
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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175 Chs

Angra Avesta(JJK/Isekai Crossover)-3

"Explain." I demanded with a glare as my hand went towards my sword, a clue about the fact that I had no intention of dealing with any bullshitting, and Zelretch raised his hands şn surrender.

"Okay okay, just put your hand away from the blade. I was gonna explain anyway." The master of second true magic said with a huff. "Now, you know how heroic spirits interact with the reality with concepts."

"Like Heracles being vulnerable to poison and Okita Souji having tuberculosis even though she is no longer a physical being as a heroic spirit."

"Exactly! Because those things are engraved into their existence as concepts. Another example being Mordred's noble phantasm becoming stronger if it's used against King Arthur since it was Clarent that dealt the blow that ultimately killed Arthur." Zelretch said with a smile while nodding. "This kind of thing is bit of a problem when it comes to you due to the concepts engraved into the existence of Angra Mainyuu, which is engraved into your soul." The old wizard continued as he leaned back on a tree.

"Angra Mainyuu's concepts?"

"Specifically, the same concept that ended up causing him to corrupt the Greater Grail. He has the concept of becoming a god of evil after dying." He said as he opened his arms wide. "Which is made even worse by this world."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"See, much like heroic spirits can affect the world; the world can affect the heroic spirits too. If you were living in an ordinary world with no magic, your death likely wouldn't do anything. Or if you were living in my world, you would at best cause the destruction across one country. But this world is different, can you guess why?" The old man asked with a smirk and I took a moment to think before I realized the reason.


"Bingo!" Zelretch said as he clapped his hands. "Curses, because this world is practically drowning in them. You can't walk through a crowd without encountering a minor curse and curses are Angra Mainyuu's domain, the source of his existence as a god." Zelretch explained.

"It won't be as good as the Greater Grail as nourishment but it will still give him enough power to drown this world in his own brand of curses, we don't want that." He said as he wagged his finger.

"Cool, but that doesn't explain how the god of evil ended up in my soul. Or how it's your fault." I said and the old wizard winced.

"Yeah, that. I was kinda hoping you would forget I said that." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "It happened years ago when I visited a world, just a year before the fifth grail war, and learned that the world had neither a Shiro or a Rin; they both had died in the fire." He said with a sigh and I realized why that was a problem. The whole disaster with the corrupted grail had been dealt with in most timelines because Shiro and Rin had dealt with it. A world without those two... didn't need to think much about what would happen.

"So I decided to do my good deed of the year and squeezed the Angry Mango out of the Grail and chucked it into the space between the worlds." Zelretch admitted with a shrug. "I can only assume that you were a soul headed towards reincarnation when the essence of Angra Mainyuu collided with you and you ended up on this world." He said and I... I started to chuckle.

Over two hundred years, that was how long I had been in this world. I had spent the first few years wondering about why I was in this world, every single day, and I had the answer now. It was luck.

I was where I was because of the luck of draw, I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"Uhh, you okay kid?"

"Yeah... just realized something funny." I said with a chuckle. "But how come I'm a danger still? I don't exactly age so the closest chance I have to actually dying is over a century away."

"Yeah, but you have been acclimating power for over two centuries." Zelretch said. "Angra Mainyuu needed only sixty years in the Greater Grail before he had enough power to wipe out humanity. The power this world gives might not be as much as the overly glowing cup my student made but with enough time, that won't matter."

"So... I'll blow up?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and Zelretch made wishy washy motion with his hand.

"Not exactly but it's the closes equivalent we have."

"And going to another world will fix that?"

"Yup!" He said with a thumb up. "You just need to be in a world where the percentage of curses is not so ridiculously high and you'll go stable. The current problem is all about the sheer amount of curses in this world Angra Mainyuu is pulling power from for his big bang, leave this place and the percentage will drop until the risks are gone as long as you manage to survive for a week." He said with a smile and honestly...

"Okay then." I had no reason to refuse. "But I have one condition." I said as I raised my index finger, making Zelretch raised an eyebrow with curiosity.

"I want to return to this world once, when Kenjaku finally begins his little culling game." I said, my tone brokering no arguments. This wasn't something I would budge on.

"Wanna take a shot against Sukuna?" Zelretch asked with a smile and I answered with a smile of my own.

"And Gojo Satoru. The last hundred years was spent purely waiting for the time where the shit truly started to hit the fan, I'm not missing the fun."

"Heh, I can respect that." Zelretch said with a snicker before clapping his hands together, which then started to shine with every color one could imagine at once. "I'll pick you up when the party starts here, enjoy your new home till then." And then the lights took over my whole vision and a feeling of weightlessness hit me.

When I opened my eyes again, I was standing in the middle of a valley, with only mountains within my sight.


Unknown to Yaboku, the moment he appeared in the new world; those who held great power all suddenly looked up with alarm. They're senses telling them that a being of monstrous feeling had just appeared in their world. Almost like...

An evil god.


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