

Why don't you just... I dunno, go to bed early?

AhmedOsama16 · Horreur
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1 Chs

Sleeping kid.

"So, I've been thinking about this thing… and… I don't know."

Said Mark to his older brother.

"What do you think Mark?"

"Aiden, we should try to tell dad about what we do every night!"

"Yeah, look, I don't wanna die, at least not now. Therefore, you must obey anything dad says. I mean, look at me! I'm 196 at 16 years! All this because dad forces us to sleep early!"

"Okay, Aiden. I don't care about the height thing. I wanna live like any teenager, being up all night!"

"Man… look, I've tried it out myself before that accident happened to dad… and I prefer this lifestyle."

"Oh come on!"

"Mark, I'm not going to be a part of whatever you're doing."


"Dude… dad is literally the tallest man on earth! He's three meters tall! I bet that we both could even grow taller than him!"

"Yeah, recently I've seen dad becoming weird."

"Yeah, we don't see him! He comes home at 12 A.M!"

"No you idiot, when he was sick two months ago!"

"What about those two months?"

"Well, I noticed his face becoming pale… and he looked like he was a meter away from the grave!"

"Yeah, I get it, Mark, listen… sleeping early is good for you, especially since you're still 13 years old, you need to sleep and wake up early, okay?"

"I can't withstand this anymore man!"

"Relax man, one day, you're going to know how stupid you were."


"I'm going to bed."

"Aiden! Man, wait up!"


"We should convince dad that we can stay up! For Christ's sake, we're on the summer vacation!"

"Look, as much as I understand you, I hate sleeping more than anything else, also. We're in 2006, what are you going to do?"

"Play some games on my computer!"

"Why, do you go to work during the daytime?"


"Man, don't be an idiot okay? Just go to bed early, you're still growing."

"Fine! If I'm doing it alone… then I think Mom will help me at this point!"

"Yeah… good luck with that, ambitious young boy."

Said Aiden before going to bed.

"Damn… I really need to prove to them that I can withstand being up even for dawn or something… how can I?"

"Look, if you want my advice, do it tomorrow. Because they might come back late today."

"Where are they?"

"Well, if you weren't so focused on this computer you would've known by now, they're in a restaurant!"

"Oh… okay."

Aiden slept… but Mark stayed up until 3 A.M… still his parents didn't come back yet.

He was tired, so he slept.

The next day…

It was at 12 P.M when Aiden woke him up.

"Wake up!"

"What do you want from me?"

"Come on get your lazy ass up, you're not sleeping the entire day, are you?"

"Maybe I'm sleeping the entire day now please leave me alone, I wanna sleep."

"Wake the hell up!"

Aiden poured some cold water on Mark's face.


"Well… I didn't want things to go this way, but it had to be."

"Damn it, man! Why didn't you wait for me!"

"I knew your lazy ass wasn't going to move anytime soon, and hey! You should thank me, I saved a lot of time on you washing your head or whatever you're doing to get your head wet."

"Damn you Aiden, Damn you."

"Mum and dad didn't come back yet, they didn't even dial me… where the hell did they go?"

"Testing out restaurants… they might be chilling with a relative or something don't worry."

The Main door was opening…

"Dad and mom are here. *Whispering* Act like if you were napping or anything that indicates that you've been awake for a while now."


A tall guy came into the house… it was Francis.

"Oh, Hi, dad!"

Francis gave Mark a long gaze but then got to his room.

"What the hell…?"

Said Mark.

"That's not the thing for him, right?"

"Yeah, maybe he's just so tired and he really wants to sleep?"

Five minutes later.

Francis closed his room's door… he's going to sleep.

"Alright, he was so tired, maybe he couldn't think because he wanted to sleep?"

"Yeah, maybe… but what's up with the gaze?"

"I honestly don't know why he gazed at you like that. He's just so tired let's just focus on anything else."

Mark Started playing computer games and Aiden started watching random tv shows.

"Alright so counter-strike is finally installed, now I can play it. Open up steam! I'm so freaking excited to play it!"

After two hours of playing counter-strike…

"Alright so, someone sent me a message via steam, a friend request actually, lemme check it out.

Oh, god I can't believe it! Its Elizabeth! She's the cutest girl in class!"

