
Miracle's rune nature

"Now I am putted a grades of the second cultivatable phase, so I exploit the rune that I can process the three stage of the next two moths" Han dong was very confidentially expression upon his surface and leisurely said for the condensation of more and more thick YuanQi by him harder to train.

Before Han dong slowly lifted his talisman and cautiously stared at it, before rapidly utilized his fists punched the rune so that to tagger the rune's powerfulness. And then, the force of rune was very vigorous and tyrannical gush out the talisman before again entranced Han dong's body and consecutively forging. Finally, Han dong's blood vessels was observed clearly as the rune mighty power forth out Han dong's carcass.

"i must be being smithed for the talisman's forging, if I failure that maybe my blood vessels and bones are actually broke by the forcing, maybe I can't cultivation as life span for my live" Han dong was trembled had some fear and afraid expression upon his surface.

Why when cultivator condensed the Yuan Qi in the cultivable lifetime of more and more later period that cultivator was being forged by themselves. Due to when cultivator condensed the YuanQi entering the cultivable later period, the corpse of blood vessels and bones was without efficient capacity to accommodate the stronger and stronger powerfulness so that cultivator must forge his carcass to volume these powers. If is not to do as that, maybe cultivator's corpse will be squeezed blast as much debris to scatter. So normally, the most cultivator is not willing to venture for the stronger strength.

While Handong was not ado to suck the talisman's powerfulness, smithed his carcass of vessels and bones in order to prevent the energies boom from his body at everywhere.

Along with time went, the next day upcoming, but Han dong's practicing was processing from yesterday evening to today of daytime. Han dong was felt exhausted of his energy, but his carcass wasn't felt a bit of tire.

No way to solve the question, Handong barely opened his eyes successively, and he was proceeding cultivation his all everywhere, nowhere was given.

"What a savage power" Handong was surprised before he stretched his knitted of eyebrows to say.

"I guest my cultivation grades already have approached the third grades of sculpting barely due to the rune's mysterious power" Han dong licked his lips as now he was not wanting much thinks of doubts, he was enjoyed for the power, nothing can disturb his great mood.

Again the day darkening, Han dong felt a little of tire.

"Maybe I am really need a bit of rest as I am condensating my YuanQi nuclear" Handong murmured before he yawned.

Sufficient approaching the day of night, really Handong was slowly awaking, when he stared the ground before he found much filthy bloody stains and stink smells at his sheets.

"Maybe these stains were my former corpse excreted out from my present carcass?" Han dong caressed his forehead before suspiciously said.

Jerked as Han dong surveyed his own carcass,he found having some wires from his body naturally gush out to the talisman and the rune gushed our reversing and interacting to Han dong.

"What happened" Handong was felt some doubts before knitting his eyebrows.

"Maybe is the rune stamp another capabilities" Han dong now was really sensed some puzzles and dazes after saying as a no way could explain then utilizing literacy.

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