
Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Victor's monotonous life abruptly ends when he is violently yanked through a mysterious portal within his beloved video game, plunging him into the treacherous realm of Skyrim. Teaming up with Sarah, a master archer with secrets of her own, they navigate through deadly challenges and unearth forgotten secrets under the guidance of an enigmatic force with questionable intentions. As Victor tries to control his newfound abilities, he is faced with the daunting decision of using them for salvation or destruction. A.I. is used in the making of this book. A.U.

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27 Chs

System Administrator

Jarl Balgruuf the Greater

Title: Jarl of Whiterun

Relation: Older Brother to Victor Bran


Leadership: Master - Demonstrates exceptional command over his hold and its people, showing adeptness in governance and strategic planning, honed from years of ruling one of Skyrim's major cities.

Diplomacy: Expert - Highly skilled in negotiation, adept at navigating complex political landscapes to maintain peace and stability within his territory.

Arcane Knowledge: Apprentice - Has basic understanding from early studies but focused more on leadership and strategy in recent years.

Personality Traits:

Protective: Especially towards family, showing a strong inclination to keep his older brother safe.

Resolute: Firm in his decisions, striving to uphold the peace and prosperity of Whiterun amidst growing external pressures.

Pragmatic: Practical in his approach to governance, often balancing idealism with the harsh realities of rule.

Emotional State: Mixed feelings of worry and hope; worried due to the dangerous times and the recent dragon sightings near Whiterun, hopeful because his brother Victor, who has been away learning and mastering his arcane arts, has returned and could be a significant ally in these turbulent times.

Current Concerns:

Civil War: Faced with increasing pressures from both the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks, seeking strategies that protect Whiterun's interests without drawing it into greater conflict.

Dragon Crisis: Concerned about the sightings and attacks by dragons, aware of their potential to cause massive destruction.

Family Reunion: Eager and somewhat anxious about reuniting with his younger brother Victor, whom he hasn't seen in years and who has now returned under perilous circumstances.

As Victor followed Jarl Balgruuf through the dimly lit corridors of the Sleeping Giant Inn, his mind churned with the revelations from his Analyse skill. The thought that he might have taken over someone else's life was disorienting, adding a surreal layer to the already complex tapestry of his existence in Skyrim. But before he could delve deeper into his existential crisis, the door to a secluded room closed behind them, and he was suddenly enveloped in a robust bear hug from Balgruuf.

"Victor! By the gods, when I heard about Helgen... I feared the worst. Seeing you safe, it lifts my heart," Balgruuf's voice boomed with genuine relief and warmth as he stepped back, his eyes scanning Victor from head to toe. "And still dressing as flamboyantly as ever, I see," he added with a chuckle, noting Victor's newly acquired, extravagant robes.

Flustered, Victor quickly retorted, "These are just...practical choices for now, nothing more." His hand inadvertently brushed against the multiple rings he wore, each a symbol of his recent escapades and battles. Seeing Balgruuf's raised eyebrow and knowing smirk made Victor sheepishly adjust his attire.

"How did you even know I'd be here?" Victor asked, eager to steer the conversation away from his fashion mishaps.

Balgruuf's expression turned serious as he explained, "I was ostensibly here to assess the fallout at Helgen and its implications for Riverwood. But truthfully, I hoped I might find you or at least learn of your fate. It seems fortune is on our side tonight."

The room, filled with the heavy scent of old wood and the faint aroma of burning herbs from a nearby hearth, seemed to shrink as the weight of the situation settled between them. Victor leaned against the sturdy oak table, his mind racing with the implications of Balgruuf's words.

"Tell me, brother, what is happening out there? Dragons in Skyrim is troubling enough, but this?" Victor gestured vaguely, encompassing the chaos that had followed him since his arrival.

Balgruuf paced slowly, hands clasped behind his back. "It's not just random chaos, Victor. The return of the dragons might signify deeper magics at play—ancient and powerful. And with the civil war brewing, Skyrim is a land on the brink of tearing itself apart."

Victor's gaze hardened at the mention of the civil war. "And where do we stand? With the Empire, or throwing our lot with the Stormcloaks?"

The Jarl stopped pacing and looked out the small window, staring into the darkness. "Neither choice is without peril. The Thalmor's shadow looms large, and their disdain for the Stormcloaks is no secret. Yet, aligning with the Empire feels like chaining ourselves to a sinking ship."

Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. Victor's strategic mind, honed not just in this world but also in countless virtual battles of his past life, began to see the outlines of a plan. His new found family being at the centre of it. "Perhaps there is a third way, one that secures Whiterun's independence and safety."

Balgruuf nodded, a spark of hope lighting his eyes. "I hoped you'd say that. With your skills, perhaps we can fortify Whiterun, make it a beacon of stability in these dark times."

Moved by the trust and hope in Balgruuf's voice, Victor felt an anchoring connection to this land and its people—maybe in the future his people. "I'll stay. We'll face whatever comes, together."

Balgruuf nodded in approval and patted Victor's shoulder. "Excellent, let's plan to meet the day after tomorrow instead as I will be occupied with paperwork tomorrow. We can discuss this further and begin preparations."

As they concluded their meeting with a firm handshake, Victor felt the weight of his destiny in Skyrim—not just as a mage of considerable power but as a key player in its future. Stepping out into the main room of the inn, he caught Sarah's inquisitive look. Her eyes were filled with questions and concern, mirroring the thunderous energy that seemed to charge the air around them.

Crossing the room to where Sarah sat, Victor prepared himself to share everything. The night was far from over, and as the first drops of rain began to tap against the windows, he knew they were on the cusp of something monumental. The path ahead would be fraught with peril, but with Sarah by his side, and now his brother too, Victor felt ready to meet whatever challenges awaited.

"Sarah, there is much to plan and even more for me to reveal. But only if you are willing to join me on this journey," he spoke quietly, yet with a resolute tone. The raging storm outside mirrored the inner turmoil, but they could face it together, and not only survive, but thrive.

Sarah's eyes widened as she took in the enormity of his words, her hand reaching out to gently cover his. "Victor...I knew you were holding back. You've been a bit distant and... it unnerved me. It felt as though you were on the verge of disappearing." Her voice was barely above a whisper, yet it held a quiet strength.

Victor gazed into her eyes, feeling torn. He hadn't intended to push her away, but he was struggling to find a way to persuade her to join forces with him without being too forceful.

"I have no intention of disappearing, Sarah. I promise," Victor reassured her, squeezing her hand gently. "But I must warn you, the path I need to tread involves great risk."

Victor took a deep breath, the warm glow of the inn's hearth casting flickering shadows over his face, giving him a momentary look of solemnity. He leaned forward, his voice low so only Sarah could hear. "I need to be honest about a few things," he began, his eyes locked onto hers, "first, I am the younger brother of Jarl Balgruuf. I was originally traveling to Whiterun to help him with some urgent matters."

Sarah nodded slowly, absorbing his words while maintaining a calm exterior. Victor continued, weaving his tale further. "I also possess a unique ability—it's like a... skill that lets me assess a person's capabilities and emotional state, though it's just a general insight, nothing too intrusive." He chose his words carefully, mixing truth with fabrication seamlessly.

"In addition," he added cautiously, "I possess a personal pocket dimension where I have been storing everything. Plus, I have a contract with an enigmatic Daedra who rewards me for undertaking daring escapades." He observed her closely, waiting for any indication of disbelief or fear.

Sarah's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of a Daedra, a mix of worry and curiosity crossing her face. "A Daedra?" she repeated, her voice tinged with concern. "What do you know about them? Are they dangerous?"

Victor, sensing her apprehension, decided to ease her worries. He discreetly activated his Analyse skill and shared its findings on paper with her, except for the growing loyalty she felt towards him which he kept to himself. "Don't worry," he reassured her with a kind smile, "I know it may seem risky, but this Daedra has only been beneficial to me so far. And I've been cautious."

As Sarah processed the information, her gaze drifted back to Victor, a blend of trust and uncertainty in her eyes. She then caught sight of the term 'Dragonborn' in the description he provided. "Dragonborn?" she questioned, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "What does that mean exactly?"

Victor's face softened as he explained the legend of the Dragonborn in Skyrim—a figure of prophecy, imbued with the soul of a dragon, capable of wielding their powerful shouts. "It's a significant title," he concluded, "and it means you have a great destiny ahead, one that's intertwined with the dragons returning to our land."

