
Slaughter the Gods

A man died in his world and then appears before a God of another. That God then goes on to say that he caused the man's death in his world and brought him here for his own enjoyment. The man, shaken with disbelief and anger, is then tossed into this new world with nothing but the clothes on his back, a basic system that can only answer questions. He vows to kill those who have wronged him, planning to take vengeance upon the God who did this to him. But is that the only tragedy that will befall, the only God that he will vow to vengeance against? What truly awaits this man in this new world fraught with dangers and the unknown? Will he let go of his anger and live his life, or will he be consumed by rage and continuously seek his vengeance? Will he successfully kill a God? Read this man's story. Also of note, Harem will not be large. And there will be gory and or dark moments in this book, so read at your own discretion. ----------------------------------------- Thank you for giving my book a try. Also, don't forget to check out my other books. They are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-misunderstood-heroic-villain_11956325005658505 Humanity Rising: War: https://www.webnovel.com/book/humanity-rising-war_26575634406791205 ----------------------------------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Requiem_Phantom Discord: https://discord.gg/N7SMEDMNrM ----------------------------------------- Also, the book picture is not mine, and the rights go to the original owner and creator. If you want me to take down the picture and you are the owner or creator, just message me, and I will do so. I only added in the book title and my name as the creator of the book. Thank you.

Requiem_Phantom · Fantaisie
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The Wyrm!

It took nearly another fifty years before I finally got onto the trail of the underground monster. The only one I had left to find and kill before I am the last survivor in this realm. And after that, all I have to do is wait for that damnable god to return.

I found it, but following the vast tunnel network, I was luckily able to come across in one of the various regions of this realm. It was within one of the desert regions.

I followed the tunnels for days on end before I spotted the big bugger. And big was an understatement, as he was huge. And long!

Its species name is Macarat, so I was expecting some kind of underground tunneling rat or maybe a groundhog or something. But what I found instead was some kind of earthworm; at least, that was what I thought initially. But then I found out its body was covered in scales, and its face was unexpected.

When I came face to face with the monstrosity, I was surprised to find what I could only describe as a Dragon's face. Yes, imagine a dragon's head on the body of a worm. Or should I say Wyrm.

No legs or arms, just one long body. Its body stretched for miles as it carved tunnels and traveled fast through said tunnels. It also never stopped moving. It seemed to go off only instinct and had limited intelligence. As it paid me no attention whatsoever as I have yet to attack it.

It just kept tunneling and tunneling. Nonstop.

I followed it, watching it for hundreds of miles as it tunneled and just ate the dirt itself as it tunneled.

Eventually, I had enough and decided to start this fight. Though maybe I can end this in one move. Before it can even attack back, I will go all in on the first strike.

So I did.

I was near the head as it still tunneled without a clue. I gripped my spear firmly as I placed my feet down in the proper stance and reared my spear back, as prepared to thrust forward with all my strength.

I breathed in and felt the thick air from underground enter my lungs as I focused my eyes on my target. Then I pushed forward. My heavy muscled arms tensed and sprung forward in an instant, bringing forth my spear.

The air pressure built around my spear as it moved, shattering the space in the surrounding area. This is where the Macarat finally changed its actions. It felt the danger, the attack that was incoming.

For once, it faced me. In an instant, everything changed.

Yet my spear continued forward. The pressure building, the force destructive as it propelled forward.

The Macarat, feeling the danger looming ahead, screeched in annoyance and anger as something started to come out of its mouth. It almost looked like it was puking.

But something much more dangerous came out. Rocks! A lot of them. And at such a fast pressure that it was like a hose shooting a high-pressure stream of water, except of rocks.

The beast screamed as it let loose a vile, destructive stream of earth and rocks towards me. And all this was happening within a single second, as my spear completed its forward momentum, letting forth the strong force of pressure forward.

And a second later, the two attacks collided. The beast's rock breath, and my pure force attack of air pressure that was exerted from my strength and spear.

Then my attack obliterated it! Completely, the beasts attack, and then the beast itself. And then a new tunnel was created for miles on end, and this tunnel was much bigger than any that the Macarat had created. It stretched vastly into the distance, far beyond what I could see.

The beast itself had its entire head gone, as a bloody wound dripped with blood as the rest of the worm-like body flopped onto the ground lifelessly. And just like that, I am the last living being in this entire realm.

In fact, this fight might have been tougher if I was weaker or if the beast was more intelligent. But alas, sometimes things just end like that, quickly and without struggle.

Now this thing is nothing more than a feast for me to further increase my strength. This large worm-like body will be enough for me to eat for a few months, and I hope this is all enough for me to challenge a god. As there is nothing else for me to defeat, and I still have another three hundred years here before the god should be coming back.

I will have to train hard with the few years I have left; at least a few years to me, it will feel like.

Either way, time to feast for now. Just another one down the hatch, I think as I open my maw-like mouth to show the razor-sharp teeth inside that evolved to eat tough prey, and I start to chow down on the raw meat before me.

And just like that, another year passed. I took another journey throughout the entire realm after I finished eating the carcass of the beast, just to make sure that I am for sure the last remaining living thing in this realm. I was surprised that I actually felt alone for the first time in hundreds of years.

I thought I had locked away all such emotions and thoughts. But I did not dwell on it for long.

Once I finished the short journey, I built myself a small home and got to training. That was the only thing left for me to do for the next three hundred years, and then I will challenge and kill the God as soon as he comes back.

This I swear!

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Thank you for your support, and hope everyone continues to enjoy my story.

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