
Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Victor's monotonous life abruptly ends when he is violently yanked through a mysterious portal within his beloved video game, plunging him into the treacherous realm of Skyrim. Teaming up with Sarah, a master archer with secrets of her own, they navigate through deadly challenges and unearth forgotten secrets under the guidance of an enigmatic force with questionable intentions. As Victor tries to control his newfound abilities, he is faced with the daunting decision of using them for salvation or destruction. A.I. is used in the making of this book. A.U.

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Unexpected Development

Victor and Sarah's trek through the woods ended abruptly as they stumbled upon the Guardian Stones, three ancient sentinels of stone standing solemnly beside the road. Victor halted, his gaze lingering on the worn surfaces, each carved with distinct symbols. To anyone else, these might appear merely as relics of Skyrim's vast history, but to Victor, they were a stark reminder of a past life where such choices were mere clicks in a game. Now, standing before them, the reality was far more tangible, far more serious.

This used to be just a game. Simple choices behind a screen, consequences contained in a digital world, Victor thought to himself as he approached the stones. With a shake of his head to dispel the nostalgia, he activated his Analyze skill, focusing on each stone in turn. The skill, refined and precise, confirmed the nature of the magic imbued within the stones: safe, potent, and largely untapped by the populace of Skyrim. Few knew of their deeper powers, and fewer still knew how to harness them effectively.

"Sarah," Victor began, turning to her with a seriousness in his tone. "These stones are more than ancient markers. They're sources of a concentrated form of guidance. Choosing a stone grants enhancements to your abilities, far beyond what the simple description suggests."

He gestured to each in turn. "The Mage Stone, the Warrior Stone, the Thief Stone — each offers a path, enhancing related skills not by a mere fifth but by accelerating our comprehension and mastery of them profoundly."

Victor assured her of their safety, "They're completely safe to use. The magic within them is pure, focused. It's a boon that many overlook, not understanding the full extent of what these can offer."

He sighed, his gaze distant but his mind sharply present. "One reason I'm here, is tied to these very stones. The potential they unlock... it's not just about skills, but perhaps, about understanding this world, its magic, its very essence."

Sarah listened, absorbing every word with the weight of their implications. After a brief pause, she stepped forward, her choice reflective of her stealthy nature. "The Thief Stone," she declared softly, placing her hand on the cool, rough surface of the stone with the eye etched deeply into it.

Victor nodded and then placed his hand on the Mage Stone, feeling the familiar rush of connection, subdued yet profound. "And I, the Mage," he affirmed, feeling the stone's ancient magic stir, as if recognizing an old friend.

As their choices were made, a deep hum resonated through the clearing, vibrating and tingling against their fingers still touching the stones. A soft light began to emanate from the etched symbols on the stones, growing brighter until it enveloped both Victor and Sarah in its gleaming aura. The sheer force of the ancient magic was overwhelming but also exhilarating.

There was no spectacular display of fireworks or violent shakes. No thunderous voices booming down upon them or sudden rain of flower petals. The transformation was silent, intimate, and deeply personal. While on the outside nothing seemed to have changed, on the inside a shift as profound as any physical change had taken place.

Sarah pulled her hand back first; her eyes wide with wonderment as she flexed her fingers. She looked at Victor with an unsure smile playing on her lips, "I feel... lighter, somehow? More alert. It's like I can see things clearer."

Victor nodded understandingly. He was filling something similar to. "That's your abilities being enhanced," he explained. "You'll find that things you struggled with before - sneaking, lockpicking, even those witty comments you love making – will come to you with ease now."

Realisation dawned on her face and she let out a laugh, loud and clear like wind chimes in a morning breeze - a stark contrast to her previously quiet demeanour.

Victor pulled his own hand back from the Mage Stone then, his expression thoughtful as he turned his gaze skyward. He could feel knowledge flooding his consciousness.

"Victor?" Sarah's voice brought him back.

He smiled at her, "Yes, it's exactly the same for me," Victor replied. His eyes glowed with a faint hint of blue, mirroring the magic pulsating within him. He felt whole, integrated. "We have made our choices and the stones have bestowed upon us their blessings. From this point forward, the path to mastering our chosen skills will be smoother."

Victor focused back on the stones, still humming with residual energy from their interaction. He reached out and placed his hand on each stone once more, not to gain more power, but to pay respect to these guardians of knowledge and power.

"Thank you," he whispered reverently and then turned back to Sarah.

"We should get moving," he suggested.

Sarah nodded, excitement sparkling in her eyes. She gave one last glance to the Thief Stone before turning away, joining Victor as they left the clearing.

