
Skyrim: The Man In The Background

A boy thrown from his world into another, going from a semi-peaceful modern world into the medieval, magical, worn-torn hell that is the fourth era of Tamriel is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. With a load of will and a touch of insanity, can Cilus make a name for himself with a legendary Demi-God warrior making waves everywhere she goes?

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13 Chs

Chapter Two-A Mad Dash With A Bit Of Hack n' Slash

"Quick girl, take Gunjur's gear. He won't be needing it anymore. You two again? Why have you been following us?" Ralof asked as he turned to look at us both as we passed the door into the keep.

Luckily we made it this far….. almost pissed myself when I jumped from the tower onto the burnt roof of that building. But it seemed both me and Ryker worked well under pressure, managing to lightly arm ourselves and get our hands unbound while barely keeping up with the girl. Even managed to put an injured Imperial out of his burning misery, the guy was nice enough to even give me his sword to do it.

"Seemed like you guys had a plan?" I answered honestly as I sheathed my iron sword and sat down for a few minutes while I still could.

"I was just following the kid" Ryker answered as he sat next to me. 

"Plus this is the only tower with a secret underground passage out of here." I joked.

"And where is that?" The girl spoke for the first time as she eyed me skeptically. 

"Past the newly made torture room, there's a purposefully unfished hole that leads into an underground shelter. At least there should be" 

The girl began to speak again until the clang and clatter of armor broke our short-lived peace. 

"Imperials! Everyone hide, here elf try to get a lucky shot in" Ralof said in a hushed whisper. 'Sure give the elf the bow. Thank god… Akatosh for that summer at Boy Scouts camp' I thought as I almost skillfully hid behind the table in a crouch and locked my sights on the entrance.

As soon as the door began sliding open I made probably my most satisfying kill. 

"Watch it everyone, there's storm…'The captain who sentenced me to death ate the arrow I shot. If anyone ever asked me, yes that's what I was aiming for, certainly not her torso. 


5 stat points added.

'The hell do you mean stat points where the hell is my perk point!' I thought in dismay as I watched Ryker and his twin practically dismantle the other two Imperials.

"Hey kid, you gonna loot? Bitch was your kill after all." Ryker asked and I quickly ran to take her steel sword and might've childishly kicked her corpse, which almost everyone chuckled at.

Though the Dragoness oddly remained quiet as she came to the woman's corpse and took her steel bracers and shins. 'Probably still in shock that she's alive, I know I was spooked the first time I played the game and a dragon appeared over me'

"I grabbed the key to the door, down that way is the torture chambers. You big guys lead the way" I said as I tossed the key to Ryker, he snorted at my 'Eleven cowardice' before opening the door and heading towards the sounds of screams and lightning magic.

Deciding to see how lucky I could be in a day I shot another arrow at the mage shooting lightning from his palms. He was retreating it seemed because as soon as he entered the hallway he got an arrow in the shoulder. 

It seemed that, unlike the games, a flash of pain was enough to make a wizard lose his spell and also his life as the Dragoness pounced on him and cut him down in seconds.

As soon as we entered the chamber our numbers doubled as it seemed that some of the tortured escaped. In seconds they cut down everything in the room. Sadly people kept stealing my kills. 

The tortured Stormcloaks were offered to follow us but they refused us with dark looks on their faces. Soon they surrounded that last surviving man whom they somehow knew was hiding under a bed.

'Oh shit I almost forgot' I thought in alarm as I almost passed the best loot in this place. 

"Hey does anybody here have a lock pick?" I said as I pointed toward a dead mage trapped in a wooden cage.

"Are you serious you damn milk drinker? It's a wooden cage, just bust it open" Ryker said back annoyed that I stopped, the others looked just the same. 

I looked down at my scrawny arms and legs, looked back at Ralof Jr., and flipped him the bird. 

He sighed but decided against arguing any longer, walked over, and just kicked it open. 

"Now hurry your ass up or those two will leave us behind!" Ryker said as I ran into the cage and began stripping the mage for his enchanted cloak. 

"Oh whatever will I do if those two go on ahead and clear the way for us" I said with just enough sarcasm and tone for them to hear from the hole in the wall they were waiting at. 

