
Snake Valor another death another rebirth

life and death a cycle that causes nothing but misery and strife yet once a kind soul is broken from that cycle a raw emotion locked within everyone's soul wrath/anger remove all mental limitations and you have a unstoppable beast. Once a regular kid now having to keep his guard up in the physical and mental plane will he be able to make up for a person's own sacrifice so they may live again or will he let his rage consume him and all those around him leaving nothing but a black spot in history.

hunter_holtmyer · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

My name is Hunter

Chiron was speechless he thought "I have never seen a demigod with these powers is he part of some unknown forgotten one?" he stared at the shrivel boy with black hair and a deep blue eyes. He asked him "what do you remember last?" The boy looked at him clenching the blanket "I remember dead bodies.. screaming filling the air and people in some weird clothes.." the boy looked at him with scared yet soft eyes asking one thing "what year is it?" Chiron stayed silent then replied "it is 2018." The boy closed his eyes "5 years huh.. 5 long years he's been in control.. I hope he kept our promise!" Chiron looked at him in fear "who is "he"?" The boy replied "you met him just now didn't you the darkness within me something happened 5 years ago I swore I would never let happen again me being here means he failed our bargain.." he punched the wall next to him leaving a small dent "why is it that every time and everywhere I go I constantly hurt people!" he shouted. The door flung open a blond haired person walking in followed by two people in some sort of full set of armor. "Chiron we need you now something came up she.." A red haired kid walked into the room a green mist spewing from her mouth she pointed at the boy " 7 sins of the past roam the land the gods and mortals pain will end the promise you made broken a spirit broken forever more.." she collapse to the floor one of the people went to her side picking her up. Chiron looked at Hunter "it seems your wakening was no mere coincidence the fates have drawn you here to us.." He cut off Chiron briskly "do not dare say that word around me" as he said that the shadows started to draw themselves near the kid. The second of the two people from before took off her helmet revealing a blond like weaving hair and emerald eyes and spoke to Chiron "Chiron sir it will be best if he is under my care for now I will keep him under close eye do not worry." Chiron sighed "so be it" he leaned in close to her "make sure the Ares kids do not piss him off." She nodded "understood come..." she looked at him with a cautious filled eye "Hunter right? come with me and ill introduce you to your cabin." As they exited the big house the people who had passed out awoke with a cold sweat Chiron took out a handkerchief wiping off the sweat "take ease now he is gone now tell me what did you feel" one of them spoke his eyes darting in his head as if he went to hell and back "a overwhelming pressure as if... as if we pissed off hades but he had the powers of everything" he rocked back and forth "whatever he is we need to make sure has on our side and that whatever is giving him that power doesn't get out..." The girl and Hunter walked through the camp she told him what was were and each of the cabins accompany god or goddess. They walked in front of the Hades cabin "this is your new home for now" she said motioning to the dark structure before them. He smiled "ah will be perfect for my mental health.." he looked at her as she stepped back "I mean it being in a dark cramped location actually helps me contain... it." A figure opens the door a girl no younger then 15 walks out "so your the new person causing the ruckus huh?" He looked at her "perhaps who might you be?" She smiled holding out her hand "Naomi Edna current leader of the Hades cabin our father told us to prepare for you but I didn't think you gave off that much killing intent.." she wiped her head full of sweat. The blond lady looked at Naomi "what is your plans for him now?" Naomi looked at her "give him the help he needs i got a child of Hecate and Hypnos here to help keep his mental state in check whatever he is is causing server mental and physical damage twenty four seven half god or not no one could survive the power he holds... well not at a cost of course." Hunter looked at them "don't even try it what I did all those years ago was my burden and curse to carry my conscience to carry." A horn blew Naomi sighed "damn I was hoping to getting to know you more but I guess we better go to the mess hall time for your big reveal.