Their footsteps echoed softly against the quiet tranquillity of the woods as they Continued their journey towards Riverwood where Ralof was waiting for them.

Victor and Sarah were making steady progress towards Riverwood, threading through the dense undergrowth that skirted the edges of Skyrim's unfamiliar and at the same time familiar trails, when the ominous mouth of Embershard Mine came into view. The entrance, crudely framed by hewn logs and flickering torches, whispered tales of plunder and peril. It was here, as they stealthily neared to bypass this notorious haunt, that the harsh, grating laughter of two bandits caught their attention.

The snippets of conversation that floated through the air were chilling—talk of captured civilians, including women and a child, bound for some dreadful fate within the mine's dark recesses.

Sarah, her expression hardening with resolve, turned to Victor. "We can't just leave them. There's a child involved. We have to do something," she insisted, her voice a low, fierce whisper that matched the intensity in her eyes.

Victor nodded, feeling the weight of her words. His own heart rebelled at the thought of innocents suffering at the hands of such ruthless bandits. With a silent agreement, they adjusted their course and approached the mine their weapons ready and minds alert for any signs of the bandits or their captives.

As Victor and Sarah approached the entrance to Embershard Mine, they spotted the two bandits at the entrance, evidently lax in their duties as they joked and laughed loudly. Knowing the need for a stealthy approach, Victor turned to Sarah, acknowledging her expertise in such matters.

"Can you handle them quietly?" Victor whispered, trusting her abilities. Sarah nodded confidently, her steps silent and decisive as she circled to one flank of the unsuspecting bandits.

Victor, lacking the same stealth capabilities, chose a supportive role. He prepared a distraction, taking a few small stones from his inventory and an dropping them from above to create the sound of rustling in the bushes on the opposite side of the path from where Sarah was positioned. The noise drew the attention of the bandits, their heads turning away from Sarah's approach, focused on the source of the disturbance.

With the bandits distracted, Sarah moved into position. Utilizing her exceptional stealth skills, she approached the first bandit from behind. With a swift, silent motion, she used her dagger to incapacitate him, covering his mouth to muffle any sounds as he fell to the ground. Quickly, she pivoted to the second bandit, who was just beginning to turn back after realizing the noise was a mere diversion. Before he could fully comprehend the situation, Sarah subdued him with a similar precision strike, ensuring he too made no sound as he collapsed.

Victor watched in admiration as Sarah handled the situation with adeptness. Once the area was secure, he joined her at the entrance, stepping carefully around the incapacitated bandits.

"Well done," Victor said in a low voice, his respect for her skills growing. "Now, let's find those captives."

With the guards out of the way, Victor and Sarah entered the mine, deeper into the bandit stronghold. Victor's role shifted back to that of a mage, ready to provide magical support, while Sarah led the way, her bow ready and her senses alert for any further threats that lay ahead in the shadows of Embershard Mine. Their collaborative effort seamlessly blending her stealth with his magic ensured they were well-prepared for the challenges that awaited them inside.

Inside the mine, the air was dank and heavy, filled with the echo of distant voices and the clank of metal. As they delved deeper, the voices grew louder and more distinct. They could hear the coarse jests of the bandits, boasting of their exploits. Among the voices was a mention of an Imperial soldier, known to Victor from his past life in the game as someone significant—Hadvar, the soldier from the beginning of their own ordeal in Helgen.

Victor's memory stumbled on the name, prompting him to quickly use his Analyze skill to confirm. Yes, it was Hadvar, and he was here, being cruelly entertained by a group of bandits who seemed to have a personal vendetta against him. The other captives—a group of three women and a small child—were mentioned in passing, their plight a mere sideshow to the bandits' cruel revelry.

The conversation took a darker turn as one bandit revealed plans to sell the child to a witch named Anise for a ritual requiring virgin blood. That was the last straw for Sarah. Her face set in grim determination, she looked to Victor, ready to act.

Victor, understanding the urgency, quickly devised a plan because they were too many to be taken out by fighting them face to face without endangering the captives, around 15 . He handed Sarah three Scrolls of Barrier and instructed her to use them on the cages and herself at the right moment. Victor then distanced himself to summon a Flame Atronach with one of his scrolls. The creature materialized with a burst of fire, its form both menacing and mesmerizing.

Commanding the Atronach with whispered directives, Victor positioned it strategically—just within range to attack the fire pit. He then took his place, not far from the critical point, and waited for Sarah's signal.

Sarah, moving with the silence of a shadow, positioned herself near the cages. Her presence went unnoticed, the bandits too caught up in their sadistic entertainment. As Victor saw her give a subtle nod, indicating her readiness, he enacted the next phase of his plan.

