
Day Rose Café

As soon as Mickey was out of sight, Meg hit me with a ton of personal questions.

"We don't have much time to talk girl things before Mick returns, so spill. Are you with someone currently? If so, for how long? If not, what are you looking for in a man?" Meg rushed.

I had no time or idea how to respond. "I'm sorry?"

"Yes or no!" Meg smiles.

"None of those apply to me at all. I've never been with someone before!" I admit.

Her smile fades. "None at all?"

"Yes. None."

"Well, do you want to be with somebody someday?"

"I don't know. I have never really talked to somebody of interest before. I mean, none have approached me or I them thus far. If anything, most people of interest I've spoken to are for business and professional reasons."

"Wow... I have never met someone so hardcore serious about work. Look, if you don't loosen up a little you will always live in constant workaholic mode! Oh! Looks like your savior has returned!" Meg smiled.

I looked out the window and saw Mickey, looking beet red and speed walking to the car. He hops in and turns on the ignition.

"What's got you looking frazzled, Mick?" Meg asked.

"Nothing. Mr. Goer just gave us the rest of today and tomorrow off."

"What? But who will take over the front desk for me?" Meg panicked.

"Believe it or not, Mr. Goer himself offered to make Trent do his end of the deal for you. Trent is nothing but an online chess geek who only works when it's convenient for him.. You are the hardest working front desk woman we've got at the office Meg!" Mickey said as he began to drive away.

I began to feel guilty.

"I am so sorry if I inconvenienced you two in any way. I should have eaten before coming here. I'm pretty sure I blew my chance at working here."

"Not at all, dear! You don't even know how happy you've made Mr. Goer! He hasn't had a new face in forever!" Meg smiles.

"New face?"

"Mr. Goer has this thing for fresh ideas. So far this last month, none of us came up with any creative stories or projects of interest. The story slash projects board helps us cover any of the latest materials we've seen lately." Mickey explains.

"Where do you get the stories? Do you work like a news station and report on site or just do interviews and cover the story from the office?" I wonder aloud.

"We sometimes talk about topics that the news does not cover. With our Radio Station, we can reach most platforms. From podcasts to car radios to newspapers. We even have our own app for those with stories on the go!" Mickey says.

I watched on as we ventured deeper into the city and forgot I had left my car at the office!

"I forgot my car! I am so sorry, but I'll need to go back after we eat."

"Forget driving yourself. I'll take you home." Meg says from the front.

"But-" I began to protest and was cut off by Meg.

"You fainted. I can't just let you drive back home alone! I would never be able to live with myself if you got hurt!" Meg insisted

"If it isn't a problem or an inconvenience to you, that would be great. I can have my friend Holly pick it up tomorrow."

"Nonsense! Mr. Goer will make sure it gets delivered to you!" Mickey says with a chuckle.

As we pull into the Old Town, I see a gas lamp district and it leaves me in awe. I had never drove through here before and the view was amazing. The shops and cafés were old-fashioned with swing music playing on a loud speaker.

"Did we travel back in time?" I ask.

"Nah, it's always like this. The city needed its own old town and they elected against making it modern. We'll have to walk to the café from here." Mickey says as he parallel parked into the street.

There was a parking meter.

I pull out my wallet and hand a dollar and seventy-five cents to Meg.

"You put that money back in your wallet right now, young lady! That's your gas money. We got this!" She says with a stern tone.

"But I-"

"We have a free spot. The Café's owner lets us cover stories at the Café in exchange for a free meal and our meter payment. Courtesy of Mr. Goer." Mickey say as he turns off the engine.

He steps out first and walks around to open our doors.

Mickey helped me to balance before going to open Meg's door.

She stepped out and picked up her purse, grabbed a small placard that said, 'Reserved for Mr. Goer' and placed the placard on the dash.

Mickey led the way as we walked on. I was still a little shaky but the promise of food drove me forward.

We walks past boutiques and novelty shops, a couple bistros, a poetry lounge, an art studio and a coffee shop.