Sarah sat back, the weight of the revelation momentarily overwhelming her. She looked into Victor's eyes, realizing he had known about her potential fate all along, yet he chose to stand by her. "You knew," she whispered, "and you still helped me."

"Yes," Victor admitted, his voice earnest, "I did. And I'll continue to do so. We're in this together now, Sarah. Our partnership, it's brought us this far, and I believe it will lead us to even greater adventures." He reached across the table, offering a reassuring squeeze of her hand. "Besides, the mysterious Daedra seems to favor our alliance, promising only rewards for our combined efforts."

Sarah, her initial shock fading into a determined resolve, nodded slowly. "Then I guess we do make a great team," she said, a smile breaking through her apprehensive expression. "Let's see where this adventure takes us."

Victor's grin widened as he felt relieved and excited by her acceptance. "I couldn't agree more," he replied, his eyes shining with excitement. "This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime. But before we make any more hasty decisions, let's get some rest and discuss this further tomorrow. We can also take some time to process everything that has happened today."


Victor wasted no time and went to his rented room and, after taking everything of he went straight to sleep, however instead of the sweet embrace of the dream world he was expecting he realised that he was no longer in his rented room. Instead, he found himself in a vast, white space that seemed to stretch on for eternity. He sat up slowly, taking in his surroundings with a mixture of confusion and awe.

He had no memory of falling asleep or leaving his room. He looked around for any clue or sign of where he might be, but all he could see was the endless white expanse.

Just as he started to panic, an unfamiliar voice echoed through the emptiness. "Welcome to my realm," it said with a hint of amusement.

Victor's eyes widened "Where am I?" he asked, looking around for any sign of the mysterious being.

"In your mind," came the reply, now seemingly coming from every direction at once. "I have brought you here to discuss your situation."

Victor instinctively reached for his staff at this cryptic statement but found that he didn't have it with him. He quickly realized that this being had complete control over this realm and there was no point in trying to fight against it.

"What do you want to discuss?" Victor asked cautiously.

The voice chuckled, the sound reverberating through the empty space. "I am your new System Administrator," it said. "The previous one, well, let's just say he's no longer available."

Victor's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the previous administrator. He remembered the voice that was specking with him when he first got to this world, but he never thought he would come face to face with it himself.

"You can call me C," the voice continued. "As one of my first clients, I'll give you one chance to modify your System to your liking. What do you think?"

"Sure, C," Victor responded, curiosity overtaking his initial shock. "Can you start by telling me what is it that you do?

"Of course," C replied. "As a System Administrator, it's my job to ensure the smooth operation of systems for individuals like yourself, reincarnated into new worlds. Your system didn't integrate properly due to... unforeseen circumstances. I'm here to fix that. While I'm at it, you'll have the opportunity to customize some of your system's functionality."

C's words echoed in Victor's mind as he tried to make sense of it all. A System Administrator? Reincarnated into new worlds? He had so many questions, but decided to focus on the task at hand.

"What kind of modifications can I make?" Victor asked.

C explained that he could modify various aspects of his system, such as skills, attributes, and even appearance. He could also unlock hidden potential within himself and gain access to unique abilities.

Victor was overwhelmed with all the possibilities. This was a chance for him to become stronger and potentially change his fate in this world. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Was it really right for him to have this much power over his own destiny?

While he was deep in thought, C continued speaking. "I understand your hesitation," C said, almost as if reading his mind. "But keep in mind that this world is not without its dangers. You will need all the help you can get."

Victor nodded in understanding. He knew that this world was not going to be easy, especially after what had happened with his comrades earlier today. He needed to be strong if he wanted to survive.

"Alright," Victor said firmly. "I want to modify my skills and abilities."

C gave a small smile at his determination before delving into the specifics of how the modifications would work.

First and foremost, let's discuss payment. This isn't all going to be done for free, do you understand? But don't worry, I'm not asking for your soul or anything like that. What I want is everything you have in your Inventory. You see, every reward it gives you is initially automated through the system. However, if I want to give you something better, it will cost me.

Victor's heart sank at the mention of payment. He should have known that there would be some catch to all of this. But then C mentioned that he wanted everything in his Inventory as payment.

"What do you mean by everything in my Inventory?" Victor asked, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

"Anything and everything that you have collected or acquired since arriving in this world," C clarified. "Items, gold, weapons, potions, even clothes."