Victor after seeing Hadvar being submerged in to the water again and hoping for the best activated a Barrier scroll for himself and took out a barrel filled with flammable oils from his inventory. With precise timing, he dropped it directly over the fire pit just as he and the Atronach launched a volley of firebolts. Sarah, seeing the barrel fall, activated the Barrier scrolls around the cages and herself.

The moment the barrel hit the fire pit, ignited by firebolts from two directions, it exploded with a disastrous force. The ensuing blast was massive, enhanced by the additional explosion of the fire pit, sending molten rock and debris hurtling at lethal speeds across the bandit encampment.

The devastation was immediate and total. Bandits caught in the vicinity stood no chance; they were obliterated in the inferno, their cries silenced almost as quickly as they began.

As the echoes of the explosion died down, Victor and Sarah moved quickly to free the captives. Hadvar, battered but alive, clambered up with their help, his gratitude evident even through his bruises. The women and the child were terrified but unharmed, thanks to Sarah's timely use of the barriers.

Hadvar's POV

Hadvar's thoughts were a blur of adrenaline and responsibility as he led the small group of survivors away from the smouldering ruins of Helgen. The dragon's attack had left the town in ashes, its residents either dead or scattered like the embers that still danced in the charred air. Among the survivors were three women and a young boy, all trembling and shell-shocked, their eyes wide with the horror of what they had just witnessed.

"We need to make it to Riverwood," Hadvar insisted, his voice firm despite the fatigue clawing at his limbs. He knew the way well, having patrolled these parts before the chaos unfolded. The path, though familiar, seemed different now—more ominous, as if every shadow concealed a new threat. The group's pace was slow; their movements hindered by fear and physical exhaustion.

Their journey was abruptly interrupted when a group of bandits ambushed them near Embershard Mine. Hadvar, caught off guard and overwhelmed by numbers, was unable to protect the group. They were all captured and taken into the depths of the mine, a place notorious for its lawlessness and cruelty.

Inside the mine, Hadvar and the others were separated. The women and the child were locked in cages, their cries and pleas echoing off the damp stone walls. Hadvar himself was subjected to the bandits' brutal hospitality. Recognized by one of the bandits—a crooked man named Roggvir who had a personal grudge against him—Hadvar was beaten and tormented without mercy.

Roggvir taunted him between blows, "Not so mighty now, Imperial scum!" as he pushed Hadvar's head underwater in the underground lake. Each time Hadvar was allowed up for air, it was a cruel reminder of his helplessness and the dire situation of those he had sworn to protect.

As time began to pass, the bandits grew more raucous, their celebration premature as they discussed selling the boy to a witch named Anise for a vile ritual. The very thought filled Hadvar with a chilling dread, his heart racing not for his own life, but for the innocent child who might face a fate worse than death.

The next moment, a blinding light and deafening explosion shook the mine.

Hadvar was plunged deeper underwater due to the shockwave but this time when his head broke surface once more, he gazed upon a scene of chaos and devastation. Roggvir's lifeless body lay next to him, his tormentor's face bore an expression of shocked horror, frozen forever in death. The rest of the bandits, caught off guard from the unseen attack, were either blown away or charred in the inferno.

Hadvar could barely register what had just happened when he saw two figures emerge from the dissipating smoke and dust a Nord mage that Hadvar had never seen before and next to the cages stood an Wood Elf. Hadvar watched in relief as they worked together to free him and the other captives.

In spite of the pain wracking his body, he felt a surge of energy. He found his feet and prepared himself for any possible counterattack from surviving bandits. But as he looked around, there was no one left standing except for the man and the wood elf. They moved with swift efficiency, their actions a practiced ballet born from shared danger and trust. The Nord mage, who Hadvar would later come to know as Victor, gently guided the trembling women and the child out of their cages.

The Wood Elf, Sarah, had taken up a position guarding their escape route, her eyes vigilant and her bow drawn. The glow from her Barrier scrolls still pulsed with energy around them, creating an eerie halo in the smoky remnants of what was once a bustling bandit camp.

Hadvar found himself looking at her in awe. He had encountered many Wood Elves in his time but none as commanding and defiant as Sarah. She stood as a beacon of hope amidst the devastation all around them.

After releasing everyone from their bindings, Victor quickly utilized his Healing Hands technique to heal them at an impressive pace. His energy was also replenishing, not just due to the adrenaline in his system, but also demonstrating that he was not only a powerful fire mage but also highly skilled in restoration magic.

