
Snake Evolution System [ Legend Of Hebi]

Shivam was a kind guy but died by Truck Kun, and later reincarnated as a Snake [HeBi] ~~~~~~~~•• "F.u.c.k I died on my life's special day when I was finally about to lose my virginity, I died as a virgin loser, I work very hard for that day and Finally, my landlady permitted me to have s.e.x with her. I wasted my four precious Years of life courting her and when the fated day of my life finally arrives. but what the hell happened to me, yes I remember" Suddenly few more hazy memories are started appearing in his mind as he thought about his previous life. "You damn truck Kun, I died in the accident while crossing the road in Delhi, I am fucked up by damn truck Kun" Shivam started to curse as he thought about his previous life on earth. He was a nerd who was living a carefree life in India, he dropped from university and doing a part-time job in a hotel as a waiter, he has no girlfriend because he was not popular among girls, but fortunately, he fell in love with his landlord's second wife and started courting her, she pitied him and finally four years later permit him to have s.e.x with her, but alas destiny was very cruel towards him, Truck Kun f.u.c.k.e.d him before he f.u.c.k her. ~~~~~ Ding [You killed tier 1 Fish you gained a beast stone, 100 Tier 1 beast stones needed for advancing next level] "What, who are you, am I become retarded, suddenly I can hear things out of nowhere in my mind," Shivam said in a low voice [I AM RAPHAEL, AND I AM GOING TO ASSIST YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY] "Raphael, what The hell are you," Shivam asked Raphael in a serious voice. [I am system and I am imprinted in your will to guide you on your journey and I will help you to become evolve ] hearing Raphael's words, Shivam was surprised, He laugh and shouted in his mind. "Oh, god you didn't abandon me. I heard many isekai stories when I was on earth, but it becomes a reality" "Hey Raphael, can I become strong with the help of yours, and what do you mean by evolution," He asked to her [Yes you can become awakened as you reached the Tier 5 beast, and you can get the human form] As your will she replied. "Raphael what do you mean by the awakened, "Shivam asked curiously. ~~~~~~ The mc is smart and loves the beautiful women. He is op and merciless at the same time. he is not some kind of mindless killing machine who kills people for no reason. Read few chapters you will like the novel. And Become part of this exciting roller coaster ride with Shivam, who is going to become a Legend. Note: English is not my native language, if you find grammar errors in my novel, please don't mind, I will correct my Grammarly mistaken words or you can point out those mistakes. *********** The first few chapters are rushed and maybe you will find grammar errors, at least read 40 chapters and then decide whether you want to continue or not...

SHIVAM_Chouksey · Fantaisie
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194 Chs

the sacred tomb

Shivam entered into the sacred tomb and was flying towards the deeper part of the tomb, and finally, when he crossed one of the gates which were leading him inside the tomb, the path behind him started to disappear in thin air and a wall appeared in front of his eyes, seeing this he gulped the mouthful saliva in nervousness. the path behind him was completely gone.

"sigh, why always this kind of dramatic things happened to me wherever I go, over and over again, I am fed of this kind of party trick, why these old kinds of tomb always have these kinds of mechanism" he mumbled in a low voice looking towards the closed path behind him.

"stay on guard every sacred place have their own difficulty level, it will be very dangerous for you so you better take it seriously otherwise one mistake will cost you your life, "Raphael said to Shivam in a cold voice. " sigh I know Raphael, you don't have to remind me, just keep scanning this whole place" he responded to Raphael and started to approach the deeper part of the tomb.


three figures could be seen standing in the middle of the air they all were wearing black robes and two females are standing together while the figure of the male was standing behind them, they are Sylvia, Samantha and behind them was the Lukas. they were all waiting for the Shivam who was suddenly disappeared during the trial. and Sylvia could be seen very impatient and her gaze was on the alter. and Sylvia was the only one who was affected by the most.

"it's already eight hours we are waiting for him but nothing happened except the blue ball is still shining, what do you think my lady" Samantha looked towards the worried Sylvia and asked her. Sylvia tilted her head towards Samantha who was standing beside her.

"I don't know what is happening with him right now, but my heart is telling me that he is still alive somewhere out there, and I am going to wait for him, we have a chance because the ball of mana is still radiating the blue light, the mana ball is our last hope" she replied to Samantha and her gaze was fell on Lukas.

"Lukas go convey my message to every high spirit who is currently available in the ruins, go tell them I summon all of them here " she looked towards Lukas and said to him.

"yes my lady, I convey your message to everyone who existed in the ruin currently" he looked towards the lady Sylvia and said those words, and the next second Lukas was disappeared in the thin air leaving behind those two. when Lukas left the place she again looked towards the altar,

"Please be safe and careful, my heart is telling me that you are safe and you will come back soon" she whispered to herself.


after traveling for quite a long time Shivam found himself at the deeper part of the tomb and he enters in the big hall which was looking quite large and fancy, various kinds of paintings could be seen on the walls, and at the end of the hall a big statue situated, the statue was quite big and the statue was resembling the Athena, and some kind of stone has existed in her hands, and that stone was radiating the blue light.

"hey, Raphael why Athena's statue here, she told me that she was not allowed to enter in this tomb, so why her statue existed here at the end of the hall, and what about that mysterious stone in her hand," Shivam asked Raphael, with a worried face.

"host I also find quite weird, but that stone is radiating some unknown kind of aura and I am getting a very weird kind of feeling, so be careful and be on guard" Raphel replied to Shivam who was looking towards the beautiful statue.

after hearing Raphael's words Shivam started to approaching the statue which was resembling Athena's statue, he was somewhat nervous about that but he gulped the mouthful saliva and touch the stone which was in the hand of the statue.

when Shivam took that and his claw touched the stone he felt a chill on his little body like he entered in some kind of cold water and his body is going to freeze. The next moment suddenly the surrounding aura of that place started to change drastically and a whole place started to covering in the thin layer of the ice. and a sudden voice resounded his body.


[The trial of the goddess is initiating devour the mythical beast stone to initiate the trial]

hearing this notification his face become pale he was shivering from the cold but now he has to swallow the stone in order to start the trial.

Shivam looked towards the beast stone, and take a deep breath and the next moment he swallowed the whole beast stone through his mouth.

suddenly his body started to grow larger and larger and he started to comes to his previous giant black size, after a few moments later his body started radiating some kind of heat which covered the whole giant hall within a second, his body was also starting to cover with unknown blue flames and an unbearable pain started to occur in his whole body, he clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth while enduring the pain.

"what the hell is happening to my body, it's fuking burning I can't take it anymore" Shivam shouted at top of his lungs. and suddenly a voice comes from behind him.

"focus on your mana and try to absorb as much mana as you can from that stone which you swallowed, it will be very painful for you but you will be able to achieve the elementary spirit realm and you can walk on cultivator path" when he looked towards the source of this voice he saw in front of him a beautiful woman is standing in the middle of the air. she was looking very beautiful, she has very long white hair, deep green eyes with otherworldly peerless face, white long eyelashes, and jade-like skin and she was wearing the blue robe and she was looking towards him.

"Who are you," Shivam asked her with a trembling voice.

"you can call me lady ifrit, and I am the one who created this place, and sole master of the beginning of tomb" hearing those words Shivam's heart shank.

"holy fuck what is happening here" he mumbled while looking towards the peerless beauty who was standing in front of him.

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