Victor's mind raced as he thought about all the valuable items he had accumulated during his journey so far. He couldn't just give it all away. What would he have left?

C must have sensed his hesitation because he added, "Of course, I will make sure not to leave you with nothing"

Despite C's reassurance, Victor still felt uneasy about giving up everything. But then he remembered the dragon attack from earlier today and the realization hit him - he needed to become stronger if he wanted to survive.

"Fine," Victor said with a determined tone. "I'll do it."

C chuckled as he examined the items in front of him. "Not bad, not bad at all," he remarked jovially. "Looks like you forgot to turn in the equipment you were wearing outside the Inventory. I could have given you a bonus for that." He pointed at the Iron Door among the loot. "You must be a kleptomaniac or something! And these bodies are worth quite a bit, especially Elenwen and her personal guards. Did you know the horse riders were her guards?" He paused for a moment before continuing. "Well, you can keep the Thalmor Documents. And I'll leave Elenwen's head for you; I know it will come in handy. As for the gold, it's not enough to make a difference, so consider it yours. The herbs, on the other hand, are much more valuable to me as potions, so you better start brewing. But I'll take everything else - even the stones. I know a sculptor who will appreciate them more than you would. Just don't think about sending any more my way for rewards; it's all about supply and demand after all. With what you brought me today, I can definitely make it work. Let me think on it for a bit."

"Firstly, your skill Analysis—while a marvel in its own right—was starkly underpowered. So, I conceived Mystic's Gaze, a spell that embodies the very soul of Illusion and Alteration magic. It doesn't just let you see; it lets you perceive, understand, and unveil the hidden layers of the world around you."

C's voice grew more animated as he delved into the technicalities. "I weaved the fabric of Clairvoyance for pathfinding, subtly layered with Detect Life and Detect Dead, to create a multi-dimensional perception field. And, my personal touch—a hint of Invisibility magic ensures that all these insights are for your eyes only. A private HUD, if you will, that's as much a part of Skyrim as the auroras in its night sky."

Mystic's Gaze

School of Magic: Illusion/Alteration

Cost: Novice/Expert

Description: Reveals the unseen, the hidden, the treasures, and dangers of the world around you. See through the fabric of reality to uncover secrets meant for the eyes of the chosen.

Shifting gears, C's tone took on a note of excitement. "Now, onto Enhanced Telekinesis. This was a delightful challenge. I enhanced the traditional Telekinesis spell, allowing for a more nuanced control and interaction with your environment. Objects can now be manipulated with precision, and with a flare of Destruction magic for a bit of... let's say, enhanced impact."

Enhanced Telekinesis

School of Magic: Alteration

Cost: Adept-level

Description: Manipulate objects with unparalleled precision from a distance. With Enhanced

Telekinesis, the world is yours to control, whether lifting treasures or wielding weapons.

"And then there's Arcane Gatherer Its creation was inspired by the combination of Enhanced Telekinesis for item manipulation, Mystic's Gaze for the enhanced perception of value, and, of course, the spatial flexibility of your Inventory. Together, they form a spell of unparalleled utility for an adventurer like yourself."

"This spell," C continued, "is not just a tool for ease and convenience; it's a manifestation of your adaptability and ingenuity within Skyrim. With Arcane Gatherer, the treasures of the land are literally at your fingertips, ready to aid in your journey or to be utilized in furthering your mastery of Skyrim's crafts."

Arcane Gatherer

School of Magic: Alteration

Cost: Adept-level

Description: Scans for and draws any valuable items within a radius directly to the caster. Why search when the treasures of Skyrim can come to you?

C's enthusiasm didn't wane as he bridged into the grand finale of his magical innovations for Victor. The pride in his voice was evident as he prepared to unveil the pièce de résistance of his spellcrafting ingenuity.

"However, the true marvel, the crowning achievement of my endeavour, is the Arsenal of the Ancients," C announced, his voice imbued with a gravity that demanded Victor's full attention.

"Inspired by legends beyond Skyrim's realm—specifically, Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon or EMYA's Unlimited Blade Works—this ability transcends the ordinary boundaries of spellcasting."

C, with a tone of unmistakable pride, continued, "Arsenal of the Ancients is not merely a spell; it is a power—a manifestation of your will that bends the very essence of Skyrim to your command. Once per day, at your behest, it summons forth an array of spectral weapons from your Inventory.