As they emerged into the open air, Hadvar drew in ragged breaths, filling his lungs with the crisp night air instead of the musty dampness of the cave. The once terrifying forest now seemed a safe haven compared to what they left behind. The woods were eerily silent, as nature seemed to hold its breath while they trudged through muddy trails and over fallen logs.

"We need to make it to Riverwood," Hadvar repeated his earlier directive, this time with firmer resolve. With newfound determination, he led his ragtag party through the thick undergrowth, limping but not faltering.

As they journeyed on, Hadvar made sure to keep a vigilant eye out for danger. His mind whirled as he grappled with their new reality—one where witches bought children's blood and bandits ruled without fear of retribution. Yet despite everything, hope began to kindle inside him—like a tiny flame threatening to ignite in the darkness.

After a grueling trek, they finally saw the familiar wooden signboard marking the outskirts of Riverwood—an ordinary town with ordinary people leading ordinary lives. An odd sense of relief and longing welled up inside Hadvar. Ordinary sounded wonderful now.

A combination of exhaustion and relief made everything seem surreal—they had survived one nightmare only to find themselves in an other, a world thrown into chaos by the appearance of dragons. As they limped into Riverwood, their battered forms a stark contrast to the town's serene ambiance, all eyes fell onto them.

The town's innkeeper, a kind man named Orgnar, rushed out to greet them, his brow furrowed with concern as he urgently directed his staff to provide the group with food and medical attention. Delphine, the town's healer known for her potent potions and deft hands, arrived shortly after. Her expert hands ready to work on Hadvar's wounds, even when seeing him already fully healed she decided to use her calming voice to offered words of comfort to the terrified women and child.

As they huddled together in the warmth of Sleeping Giant Inn, Hadvar's gaze found Victor and Sarah seated at a corner table. They were engrossed in an intense conversation his face tense while Sarah's eyes flicked towards Hadvar and the rest of their group intermittently—a silent promise that she would do whatever it took to keep them safe.

It was then that Hadvar realized just how extraordinary these two rescuers were; gifted not only with unparalleled combat skills but also with an unwavering sense of duty towards protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. Despite bearing no obligation to him or any of the others they rescued from Embershard Mine, they stayed. They chose to stand by them at a time when everyone else was only looking after their own.

Victor's POV

After getting to the inn and having a heated discussion with Sarah about why he shouldn't use explosions inside a cave, Victor was finally able to relax. Even though he didn't know how much time he was passed out before waking up inside the carriage, in total he should have come to this world for less than a day and yet so many things kept happening that he hasn't had time come to terms with what was happening with him, For a moment he started thinking about how he has killed so many people an he is even caring most of their corpses in his inventory, but even that reminded him that he had mission rewords to receive that he had neglected until now.

1. Investigating Helgen:

Reward: Mantle of Helgen's Guardian

Description: A cloak woven from the remnants of Helgen's banners, imbued with protective magics that resonate with survival and resilience.

Fire Resistance: Increases resistance to fire damage by 50%, reflecting the fiery disaster at Helgen.

Stamina Enhancement: Boosts stamina regeneration by 20%, allowing for extended physical exertion.

2. Killing the Thalmor Ambassador (Elenwen):

Reward: Ambassador's Regal Attire

Description: Elegant robes that were once worn by Elenwen. These robes are reinforced with enchantments for protection and diplomatic influence.

Diplomatic Influence: Boosts Speech by 40%, enhancing the wearer's ability to negotiate and persuade.

Magical Defense: Provides a 30% resistance to all magic, reflecting the high stakes of political and magical conflicts.

3. Choosing a Standing Stone:

Reward: Aetherial Resonance Stone

Description: A small, enchanted stone that enhances the bond between the wearer and their chosen Standing Stone, amplifying its effects.

Skill Enhancement: Increases the skill improvement rate associated with the chosen Standing Stone by 20%, accelerating mastery.

Elemental Adaptation: Grants periodic elemental boosts (e.g., increased frost resistance for Mage Stone users focusing on frost spells), enhancing survival in varied environments.

4. Saving the Refugees from Bandits:

Reward: Circlet of the Protector

Description: A circlet crafted from metals found within the Embershard Mine, symbolizing courage and heroism. It is adorned with a gem that glows softly when danger is near.

Defensive Aura: Automatically casts a protective shield that absorbs the first attack received in combat, once per day.

Charismatic Leader: Increases the wearer's effectiveness in leading others, boosting group morale and combat effectiveness by 15%.

A sense of accomplishment washed over Victor as he read the rewards. He knew that his situation was extremely dire, but these rewards were tangible proof of his abilities and promise in this world.

"Ah, they should come in handy," he said under his breath. The others stared at him for a moment before returning to their meals, too tired to question what he meant. Sarah shot him a questioning look, but Victor just shrugged off her curiosity.

