her head and she leaned into my touch.