
in school

Then they go to school together cause they read in the same class and school.

Khusbu: Hi, Ohi!

Ohi : Hi, bestuuuuu.....

Junaida: Dhong.....( she said slowly..)

Muskan: Look at Junaida and laughs.

Junaida: Whattt!

Muskan: Dhong..


Junaida : Shut up!!!

Oikko: besti....

Oikko: hi sis

Junaida : why are you so late today?(Said in angry voice)

Oikko: sorry.... i woke up late today.....

Then they started to talking about a random tropic

Other side

Khushbu : ohi... do you like Junaida?

Ohi: yes! Junaida is my Childhood best friend and sister

Khushbu : but i Don't think junaida like you.....

Ohi : but...why do you think that?

Khushbu : l headed junaida telk bad things about you to others

After that every day Khushbu used to say bad thing to ohi about junaida