Later in the evening, as the meal had been eaten and the silence was filled only by the crackling firewood burning in the hearth, Victor took out the rewards from his inventory.

Sarah's POV

Once Victor had taken inventory of his rewards, Sarah found herself in a corner of her mind, feeling a strange mix of relief and curiosity. Relief that they were safe now, at least for the moment, and curiosity about their new reality. She knew she had to be strong not just for herself, but for the terrified women and child who they had rescued from the bandits.

Turning her gaze back to Victor, she studied him thoughtfully. He was a complete enigma to her. His power was undeniable; his control over magic was something she had never seen before. But then there were moments when he seemed utterly lost, almost vulnerable. Perhaps it was this combination that drew her to him.

"I think we should these out," he suggested, breaking the silence between them.

She nodded silently as he started again to take stuff out from nowhere, pulling out the Mantle of Helgen's Guardian. Its red and gold fabric looked soft and worn — a stark contrast to the violent scene they had just escaped from. As he draped it over his shoulders, Sarah noticed a faint glow around him. The protective magic was already at work.

Next came the Regal Attire—fine robes dyed in hues of emerald green and trimmed with elaborate golden embroidery. Victor hesitated at first but then decided to put them on. The robes fit him surprisingly well; making him look like a noble from one of those noble houses in Valenwood Sarah used to see when she was a child.

They then examined the Aetherial Resonance Stone together. It was small enough to fit in the palm of Sarah's hand but carried an aura that was reminiscent of the ancient, powerful magic of the Standing Stones themselves. As Victor held it, a faint hum resonated in the air, harmonizing with the rhythm of The Mage Standing Stone he had previously chosen.

The Circlet of the Protector was last. Crafted from metals found within the Embershard Mine, it carried a history that humbled both Victor and Sarah, reminding them of their close brush with danger and their rescue of those in peril. Victor placed it on his head, and as he did so, a soft glow radiated outwards.

As they took stock of their new items, Sarah felt a renewed sense of hope. They were two strangers pulled into a conflict that was not their own, but they were surviving, excelling even. She reached across the table and squeezed Victor's hand.

A sudden shiver swept through the inn as the door swung open abruptly. A solitary figure stood silhouetted against the cold night sky; a man draped in heavy furs with an air of command around him that made even the hardened patrons lower their gaze respectfully.

"Victor," he called out in an authoritative tone that reverberated through the inn.

Victor turned to see who had called his name. Recognition flickered in his eyes as he rose from his seat and bowed respectfully towards him.

"Jarl Balgruuf," he greeted while Sarah looked on, confused at the sudden appearance and Victor's respect towards this stranger.

When Hadvar saw Balgruuf, he turned white as snow. "Jarl...here? In Riverwood?" he muttered under his breath to Delphine who shared his shock and concern.

"Your presence honors us," Victor continued, keeping his gaze lowered. He didn't want to show it, but he was as surprised as the others by the Jarl's unexpected arrival.

"Enough with the formalities, Victor," Balgruuf waved off his greeting with a weary wave of his hand. His voice was a rasp from the cold night air and the exhaustion that clung to him like a second skin. "There is much to discuss."

The inn fell silent, even the fire seemed to hush its crackling chatter, and all eyes turned to the Jarl and Victor. Sarah swallowed nervously beside him, her hand instinctively reaching for her hidden dagger. Their world was already strange and unpredictable, but this sudden visit from the Jarl added an entirely new layer of uncertainty.

Balgruuf motioned towards a room. "We need to talk in private," he said, motioning for Victor to join him.

Victor hesitated for a brief moment before he turned towards Sarah, giving a reassuring nod. "I'll be alright," he whispered to her before leaving her side to discuss whatever urgent matter had brought Balgruuf down from Dragonsreach.

Sarah watched as Victor moved away, disappearing into an animated conversation with Balgruuf. She felt apprehensive; they had barely had time to process their recent victories before this new twist unfolded itself. And at the end only one question remained on her mind.

"Who are you really Victor Bran?"

Autor Note: POV's eh, Everyone loves them eh? I always like them, and believe that the tag Misunderstandings is great because of them I'll definitely use it in the future. Poor Hadvar had to go trough a lot, but I think I can use him in the future so I still decided to save him, at least Alvor will definitely give Victor an better deal no? And who would have taught a Jarl is visiting, no really, who is Victor anyway.

Ps. As always I would like it very much if you see any mistakes or inconsistencies you would let me know as that would help me create a much better story. Thank you very much.

I'll upload another chapter tomorow.

Kurogannecreators' thoughts