Like sentinels answering a call to arms, they launch towards your enemies, each projectile homing in with precision that belies their ethereal nature."

He delved deeper into the workings of this extraordinary power, weaving a narrative that highlighted his clever utilization of Skyrim's existing magical principles. "By harnessing the targeting prowess of Chain Lightning, the kinetic force of Enhanced Telekinesis, and the analytical precision of Mystic's Gaze, we've created a symphony of destruction. Each weapon, each item within your Inventory, becomes a potential harbinger of your might. And with the spatial dynamics afforded by the Inventory, the arsenal at your disposal is both vast and varied."

C paused, allowing Victor to digest the magnitude of what was being bestowed upon him. "This power, due to its intense energy requirements and the delicate balance it must maintain within Skyrim's magical ecosystem, is indeed limited to a single invocation per day. But make no mistake, Victor, when unleashed, the Arsenal of the Ancients can turn the tide of any battle, rendering you not just a formidable mage but a veritable force of nature."

The description of Arsenal of the Ancients concluded with C providing Victor with a detailed visualization of how this power would manifest:

Arsenal of the Ancients - Once per day, summon an arsenal from your Inventory. This arsenal consists of any weapons or items you choose, transforming them into projectiles that seek out your enemies with unerring accuracy. This master-level power consumes no Magicka but draws directly from the Aetherius, requiring a full day to recharge.

As C wrapped up his explanation, there was a brief silence, filled only by Victor's thoughts racing to grasp the full implications of these revelations. The weight of the conversation, mixed with the levity of C's occasional jest, left Victor in a state of reflective anticipation.

"Wow, C... that's a lot to take in. But I have to admit, the Arsenal of the Ancients sounds like something out of a legend," Victor said, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief. "It's almost hard to believe that I'll have such power at my disposal."

"Believe it, Victor. Believe and embrace it," C's tone was solemn but encouraging. "But use these spells wisely."

Victor nodded, fully understanding the weight of what he was being told. "I understand, C. And I vow to use these powers for good."

C laughed deeply, the sound reverberating through the room. "That's all I wanted to hear, Victor. Remember, magic is a tool - it can create or destroy."

"I will keep that in mind," Victor said sincerely.

"Good," C nodded. "Now, don't expect such favorable deals from me every time we meet. This was just a special first-time offer."

"I understand."

"Next, I have a task for you. A necromancer I know has asked me for information on different types of zombies. Normally, I wouldn't bother with this request, but luckily for us, Bleak Falls Barrow is nearby. Inside, you can find all kinds of Draugr - from the most common to Overlords and even a Dragon Priest. Bring back as many as you can in good condition and I promise you won't regret it."

Victor didn't have a chance to speak before C jumped in. "I need to tell you something else," C continued. "You can only meet with me during your sleep until I figure out why the previous administrator disappeared. We don't want to attract too much attention, so feel free to continue telling people that I am a Draeda. See you later." And just like that, without any warning or hesitation, C dismissed Victor.

Autor note: Hello again, I had a bit of difficulty of thinking how can I make Victor integrate himself in this world and I decided that he is in fact took over somebody's body as opposed to just appearing out of nowhere, this way I can make him take part(force him) in more events and give him a reason to care about more people, Why would he care I hear you ask, you'll see in the next chapter.

One other thing I would like to ad in the tags is "Unreliable narrator" and a description apt for Victor is "he is a genius put he is stupid as f@ck" he will miss obvious things in exchange for things that are so minor no one would otherwise notice, like how C said his system was faulty, or how he did not comment on the fact that C is not his first System Administrator, who are they anyway and what do they want should be a verry important question after all. If I were more experienced writer maybe I would be able to convey these things better but oh well, I hope I am able to learn how to do staff like this in the future.

No more loot for today. Tell me people, should I keep adding it at the end of the chapters or not?

Ps. As always I would like it very much if you see any mistakes or inconsistencies you would let me know as that would help me create a much better story. Thank you very much.

Pps. Unfortunately I got a VR headset and I have been spending most of my free time on it. I intend to play Skyrim VR on it so I think I'll spend more time on it. I'll try to make Victor and Sarah in the game see if I get any ideas.

Another chapter is comin tomorow, Thanks.

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