At the corner was 'The Day Rose Café. It was a small two story brick building and had a small balcony on top. The sign was an orange rose that looked like a sunrise.

The smell of fresh baked bread and herbs took me over. A business man walked out with what looked like a tomato bread sandwich and a purple drink.

"Hello, Craig. Off to the library?" Mickey said as he held the door open for us.

"Yeah, gotta catch Annette before the book signing tonight!" The man, Craig said as he lets us pass through.

"Oh, is this the new addition?" He asks, referring to me.

"Yes, this is Violet Preston. She's just joined us today." Meg says.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Preston. Say, isn't it a bit early to be eating? I'm sure Goer didn't just let you go pick up lunch for everyone." Craig teased.

"I'm new to town. He wants me to pick up a good story." I blurted out. Craig looked like any middle-aged average business man. Tall, black suit, slicked back brown hair and grey eyes. Dark brown shoes a grey watch and a briefcase, he means business. But his demeanor was that of a skeptical person.

"Well, I wish you luck. Goer doesn't just let anyone get away with a basic story. I've gotta go. Have a nice day!" Craig waves bye and walks away quickly.

We entered Day Rose Café.

I couldn't shake off this weird feeling about Craig. He treated us politely, but his remark about Mr. Goer, referring to him by his last name, the 'basic story' comment... I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he had worked for Mr. Goer and Wake Up World at some point in the past.

"Doll, you feeling faint again?" Meg snapped me out of my reverie.

I look at Meg and said I was fine. "Say, who was Craig? You seemed to know him?"

We got in line behind four other customers. The inside wasn't too busy.

Mickey looked over his shoulder and said, "Hold that thought... Whatcha'll want to order?"

I looked up at the chalkboard style menu and instantly wished I had more time to read everything! Salads, sandwiches, pasta dishes, freshly baked breads, pastries, a wide variety of coffees and desserts... So many great choices!

What caught my eye was a Spinach Mushroom Alfredo with herb butter bread. A Lavender Hibiscus Lemonade, and a Day Rose Café Specialty Dessert Of The Day. It was a Rose Water Infused Berry Muffin with an Orange Cream Cheese Glaze.

I told my order to Mickey and looked at the prices. They were none marked on the board.

"How much..." I whisper to Meg.

"Don't worry! Remember, interview slash story equals free parking spot and meal! In exchange for the meal and spot, we always make sure to credit the Café in our stories by announcing ads and weekly specials. It helps give them more business from our end." She whispers back.

I nod. We arrive to the front of the line and an older man and woman are at the counter. They smiled at Meg and Mickey. I stood behind them. I was slightly nervous.

"Mick! Megs! How's it been!" The woman says first.

"It's been well! Thank you!" Mickey replies.

"Oh! Charles! There's another young miss with them!" The woman spots me.

"It appears so, Lindsay! Don't be shy!" The man, Charles waves me over.

"Aw!!! Isn't she just darling!" The woman, Lindsay fawns over me.

"She's the newest edition to the team!" Meg smiles proudly.

"What's your name, sweetie?" Lindsey asks.

"Violet. Violet Preston." I hold my hand out to shake theirs.

They both smile as though I were their grandchild. They took turns shaking.

"Oh! Mickey, Luke's already heading over to pay for the spot... he had something for Mr. Goer." Charles says.

"What is it? The cars' locked." Mickey asks.

"Its for his office party next week, said he had a note for the details." Charles explains.

"No problem, anyways, I think we are ready to order! Megan wants a zucchini stick, sourdough bread bowl corn chowder combo with a tall Arnold Palmer. Miss Violet would like an S.M.A.H.B.B., with a large Lavender Hibiscus Lemonade, and a Day Rose specialty dessert. I'll take a Pizza-Dilla with a small mozzarella sticks, and a Salted Carmel Pour-Over Coffee, Americano style, please." Mickey finishes.

"At this rate, he might as well be my personal reminder system! You have a great memory Mick!" Charles says as he jots down the order. He hands Mickey a number and tells us to pick a table.

