

© 2022 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved

•Trigger Warning•

“Deja told me about why you left.” Starting off simple and sweet seemed the best bet, to make myself not chicken out. The silence was deafening as I waited for his reaction. Of course he doesn't give the one I assumed he was going to give. Which is always the case with him.

“Okay.” Looking over at him; now switching rolls as I stared at him staring forward at the blank street.

“Okay? That’s it?” I started to get a little irritated, I guess I wasn’t expecting for him to just start spilling his heart out, but I wasn’t in the state that I had the nerve to just start questioning him either. I of course knew this wouldn’t be that easy.

“I mean what else can I say? You said she told you already. I didn’t tell you because… I knew it would be. I don’t know. Difficult to take. I guess.”

Biting the inside of my cheek I searched for a question just deciding to say what I’ve been thinking all this time.