"Where the hell is it?" I said in annoyance as I couldn't spot the spell tome for sparks anywhere. Thinking quickly I patted the mage down and quickly found it stashed in his undershirt. 

Would you like to learn the spell sparks?

The screen appeared yet again and I spoke yes loudly in my mind. The book disintegrated and turned to specks of light that transferred into my head. 

"Come on Cilus, are you ready yet?" Ryker asked in exasperation. 

"Yeah let's get the hell out of here" I said with a smirk as I ran out of the cage towards where they all were waiting, a cluster of sparks dancing between my palms as it did.

Soon we entered the hopefully last room filled with humans. Noticing the immediate threat that were the archers across the room. Conveniently standing under a puddle of 'oil' I think? Without giving the dumbasses a chance to move I sent the sparks directly into the puddle and both the Imperials began screeching in pain. Quickly falling over flash fried.


5 stat points added

Deciding I already did my part I slinked back into the tunnel, pulled out my bow, and took a couple of potshots while the Nords made quick work of the other four Imperials.

Soon we reached a bridge that took us further into the cavern into a spider's nest.... Two hundred-pound spider? 'Fuck that' I thought as I stayed at the entrance and quickly took down the smaller spiders with a few seconds of lightning. Leaving the other three to take down the huge disgusting-looking spider. 

Sneaking past a cave bear and leaving through a cavern we finally tasted daylight again.. 

Not even caring about anything else I walked to the closest bush and fell back on top of it. Trying to get control of my breathing and my insane amount of fatigue that hit once the adrenaline wore off.

"Fucking told you we'd make it you damn milk-drinking Nord!" I said in triumph as I began laughing my ass off at the insane shit I just lived through. 

"Is he sane?" The beautiful Dragonborn asked in slight worry. 

"No….. he's definitely been touched by Sheogorath. Craziest elf I've ever met" Ryker said with a sigh as he plopped down next to me.

"Well, we're not all Demi-Goddesses blessed by Akatosh himself. Mere mortals like me don't usually live through shit like that." I said as my laugh finally subsided and I looked again at the slightly more unkempt, though she was prettier in armor than the rags.

"And what the hell does that mean shorty?" She said hotly.

"Nothing…. Just forget I said anything" I said as she and Ralof shook their heads and slinked off anyway from us. 'Fucking height jokes…. This is my life now' Leaving the thought aside I finally shifted my focus to the screen that had been in the corner of my vision since we left the cavern.


'The Return Of The Dragons'

Objective: Escape Helgen alive.

Bonus Objective: Kill three live beings as you make your escape.

Hidden Objective: Kill an enemy fifteen levels above you.

(Claim?)Rewards:250 gold, Spell Tome-Summon Skeleton Archer

(Claim?)Bonus reward: Passive Ability: Observe

(Claim?)Hidden reward:1 perk point

"So there is a perk tree?" I asked aloud, funnily enough, nobody heard me as Ryker was already snoring in his bush. 'This isn't the base Skyrim leveling system. I seem to get exp and level up from kills instead of progressing through separate skills to get better. I guess no soul-trap cheese for me. None of those exploits probably work in this world anyway. These aren't lines of code anymore….' 

Deciding to shelve experimenting with possible world-breaking secrets I claimed all three of the rewards. Though the only thing tangible was a dark black tome and a small sack of gold filled to the brim.

Would you like to learn the spell- Summon Skeleton Archer?

Like the tome of sparks it disintegrated into sparks of light and entered my head, instantly I understood the spell, at least enough to cast it.

'Now what hell are stat points and how does this shit work... Uhh status?'




Mana :90/180(210*)





Stat points:10

(Hint: Average untrained adult male has around 10 in every stat.)

'Only four statistics? And it seems that the mind side gets the short end of the stick, well unless 'Int' is busted and is entirely focused on the magic side of the world.... Well ten times 18 would be 180 mana… the usual starting amount for a high elf without a 'novice hood' on.'

Why couldn't it just be the basic system….. I could be a god by the end of the month. 

Interrupted again by the snoring Nord I looked over at him and was surprised as I figured out another one of the abilities I got from the tutorial. 

(Lvl 14)Ryker Windsung 

After that revelation, I decided I did enough today and quickly joined him.