We stepped away to a table and the smell of food made my mouth water. "What is a Pizza-Dilla?" I asked Mickey as he sat across from Meg and I.

"A quesadilla with pepperoni and the best sauce ever, made from fresh grown tomatoes and herbs on the rooftop greenhouse." Mickey responds as he sets the table number down.

"Wait, they have a greenhouse here?" I looked up.

"Yes, and that bread you ordered has the best herb butter you'll ever taste!" Meg smiles.

"That's amazing! When was the greenhouse built?" I asked, hoping that their answers would lead to my ultimate question.

"Maybe a few months ago, right Mick?"

"Nah, It must have been longer than that. Hey, Luke's back, maybe he'll know. I think it was his idea after all."

"Have you ever covered a story on it before? You know, just letting people know that local business can grow their own produce?" I asked, hoping that whoever answered me would say no.

"Hey Mick, Megan. Hello, Ms. Preston… How's it going?" A tall young man in his mid twenties came over and sat next to Mickey. He looked like Mr. Goer, but younger.

"How'd you…?" I started to ask.

"Mr. Goer sent me a text asking if you guys had arrived yet. I wanted to stop by real quick as say hi! Luke Goer. Nice to meet you! I hope you are feeling better now!" He said holding out his hand to shake.

"You're Mr. Goer's son?" I said after shaking it.

"No, I'm his nephew. His brother Charles, my father and his wife, my mother, Lindsey own Day Rose Café."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Luke!"

"And likewise."

"Say, Luke, did we ever cover a story about the greenhouse upstairs?" Megan asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, you did."

I had hoped that they hadn't yet. I kept the disappointment from showing on my face.

"But... that was a story that was covered when we announced it. From there, nobody knows too much about it since it's really word of mouth. They only know we cook everything from scratch. I don't believe we ever gave an update or progress about the garden now. We've actually had quite a few endeavors we've done, like food distribution and supplying the local farmers market with our fresh herbs and seasonal produce."

The disappointment faded away.

"Have you branded your products yet? Or sold items here with your logo?"

"I don't think we have. Tell you what. How about we set up an interview with my parents and we can provide you with some details for an article?" He pulled out a small notebook and quickly scribbled an email and phone number, along with the name: Charles, Lindsey & Luke Goer - Day Rose Cafe.

"That sounds like a fabtastic plan! Thank you!" I say, pocketing the paper.

"No, thank you!

"I'm off to grab your order now, but please enjoy, and welcome to the team, Miss Preston!" Luke said as he dashed off to grab the food.

Megan looked to see if he had left. "Way to score an interview, and on day one!"

Mickey grinned. "Do you know your topic or your hook yet?"

"Not sure, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it, I suppose."

"No rush, they're pretty cool folks to work with!" Megan assured.

As soon as Luke brought the order back, my mouth began to water from the scent of a hot and creamy pasta. Mickey's Pizza-Dilla looked amazing, and Megan's freshly baked bread bowl holding her corn chowder smelled intoxicating.

While we ate, they took the time to ask me about my background, my education and my goals.

After a while, Mickey checked his watch and his eyebrows raised. "We've been here for two hours!"

A sudden ping on my phone startled me. I looked and it read eleven notifications and two missed calls. The missed call was from Holly and the other number I did not recognize.

Three texts were from my mom, who wanted to know how my day was and when would I be back in town to celebrate my first day. Two were from my dad, wishing me good luck and an emoji of a thumbs up (of which I never taught him to use emojis, how he figured it out is beyond me!), and five from Holly. She was sending pictures of a recent project she had finished, but the newest texts were questions.

One said, "Who left this huge wad of money at the front door???"

The other one was: "Your Boss just called... YOU FAINTED?!?!"

Before the ugh sound left my mouth, I checked the last text... it was from Mr. Goer?!

I opened it and read through carefully, thinking I was being let off, and that lunch was just to soften the blow.

But what I was about to read was a completely unexpected surprise, that would change my life forever.