
Transcending grade battle

Rapidly,Han dong was towards His clan disciples, the people was training use his hands clenched to try controlling YuanQi been linking to him of body.

"Hey, brother, i m Han dong, how are you to practice in the stage" Han dong itched to try as he watched the disciple cultivation before saying.

"I m Liu Po, what do you want to attempt of, skills and Yuan Qi operating or physicality" Liu Po implicitly said as same time that he needed to fight with Han dong.

"I command physicality and operating Yuan" Hand dong sincerely said to him.

"OK, I can receipt your demands, after all, I want to try my skills with you" Liu Po responded delightfully as likewise he was alluring the attempts of fighting.

Before both of them were going to behind for their backyard practising fields to combat.

"OK, are you ready? now I ensure my state is better than before" Lou Po cunning and sly said to Han dong.

Han dong after checked himself of status before saying:

"Yes, I am right, you could take out all of your treats for me"

"So, that just I can't mention, catch my punches"

"OK, you seize your drill to me simply" Han dong magnanimously said.


Before both of them were clashed with their fists, behind a exaggerated gases exploding spread out to all of the ground.

Surprisingly, even though Liu Po's cultivable phase attained the third grades, while he was defeated backwards for paces.

"What a formidability!" Lou Po couldn't believe only just happened what, amazing said.

"But you cultivable stage barely two, why could hit me down?" Liu Po of his face had a bitter after him with Han dong to contact a punches between both of them behind depressing to say.

Han dong merely humbly said:

"Eh..., Maybe that is my luck, proceeding to look my strikes"


Han dong just like a rocket to dash Liu Po, next to Liu Po detected out all tricks to counter him.


Subsequently, a horrific sounds echoes out from the place to place, momentaneously, all objects in the nearby was destroyed by their combat.

Onlookers of other disciples was felt a startle of their looked Han dong just as a second cultivator to obstruct Liu Po and led Liu Po felt a vast pressure.

For a while,refuse to budge in battling, now Han dong with Liu Po all were mutually drilling, not anyone could hit down another, but at Lou Po of his state was worse than Han dong, now Han dong and Liu Po all were bloodshed.

Once again rushing, Lou Po used his Yuan Qi of the third condensation to Han dong, but Han dong due to be imparted the rune extraction, meanwhile, he was leached of Elixirs exquisite and granted the rune cyan and yellow mysterious source to him,Liu Po when he exploited his YuanQi to clash Han dong was stroked, because Han dong hands clenched a circle of rune mystique to treat Liu Po's hitting.

"You are winer, I just surrender to you, don't be continuing to combat with me " Liu Po rascally smiled to say.

"But, you are powerfulness still, thank you are willing to fight to me" Han dong implicitly and humbly said to Liu Po.

But Liu Po was just bitter.

"Now, I can fight with the third stage and defeat him, despite I am a second grade to combat just" at this very moment, Han dong in his depth heart mutely said as he won a opponent which was stronger than him.