I wish that we had female gamers like in this AR… I mean, story.

"So, I heard you talking about a girl. Who is that?"

Said Aiden from behind him.

"Well, I made a group on steam and invited everyone who had steam in class to this group."

"Ah, I see."

"No, you're not! You're looking away!"

"Well, I didn't mean it literally so yeah."

"Anyways, what do you think I should do?"

"Try your best to not mention her in front of dad, or you're going to be a desk."

"Why a desk?"

"Well, I don't know. I think your fate would be worse than death."

"I see."

"I bet you don't."

"Damn, dad's a heavy sleeper now? Aiden, go check him out please."

"Well, no! You go check him out yourself!"

"Come on man!"

"Well, no. I'm too tired I might even take a nap or go and watch more T.V, anything but I go near dad whenever he's asleep. Do you want me to turn into the desk? No way I'm doing this Mark. No Way I'm going to go and see if father was asleep or not."

"Damn it Aiden."

So Elizabeth and Mark were talking all day about random crap and stuff like that. She actually added him by accident, but she didn't mind talking to him.

Two Hours later…


"-Wait… oh crap! I should hide the conversation! He's awake!-"

Francis got out of the room and started walking towards Mark.

He then put his hand on Mark's shoulder.

"Hello, Mark. I haven't seen you so much today, I really miss you kid. Do you miss me?"

"Yeah, dad! I really missed you! I missed you so much! But, where's mom?"

"Oh, she left for work… all that time I was just walking around the streets until it was 10 A.M, I decided to go home"

"Ah, cool!"

"So, where's Aiden?"

"He's in the living room, watching something on the T.V"

"What is he watching?"

"I dunno."

"Guess I should go see myself."

"Yeah, it's okay!"

"I will go, remember, don't be noisy. Noise really pisses me off."

"Yes, dad. I won't be noisy!"

"That's the good boy. Aiden! Where are you kid? I want to speak up with you on something!"

Mark's heart was… you probably would get the feeling he had. A 3-meter tall guy putting his hand on your shoulder. You'd be scared right?

At 10 P.M

"Alright kiddos, it's time to sleep"

"Okay dad, good night"

Said Aiden and Mark.

At The room

"Is he at his room?"

Said Mark

"Yeah, he is. I heard the door getting closed."


Mark left his bed and was going to start the computer up.

"Mark, before you go. Why didn't you tell dad about your stand?"

"Well… he scared the living nights outta me today. So I couldn't just face him with it."

"Yeah, I know. He's freakishly tall. That's what makes him so scary."

"Yeah. You go to sleep. I'm playing some counter-strike."

Four hours later.

Aiden was sleeping like a baby whilst Mark was having fun with counterstrike.

Playing it with Elizabeth… that's unexpected but okay.

But then it was too late… as something was already breathing on Mark's hair.

"You… do know that you are allowed to be up late if you were going to the bathroom or had insomnia. Right? Mark?"

Francis put his hands on Mark's shoulder and looked at the monitor… a look that Mark would never forget… a look that he actually could clearly see.

"You don't know the count right?"

Said Francis


"I take… you… or whoever stays up late!"

Mark woke up to find himself locked up in a closet… he's probably hiding from someone. He wasn't playing hide and seek as he wasn't really making happy noises. He was scared as we can see here… or well, as I can see here.

"Mark, don't think that I don't know where you are… I put you in that closet."

Francis started moving to the closet and he opened it.

Just for him to put Mark somewhere else.

"Where am I?!"

He was standing in the reception.

"Where the hell am I?!"

He could hear somebody moving from behind him… but then he saw two men walking from his room towards him.

But then they stopped when they were 8 meters away from him.

"Who are you guys?!

What the hell do you want from me?!"

"Next time, you should sleep early!"

Francis snapped Mark's neck!

"I think the message is clear. Good thing I'm not in the world of the living. Or this place would've been a pain in the ass to clean… well, I'm just going to throw him where I killed his mother. She's the fifth woman I marry anyways so it no longer hurts me to do so.

The End.


I dunno what was that, but I've been thinking about this for quite a while now. I mean, I was really into this idea three years ago. Back then, I wanted this to be a novel. But I'm actually content with this being something you can read and never see again.

Thank you so much for reading it!

Oh look, I'm sleep deprived!

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