
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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175 Chs


"Ozpin… what are we watching right now?" Glynda said with gritted teeth and Ozpin had to stop himself from admonishing her about it, it wasn't good for her dental health.

"I believe that we are watching the cameras we have in Emerald Forest, which are showing us a very impressive young man." Ozpin said with a smile as he took another sip from his coffee. The young man in the screen was rather impressive, he hadn't seen anyone kill Grimm with their bare hands in decades; if not centuries.

"And why exactly are simply watching this, instead of sending help?!" Glynda asked harshly and Ozpin could hear her grip on the desk causing it to crack under pressure. He had liked that desk.

"Oh we will send someone soon, do not worry about that. But I do not believe it is anything urgent, just look at the young man's skills." Ozpin said with a smile, he had never seen someone willing to get close enough to a Ursa to poke out their eyes or put a Beowolf in a chokehold. None that had been successful at any rate.

"To be perfectly honest, I am far more concerned about how he managed to enter the Emerald Forest without anyone realizing it." The headmaster of Beacon said with a raised eyebrow as he took another sip of coffee and saw that his words had sent his deputy deep in thought as well.

"Very well headmaster." Glynda finally conceded with a sigh and Ozpin raised his mug to his mouth in order to hide his smirk, it wouldn't do well to anger Glynda any further since he needed her to dump all of his paperwork on.

Still, he had to admit that this young man was frighteningly impressive in combat. Ozpin didn't know why he had no weapons but the way he was moving from one Grimm to another with the minimum amount of movement before killing them in ways most people would never think of. As a matter of fact, even the way he moved was different than most others; he was pretty sure that there were no active huntsmen that used trees and rocks as support in order to throw themselves at Grimm in order to latch onto their throats.

Such risky movements, it was a miracle that the young man only had some light wounds... light wounds? Why was he wounded with aura? As a matter of fact, did that swipe from a Beowolf just leave a scratch on his arm? But that would either mean that this young man's aura was broken... or that he didn't have it activated!

"Glynda! We need to go! Now!" Ozpin rose from his seat and took his cane before running towards the elevator, his scroll already rising in order to have one of the bullheads ready.

"But you said..."

"I changed my mind! Go! Go! Go!"


Due to their immediate act and thanks to their expert pilot, along with Ozpin's own experiences in how to make bullheads go faster, they managed to get to the Emerald Forest in a record time. Still far slower than what Ozpin would have liked.

As he ran through the Emerald Forest with Glynda behind him, clearing the obstacles in their way with her telekinesis semblance, all he could think was how on Remnant such a thing could happen.

A young man somehow sneaked into the Emerald Forest and just started to kill Grimm left and right, with no aura! He wasn't sure which was more ridiculous, the fact that this young man had attempted such a thing or the fact that he was succeeding in such a thing!

As they finally reached the young am, he was once more doing something ridiculous. Who would ever look at a Beringel and think about doing a neck throw?!

"Enough!" Glynda roared and used her semblance to send several dust rounds to the Grimm around the young man and cleared the area of the monsters. Then she turned to the young man and glared at him.

"Oh, hello people." And the young man simply waved at them like nothing was wrong. Oh that poor soul.

"What, in the name of any divine willing to listen, were you thinking?!"

"Well, I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but considering my track record; probably not much." Wow, he didn't know anyone was brave, or dumb, enough to act like that in front of Glynda.

"I am talking about sneaking into the Emerald Forest, fighting Grimm and doing all of those things without aura!" Glynda snapped and then went on a long tirade about how the young man had put his life at risk and how he should properly think things instead of doing things like this and many other things that he could not follow as her speech speeded up with every word. That is until the young man raised his hand with a frown.

"I am sorry, but I understood only about none of the things you said. Can you please tell me exactly where I am? Or what do you mean by 'Grimm' or 'aura'?" And then there was silence. He wasn't sure whether it was him or Glynda who was more perplexed about the young man's questions. His first instinct was to think that the young man was merely pretending in order to get out of trouble, lots of his students throughout the years had tried that; some of them more than once. But the look in his eyes and the seemingly relaxed way he stood that was actually like a coiled spring, ready to move at any moment, made him think otherwise. This young man was not just playing pretend.

"Young man, can you tell us where you're from? And your name as well?" Ozpin asked with an easygoing smile as he approached the boy and put a hand on Glynda's shoulder in order to calm her down as well.

"Well, I'm from Japan, Tokyo specifically. And my name is Baki, Hanma Baki."


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