
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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175 Chs

High King of Seas

"Hmmm, this is pretty bad, isn't it?" The once King of all Seven Seas said as he looked at the people who had surrounded him with clearly less than noble intentions.

"Hehehe, those are some quite nice clothes you are wearing mister. How about donating them to the less fortunate huh?" The one who seemed to be the leader of the people surrounding him said with a sinister snicker as he licked his sword, that's dangerous you know.

"I have no problem with making donations but I don't think I want to strip in front of men." Sinbad said with a smile as he crossed his arms over his chest and tried to think about how he ended up… wherever he was now.

The last thing he remembered was how Alibaba and Aladdin had rejected his plan to save the world and instead saved it with their own way. Cheeky brats, he had to treat them to a good drink and women when he saw them again.

Oh wait, he couldn't do that anymore since Alibaba was supposed to be getting married to Morgiana soon. Didn't that mean that he was going to miss their wedding?!

"You bastard, do you think you're funny?!" The leading idiot yelled as he took a step forward. Oh well, it was about time to end this anyway.

"My apologies, but I won't be playing around with you." Sinbad said with a smirk as he raised his hand and snapped his finger, causing…


…nothing to happen.

Even the thieves surrounding him were looking at him with confusion as Sinbad frowned at his fingers and snapped them a few more times, only for nothing to happen with each snap and the situation finally downed on him.

"Oh, right, I'm not a god anymore." And he hadn't even gotten to do anything really fun with those powers.

"Don't fucking play around you asshole!" One of the thieves yelled out as he jumped at Sinbad with his sword held over his head, which then went down with a big slash. A slash that Sinbad avoided by simply taking a step to the side and then hit the thief in the stomach with a palm strike backed up with magoi. Making the thief keel over with pain as he held his stomach.

"Honestly, making me waste magoi. Now I'm really mad." Sinbad muttered with distain as he decided to be pettier than usual and let out some steam after all the shit he had to deal with in the Sacred Palace with David and raised his right arm with his left hand on his right wrist.

"Spirit of control and obedience, I command thee. Envelope my body, dwell in my body and turn my body into a great demon." He chanted as wind started whirl around him while his bracelet shined with a bright light.

"Focalor." And finally covered his whole body for a moment before dispersing and allowing all to see him.

Gone were his purplish hair and his clothes, in their place was red hair that looked akin to feathers of an eagle and red robes covering below his waist. Though likely the most prominent changes were that Sinbad being quite a bit taller and the vertical third eye in the middle of his forehead.

"Fuck! He's a devil fruit user!" One of the thieves cried out and Sinbad wondered what exactly about his transformation made them think about fruits. If anything a scary transformation should made one think dreaded vegetables... he felt like Ja'far would hit him if he was here.

"Screw it, we can still take him on!" The leader yelled out as he raised his swords and rushed at him along with the other thieves who had regained their courage due to their leader.

"How cute." Sinbad chuckled as he brought his hands together and formed a small wind sphere between them before letting the sphere free and hit all of his enemies with a strong gust of wind.

"Hmm, did I go a bit overboard?" Sinbad asked himself as he levitated off of the ground and slowly flew towards the only thief left conscious, who also happened to be the leader.

"Now then, shall we have a chat?" He asked with a smile as he looked down at the frightened man.

"Excuse me for a moment." But then a voice from behind him called out and Sinbad look back to see a man with white hair and black shades over his eyes walking towards them. But Sinbad's focus was on the two axes strapped to the man's waist.

"Old… old man…" the thief gasped out with relief and Sinbad prepared himself for another battle, only to be left wanting as the old man simply punched the thief on the head.

"Idiots, how many times do I have to tell you not to cause problems?" The old man grumbled but received no answer, mostly because his hit had finally sent the thief to realm of unconsciousness.

"Sorry about these idiots. They are something of a local problem, but never a serious one." The old man said and Sinbad, deciding that the man before him was not an enemy, undid his Djinn Equip and turned back to his normal form.

"If they are a problem, why not deal with them?" He asked with a tilt of head and the man sighed.

"I can't. They are far too pathetic that whenever I even hit them in order to send them away, I feel like I'm bullying kids." That was kinda badass, he'd have to remember that for later on.

"Still, you had some trouble because I didn't deal with them before. Would a drink be enough of a payment?" The old man asked with a smile and Sinbad could feel a smile of his own forming on his face at the mention of alcohol.

"Throw in your name as well and we're square." The former king declared and the old man snickered.

"Kehehe, the names Gaban brat. And I gotta say, you seem to have eaten quite an interesting devil fruit."

"Yeah, about that. The hell's a devil fruit?" Sinbad asked and decided that he didn't like the way this old man looked at him like he was the high idiot of seven seas.



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